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Search results for: multi-population algorithms
Signature Partitioning Using Selected Population-Based Algorithms
PublicationDynamic signature is a biometric attribute which is commonly used for identity verification. Artificial intelligence methods, especially population-based algorithms (PBAs), can be very useful in the dynamic signature verification process. They are able to, among others, support selection of the most characteristic descriptors of the signature or perform signature partitioning. In this paper, we focus on creating the most characteristic...
JADE-Based A-Team as a Tool for Implementing Population-Based Algorithms
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Dynamic Signature Vertical Partitioning Using Selected Population-Based Algorithms
PublicationThe dynamic signature is a biometric attribute used for identity verification. It contains information on dynamics of the signing process. There are many approaches to the dynamic signature verification, including the one based on signature partitioning. Partitions are the regions created on the basis of signals describing the dynamics of the signature. They contain information on the shape of the signature characteristic of a...
Multi-agent graph searching and exploration algorithms
PublicationA team of mobile entities, which we refer to as agents or searchers interchangeably, starting from homebases needs to complete a given task in a graph.The goal is to build a strategy, which allows agents to accomplish their task. We analyze strategies for their effectiveness (e.g., the number of used agents, the total number of performed moves by the agents or the completion time).Currently, the fields of on-line (i.e., agents...
Genetics algorithms in multi-objective optimization of detection observer
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawia się możliwości zastosowania podejścia genetycznegodo zagadnień wielokryterialnej optymalizacji w przestrzeniach wielowymiaro-wych z wykorzystaniem koncepcji optymalności w sensie Pareto. Jako przykładilustrujący rozważane podejście daje się zadanie syntezy obserwatorów stanusłużących wykrywaniu błądów występujących w układzie sterowania bezzałogowe-go statku latającego oraz w układzie napędowym jednostki...
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Comparison of Single and Multi-Population Evolutionary Algorithm for Path Planning in Navigation Situation
PublicationIn this paper a comparison of single and multi-population evolutionary algorithm is presented. Tested algorithms are used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. Principle of operation of single-population and multi-population evolutionary algorithm is described....
Multi-criterion decision making in distributed systems by quantum evolutionary algorithms
PublicationDecision making by the AQMEA (Adaptive Quantum-based Multi-criterion Evolutionary Algorithm) has been considered for distributed computer systems. AQMEA has been extended by a chromosome representation with the registry of the smallest units of quantum information. Evolutionary computing with Q-bit chromosomes has been proofed to characterize by the enhanced population diversity than other representations, since individuals represent...
CDKN2A common variant and multi-organ cancer risk—a population-based study
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Study of Multi-Class Classification Algorithms’ Performance on Highly Imbalanced Network Intrusion Datasets
PublicationThis paper is devoted to the problem of class imbalance in machine learning, focusing on the intrusion detection of rare classes in computer networks. The problem of class imbalance occurs when one class heavily outnumbers examples from the other classes. In this paper, we are particularly interested in classifiers, as pattern recognition and anomaly detection could be solved as a classification problem. As still a major part of...