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Participatory approach to urban regeneration processes in polish cities and regions
PublicationThe paper presents the impact of EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 on regeneration processes which are implemented in Polish towns, cities and metropolis when emphasizing general formal and legal framework including examination of the possible distribution of EU funds for regeneration projects within the regional operational programmes. The paper focuses on different approaches to the implementation of Cohesion Policy in Polish regions....
Smart growth - is it a fairytale or the best initiative for polish cities and their functional regions?
PublicationThe paper presents smart growth perceived as natural step in sustainable development understanding.
Smart Growth – Is It a Fairy Tale or the Best Initiative for Polish Cities and Their Functional Regions?
Polish Regions in Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy
PublicationPolskie regiony w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy. Innowacje jako motor rozwoju regionalnego. Rola regionalnych strategii innowacji (RIS). Fundamentem RIS są technologie innowacyjne i kompleksy naukowo-badawcze. Warunkiem jest rozwój społeczeństwa wiedzy.
PublicationEvery Polish region (in the paper understood as a voivodship) is an inspiring ground for comparative studies on the national as well as European scale, i.e. with regard to the administrative units of the other European countries. The aim of the article is to advance the conclusions concerning the Regional Innovation Scoreboard – a European instrument applied to examine the innovation capacity of European regions – with the issues...
Forecasted climate changes and their influence on cities and regions in 2050 in terms of extreme hydrological events
PublicationGlobal climate change is a problem which arises numerous theories and uncertainties, especially in terms of speculated human impact. Independent from the fact, what is the main driver for the changes, some of the climate shifts are visible already nowadays. Both contemporary and future cities will have to face such problems. Although climate change may cause numerous effects on different fields, a special stress in this article...
Implementation of road safety programmes in Polish regions and poviats
PublicationZarządzanie bezpieczeństwem ruchu jest słabą stroną zarządzania drogami i ruchem drogowym w Polsce. W referacie przedstawiono sposób usystematyzowanego podejścia do struktury i organizacji takiego zarządzania bazując w tym na dotychczasowym doświadczeniu uzyskanym przy tworzeniu regionalnych programów poprawy brd w Polsce.
Port Cities within Port Regions: Shaping Complex Urban Environments in Gdańsk Bay, Poland
PublicationPort cities located within various metropolitan or functional regions face very different development scenarios. This applies not only to entire municipalities but also to particular areas that play important roles in urban development—including ports as well as their specialized parts. This refers also to the various types of maritime industries, including the processing of goods, logistics operations, shipbuilding, or ship repairing,...
The Effect of University Campuses on the Modal Split of Polish Cities
PublicationThe article considers the effect Polish public universities have on the characteristics of urban traffic. The article describes how the public university community has changed over 25 years and its share in the urban population. The characteristics of the modal split in Polish university towns is given based on selected cases. The relation between the share of transport modes in the modal split and the size of towns or university...
Public Lighting in a Context of Regeneration Processes in Polish Cities
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to reflect on the role of electric lighting design in urban regeneration processes. The landscape of the modern city is the result of an accumulation of the various physical, economic, social and cultural layers over the centuries. Urban lighting may be described as one of the physical layers which due recent developments in the technology of efficient light sources overcomes a major evolution. With...