AutoCAD: Examination of Factors Influencing User Adoption - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


AutoCAD: Examination of Factors Influencing User Adoption


The primary purpose of the research is to examine and validate determinants of user intention to use AutoCAD software, utilising the constructs from prior studies in a more integrated model. The paper proposes a revised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for measuring the adoption of AutoCAD. In the study, a latent construct PPA (perceived physical accessibility) was added to the proposed research model as a new determinant of AutoCAD adoption. An online survey of AutoCAD users was conducted to collect data. This data was empirically used to test the proposed research model. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique was used to evaluate the causal model, and the confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model. The study results show that user behavioural intention to use AutoCAD is significantly affected by three determinants: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived physical accessibility of the software. This finding contributes to an expanded understanding of the factors that promote acceptance of AutoCAD software. Moreover, the main contribution of this study is to verify the impact of the added PPA variable on the behavioural intention to use and the actual use of AutoCAD, and also to create measurement scales for this new latent variable in TAM.


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Published in:
Engineering Management in Production and Services no. 12, pages 45 - 56,
ISSN: 2543-6597
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Baj-Rogowska A.: AutoCAD: Examination of Factors Influencing User Adoption// Engineering Management in Production and Services -Vol. 12,iss. 1 (2020), s.45-56
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.2478/emj-2020-0004
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