Adaptive traffic optimization using Variable Speed Limits; Adaptacyjna optymalizacja ruchu drogowego przy pomocy zmiennych ograniczeń prędkości - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Adaptive traffic optimization using Variable Speed Limits; Adaptacyjna optymalizacja ruchu drogowego przy pomocy zmiennych ograniczeń prędkości


Variable speed limits (VSL) is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) solution for traffic management. The speed limits can be changed dynamically in order to adapt to traffic, weather, or road surface conditions. This paper presents an approach for such an adaptive traffic control where the primary goal is to ensure traffic safety and efficiency of the traffic control system (fast response to dynamically changing traffic, weather and road surface conditions). In the case of the straight roads, the method takes into account road surface conditions, visibility, and traffic density. In the case of bends, it takes into account the curvature and the road adhesion but also tries to harmonize speed before and after the bend. The experiments on a selected road segment conducted using a simulation framework SUMO with various traffic flows and weather conditions showed that the method works fine and is able to reduce the speed of cars to safe values depending on the road surface conditions, visibility, and traffic.

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publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
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Bibliographic description:
Gora P.: Adaptive traffic optimization using Variable Speed Limits; Adaptacyjna optymalizacja ruchu drogowego przy pomocy zmiennych ograniczeń prędkości// / : , 2020,
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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