Search results for: SIEMENS INVESTMENTS ABROAD - Bridge of Knowledge


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  • Mutual Attraction: Siemens Activities in Italy 1855-1968


    - Year 2019

    The chapter deals with Siemens investments in Italy between 1855 and 1968. The contribution shows how the two war influenced the strategies of the company

  • Ryszard Bielski dr inż.


    A practitioner and a longtime manager of engineering management and logistics logistics in the country and abroad, president of the management boards of domestic and German construction and shipbuilding companies, former director of the logistics department at the Naval Shipyard in Gdynia. Project Manager implementing large projects in the Netherlands and Germany in cooperation with, among others with Thyssen AG, Hochtief AG, Lindenau...

  • Revitalization of Sopot - The Seaside Spa Town in Poland


    - Year 2016

    Sopot is a Polish seaside resort. In the past - as early as at the beginning of the 20th century - this town was famous for the healing opportunities they created: good conditions for resting and recreation. This town was places where everyone with enough selfesteem was willing to be seen. Since the post-war reconstruction until 1989 (establishment of local governments in Poland), not much has happened in Polish cities in terms...

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  • Werner Siemens i jego upamiętnienie


    Werner Siemens żył w latach 1816-1892, w czasach niezwykłego postępu w naukach przyrodniczych i największych odkryć w zakresie elektrotechniki. Jako osoba z wykształceniem technicznym i niezwykłym zacięciem naukowym, przez całe życie łączył te dwie działalności. Jego prace naukowe służyły rozwojowi techniki, a wdrażane rozwiązania techniczne wymuszały tematy prowadzonych badań. Wykazał się też talentem jako przedsiębiorca. Założone...

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  • Is Financialization Killing Commodity Investments?

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  • Automatyczne urządzenia przełączające nn - oferta firmy Siemens


    - Year 2006

    Układy samoczynnego załaczania rezerwy zasilania (SZR), okrełslane w PN-EN 60947-6-1 jako automatyczne urządzenia przełaczające (ATSE ang. Automatic Transfer Switching Equipment) są przeznaczone do zapewnienia ciągłosci zasilania odbiorców energii elektrycznej. W artykule omówiono klasyfikację ATSE, budowę blokad aparatów wykonawczych oraz zalecane czasy zadzialania ATSE. Przedstawiono automatyczne urządzenia przełaczające oferowane...

  • Badania i analiza właściwości szerokopasmowej sieci dostępowej FASTLINK firmy Siemens


    - Year 1999

    Przedstawiono opis systemu FASTLINK i szczegółową metodologię badań szerokopasmowej sieci dostępowej FASTLINK firmy Siemens. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań i opracowano wnioski.

  • The role of investments in economic development


    - Year 2009

    In the modern world, one may observe diversification of economies of given countries. Many of them, considered to be less developed,are aspiring to diminish the gap between them and well developed countries, one of such countries is Poland, which is trying hard to boots its competitive position in the worldwide market and achieve the constant and well-balanced development. It can be attained by building knowledge economy. Therefore,...

  • A role of an Enterprise Identification Card in a building process of water tourist investments

    An essential element of a building process for water tourist investments in Poland is a document called the Enterprise Identification Card. It is required for the investments, which are classified according to the Regulation [1] as the ones that could potentially impact the environment. It is assumed that KIP is there to protect the environment against the excessive human interference and it just provides the guidelines regarding...

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  • Chinese Foreign Direct Investments in Europe. The Polish Case


    The first aim of this paper is to analyze the features that have motivated Chinese outbound investments in the European Union. The paper outlines also the policies adopted by the European institutions and its member states to encourage the increase of the Chinese FDI without harming the internal European market, and consequently phase out all concerns that are afflicting the European public opinion. The second purpose is more focused...