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Cost‐efficient performance‐driven modelling of multi‐band antennas by variable‐fidelity electromagnetic simulations and customized space mapping
PublicationElectromagnetic (EM) simulations have become an indispensable tool in the design of contemporary antennas. EM‐driven tasks, for example, parametric optimization, entail considerable computational efforts, which may be reduced by employing surrogate models. Yet, data‐driven modelling of antenna characteristics is largely hindered by the curse of dimensionality. This may be addressed using the recently reported domain‐confinement...
Reduced-Cost Microwave Modeling Using Constrained Domains and Dimensionality Reduction
PublicationDevelopment of modern microwave devices largely exploits full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Yet, simulation-driven design may be problematic due to the incurred CPU expenses. Addressing the high-cost issues stimulated the development of surrogate modeling methods. Among them, data-driven techniques seem to be the most widespread owing to their flexibility and accessibility. Nonetheless, applicability of approximation-based...
Nested Kriging Surrogates for Rapid Multi-Objective Optimization of Compact Microwave Components
PublicationA procedure for rapid EM-based multi-objective optimization of compact microwave components is presented. Our methodology employs a recently developed nested kriging modelling to identify the search space region containing the Pareto-optimal designs, and to construct a fast surrogate model. The latter permits determination of the initial Pareto set, further refined using a separate surrogate-assisted process. As an illustration,...
A new approach to a fast and accurate design of microwave circuits with complex topologies
PublicationA robust simulation-driven design methodology of microwave circuits with complex topologies has been presented. The general method elaborated is suitable for a wide class of N-port unconventional microwave circuits constructed as a deviation from classic design solutions. The key idea of the approach proposed lies in an iterative redesign of a conventional circuit by a sequential modification and optimisation of its atomic building...
Optimization-Based Robustness Enhancement of Compact Microwave Component Designs with Response Feature Regression Surrogates
PublicationThe ability to evaluate the effects of fabrication tolerances and other types of uncertainties is a critical part of microwave design process. Improving the immunity of the device to parameter deviations is equally important, especially when the performance specifications are stringent and can barely be met even assuming a perfect manufacturing process. In the case of modern miniaturized microwave components of complex topologies,...
Accurate Modeling of Frequency Selective Surfaces Using Fully-Connected Regression Model with Automated Architecture Determination and Parameter Selection Based on Bayesian Optimization
PublicationSurrogate modeling has become an important tool in the design of high-frequency structures. Although full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools provide an accurate account for the circuit characteristics and performance, they entail considerable computational expenditures. Replacing EM analysis by fast surrogates provides a way to accelerate the design procedures. Unfortunately, modeling of microwave passives is a challenging...
Recent advances in high-frequency modeling by means of domain confinement and nested kriging
PublicationDevelopment of modern high-frequency components and circuits is heavily based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Some phenomena, although important from the point of view of the system performance, e.g., EM cross-coupling effects, feed radiation in antenna arrays, substrate anisotropy, cannot be adequately accounted for using simpler means such as equivalent network representations. Consequently, the involvement...
Antenna Optimization Using Machine Learning with Reduced-Dimensionality Surrogates
PublicationIn modern times, antenna design has become more demanding than ever. The escalating requirements for performance and functionality drive the development of intricately structured antennas, where parameters must be meticulously adjusted to achieve peak performance. Often, global adjustments to geometry are necessary for optimal results. However, direct manipulation of antenna responses evaluated with full-wave electromagnetic (EM)...
Global Miniaturization of Broadband Antennas by Prescreening and Machine Learning
PublicationThe development of contemporary electronic components, particularly antennas, places significant emphasis on miniaturization. This trend is driven by the emergence of technologies such as mobile communications, the internet of things, radio-frequency identification, and implantable devices. The need for small size is accompanied by heightened demands on electrical and field properties, posing a considerable challenge for antenna...
Fast surrogate-assisted simulation-driven design of compact microwave hybrid couplers
PublicationThis work presents a robust methodology for expedited simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave hybrid couplers. The technique relies on problem decomposition, and a bot-tom–up design strategy, starting from the level of basic building blocks of the coupler, and finishing with a tuning procedure that exploits a fast surrogate model of the entire structure. The latter is constructed by cascading local response surface...
Accelerated multi-objective design optimization of antennas by surrogate modeling and domain segmentation
PublicationMulti-objective optimization yields indispensable information about the best possible design trade-offs of an antenna structure, yet it is challenging if full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is utilized for performance evaluation. The latter is a necessity for majority of contemporary antennas as it is the only way of achieving acceptable modeling accuracy. In this paper, a procedure for accelerated multi-objective design of...
Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization
PublicationIn order to minimize the number of evaluations of high-fidelity (“fine”) model in the optimization process, to increase the optimization speed, and to improve optimal solution accuracy, a robust and computational-efficient multi-fidelity local surrogate-model optimization method is proposed. Based on the principle of response surface approximation, the proposed method exploits the multi-fidelity coarse models and polynomial interpolation...
Nested Space Mapping Technology for Expedite EM-driven Design of Compact RF/microwave Components
PublicationA robust simulation-driven methodology for rapid and reliable design of RF/microwave circuits comprising compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs) is presented. We introduce a nested space mapping (NSM) technology, in which the inner space mapping layer is utilized to improve the generalization capabilities of the equivalent circuit model corresponding to a constitutive element of the circuit under consideration. The outer layer...
Low-Cost Design Optimization of Microwave Passives Using Multi-Fidelity EM Simulations and Selective Broyden Updates
PublicationGeometry parameters of contemporary microwave passives have to be carefully tuned in the final stages of their design process to ensure the best possible performance. For reliability reasons, the tuning has to be to be carried out at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. This is because traditional modeling methods are incapable of quantifying certain phenomena that may affect operation and performance of these...
Efficient Multi-Objective Simulation-Driven Antenna Design Using Co-Kriging
PublicationA methodology for fast multi-objective antenna optimization is presented. Our approach is based on response surface approximation (RSA) modeling and variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations. In the design process, a computationally cheap RSA surrogate model constructed from sampled coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations is optimized using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The initially determined Pareto...
Constrained multi-objective optimization of compact microwave circuits by design triangulation and pareto front interpolation
PublicationDevelopment of microwave components is an inherently multi-objective task. This is especially pertinent to the design closure stage, i.e., final adjustment of geometry and/or material parameters carried out to improve the electrical performance of the system. The design goals are often conflicting so that the improvement of one normally leads to a degradation of others. Compact microwave passives constitute a representative case:...
Reduced-cost surrogate modeling of input characteristics and design optimization of dual-band antennas using response features
PublicationIn this article, a procedure for low-cost surrogate modeling of input characteristics of dual-band antennas has been discussed. The number of training data required for construction of an accurate model has been reduced by representing the antenna reflection response to the level of suitably defined feature points. The points are allocated to capture the critical features of the reflection characteristic, such as the frequencies...
Computationally Efficient Design Optimization of Compact Microwave and Antenna Structures
PublicationMiniaturization is one of the important concerns of contemporary wireless communication systems, especially regarding their passive microwave components, such as filters, couplers, power dividers, etc., as well as antennas. It is also very challenging, because adequate performance evaluation of such components requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation, which is computationally expensive. Although high-fidelity EM analysis...
Rapid multi-objective simulation-driven design of compact microwave circuits
PublicationA methodology for rapid multi-objective design of compact microwave circuits is proposed. Our approach exploits point-by-point Pareto set identification using surrogate-based optimization techniques, auxiliary equivalent circuit models, and space mapping as the major model correction method. The proposed technique is illustrated and validated through the design of a compact rat-race coupler. A set of ten designs being trade-offs...
Variable-fidelity CFD models and co-Kriging for expedited multi-objective aerodynamic design optimization
PublicationPurpose – Strategies for accelerated multi-objective optimization of aerodynamic surfaces are investigated, including the possibility of exploiting surrogate modeling techniques for computational fluid dynamic (CFD)-driven design speedup of such surfaces. The purpose of this paper is to reduce the overall optimization time. Design/methodology/approach – An algorithmic framework is described that is composed of: a search space reduction,...
Expedited design of microstrip antenna subarrays using surrogate-based optimization
PublicationComputationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. The proposed design approach aims at simultaneous adjustment of all relevant geometry parameters of the subarray, which allows us to take into account the effect of the feeding network on the subarray radiation pattern (in particular, the side lobe level, SLL). In order to handle a large number of variables involved in the design process,...
On Reduced-Cost Design-Oriented Constrained Surrogate Modeling of Antenna Structures
PublicationDesign of contemporary antenna structures heavily relies on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Such models are essential to ensure reliability of evaluating antenna characteristics, yet, they are computationally expensive and therefore unsuitable for handling tasks that require multiple analyses, e.g., parametric optimization. The cost issue can be alleviated by using fast surrogate models. Conventional data-driven...
Implicit Space Mapping for Variable-Fidelity EM-Driven Design of Compact Circuits
PublicationSpace mapping (SM) belongs to the most successful surrogate-based optimization (SBO) methods in microwave engineering. Among available SM variations, implicit SM (ISM) is particularly attractive due to its simplicity and separation of extractable surrogate model parameters and design variables of the circuit/system at hand. Unlike other SM approaches, ISM exploits a set of preassigned parameters to align the surrogate with the...
Rapid Microwave Design Optimization in Frequency Domain Using Adaptive Response Scaling
PublicationIn this paper, a novel methodology for cost-efficient microwave design optimization in the frequency domain is proposed. Our technique, referred to as adaptive response scaling (ARS), has been developed for constructing a fast replacement model (surrogate) of the high-fidelity electromagnetic-simulated model of the microwave structure under design using its equivalent circuit (low-fidelity model). The basic principle of ARS is...
Low-cost EM-Simulation-based Multi-objective Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microwave Structures
PublicationIn this work, a simple yet reliable technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of miniaturized microwave structures is discussed. The proposed methodology is based on point-by-point identification of a Pareto-optimal set of designs representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives such as electrical performance parameters as well as the size of the structure of interest. For the sake of computational...
A bisection‐based heuristic for rapid EM‐driven multiobjective design of compact impedance transformers
PublicationDesign of microwave structures is a multiobjective task where several conflicting requirements have to be considered at the same time. For contemporary circuits characterized by complex geometries, multiobjective optimization cannot be performed using standard population‐based algorithms due to high cost of electromagnetic (EM) evaluations. In this work, we propose a deterministic approach for fast EM‐driven multiobjective design...
Small Antenna Design Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
PublicationIn this work, design of small antennas using efficient numerical optimization is investigated. We exploit variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations and the adaptively adjusted design specifications (AADS) technique. Combination of these methods allows us to simultaneously adjust multiple geometry parameters of the antenna structure of interest in a computationally feasible manner, leading to substantial reduction of the...
Design of a Planar UWB Dipole Antenna with an Integrated Balun Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
PublicationA design of an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with an integrated balun is presented. A fully planar balun configuration interfacing the microstrip input of the structure to the coplanar stripline (CPS) input of the dipole antenna is introduced. The electromagnetic (EM) model of the structure of interest includes the dipole, the balun, and the microstrip input to account for coupling and radiation effects over the UWB band. The EM...
Design of microstrip antenna subarrays: a simulation-driven surrogate-based approach
PublicationA methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (here, a corporate network) on the subarray side-lobe level and allows adjustment of both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces...
Editorial for the special issue on advances in forward and inverse surrogate modeling for high-frequency design
PublicationThe design of modern‐day high‐frequency devices and circuits, including microwave/RF, antenna and photonic components, historically has relied on full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Initially used for design verification, EM simulations are nowadays used in the design process itself, for example, for finding optimum values of geometry and/or material parameters of the structures of interest. In a growing number of...
Response features for fast EM-driven design of miniaturized impedance matching transformers
PublicationA framework for low-cost EM-driven design optimization of compact impedance matching transformers is presented. Our technique is based on a bottom-up design where design requirements for the transformer circuit are translated into specifications for its building blocks. These elementary cells are optimized using response features. Subsequently, the entire circuit is fine-tuned using local response surface approximation models and...
Nested Space Mapping Technique for Design and Optimization of Complex Microwave Structures with Enhanced Functionality
PublicationIn this work, we discuss a robust simulation-driven methodology for rapid and reliable design of complex microwave/RF circuits with enhanced functionality. Our approach exploits nested space mapping (NSM) technology, which is dedicated to expedite simulation-driven design optimization of computationally demanding microwave structures with complex topologies. The enhanced func-tionality of the developed circuits is achieved by means...
Improved-Efficacy EM-Driven Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Adaptive Design Specifications and Variable-Resolution Models
PublicationOptimization-driven parameter tuning is an essential step in the design of antenna systems. Although in many cases it is still conducted through parametric studies, rigorous numerical methods become a necessity if truly optimum designs are sought for, and the problem intricacies (number of variables, multiple goals, constraints) make the interactive approaches insufficient. The two practical considerations of electromagnetic (EM)-driven...
Rapid Design of 3D Reflectarray Antennas by Inverse Surrogate Modeling and Regularization
PublicationReflectarrays (RAs) exhibit important advantages over conventional antenna arrays, especially in terms of realizing pencil-beam patterns without the employment of the feeding networks. Unfortunately, microstrip RA implementations feature narrow bandwidths, and are severely affected by losses. A considerably improved performance can be achieved for RAs involving grounded dielectric layers, which are also easy to manufacture using...
Strategies for computationally feasible multi-objective simulation-driven design of compact RF/microwave components
PublicationMulti-objective optimization is indispensable when possible trade-offs between various (and usually conflicting) design objectives are to be found. Identification of such design alternatives becomes very challenging when performance evaluation of the structure/system at hand is computationally expensive. Compact RF and microwave components are representative examples of such a situation: due to highly compressed layouts and considerable...
A Generalized SDP Multi-Objective Optimization Method for EM-Based Microwave Device Design
PublicationIn this article, a generalized sequential domain patching (GSDP) method for efficient multi-objective optimization based on electromagnetics (EM) simulation is proposed. The GSDP method allowing fast searching for Pareto fronts for two and three objectives is elaborated in detail in this paper. The GSDP method is compared with the NSGA-II method using multi-objective problems in the DTLZ series, and the results show the GSDP method...
Novel structure and EM-driven design of miniaturized microstrip rat-race coupler
PublicationIn this paper, a novel structure and design procedure of a miniaturized microstrip rat-race coupler (RRC) is described. Small size of the RRC is achieved by folding the transmission lines of the conventional circuit into its interior, as well as by implementation of the structure on three layers. The final size of the coupler realized for the operating frequency of 1 GHz is only 220 mm2, which gives over 95% footprint reduction...
Novel Structure and EM-Driven Design of Small UWB Monopole Antenna
PublicationA novel structure of a small UWB monopole antenna is presented. In our approach, a compact size is achieved by means of a meander line for current path enlargement as well as the two parameterized slits that introduce additional degrees of freedom helping to ensure good impedance matching. The antenna design is carried out using surrogate-based optimization involving variable-fidelity EM simulations. This allows us to simultaneously...
Expedited Yield-Driven Design of High-Frequency Structures by Kriging Surrogates in Confined Domains
PublicationUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, also pertaining to the development and performance evaluation of high-frequency structures systems. Manufacturing tolerances as well as other types of uncertainties, related to material parameters (e.g., substrate permittivity) or operating conditions (e.g., bending) may affect the characteristics of antennas or microwave devices. For example, in the case...
Fundamentals of Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling
PublicationThe primary topic of the book is surrogate modeling and surrogate-based design of high-frequency structures. The purpose of the first two chapters is to provide the reader with an overview of the two most important classes of modeling methods, data-driven (or approx-imation), as well as physics-based ones. These are covered in Chap-ters 1 and 2, respectively. The remaining parts of the book give an exposition of the specific aspects...
Design-oriented computationally-efficient feature-based surrogate modelling of multi-band antennas with nested kriging
PublicationDesign of modern antenna structures heavily depends on electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. EM analysis provides reliable evaluation of increasingly complex designs but tends to be CPU intensive. When multiple simulations are needed (e.g., for parameters tuning), the aggregated simulation cost may become a serious bottleneck. As one possible way of mitigating the issue, the recent literature fosters utilization of faster representations,...
Rapid design optimization of antennas using variable-fidelity EM models and adjoint sensitivities
PublicationPurpose – Development of techniques for expedited design optimization of complex and numerically expensive electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of antenna structures validated both numerically and experimentally. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – The optimization task is performed using a technique that combines gradient search with adjoint sensitivities, trust region framework, as well as...
Rapid EM-Driven Design of Compact RF Circuits By Means of Nested Space Mapping
PublicationA methodology for rapid design of RF circuits constituted by compact microstrip resonant-cells (CMRCs) is presented. Our approach exploits nested space mapping (NSM) technology, where the inner SM layer is used to correct the equivalent circuit model at the CMRC level, whereas the outer layer enhances the coarse model of the entire structure under design. We demonstrate that NSM dramatically improves performance of surrogate-based...
A design framework for rigorous constrained EM-driven optimization of miniaturized antennas with circular polarization
PublicationCompact radiators with circular polarization are important components of modern mobile communication systems. Their design is a challenging process which requires maintaining simultaneous control over several performance figures but also the structure size. In this work, a novel design framework for multi-stage constrained miniaturization of antennas with circular polarization is presented. The method involves sequential optimization...
Zero-Pole Approach in Microwave Passive Circuit Design
PublicationIn this thesis, optimization strategies for design of microwave passive structures including filters, couplers, antenna and impedance transformer and construction of various surroogate models utilized to fasten the design proces have been discussed. Direct and hybrid optimization methodologies including space mapping and multilevel algorithms combined with various surrogate models at different levels of fidelity have been utilized...
Rapid Simulation-Driven Multiobjective Design Optimization of Decomposable Compact Microwave Passives
PublicationIn this paper, a methodology for fast multiobjective optimization of the miniaturized microwave passives has been presented. Our approach is applicable to circuits that can be decomposed into individual cells [e.g., compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs)]. The structures are individually modeled using their corresponding equivalent circuits and aligned with their accurate, EM simulated...
Fast multi-objective design optimization of microwave and antenna structures using data-driven surrogates and domain segmentation
PublicationPurpose Strategies and algorithms for expedited design optimization of microwave and antenna structures in multi-objective setup are investigated. Design/methodology/approach Formulation of the multi-objective design problem oriented towards execution of the population-based metaheuristic algorithm within the segmented search space is investigated. Described algorithmic framework exploit variable fidelity modeling, physics- and...
Expedited simulation-driven design optimization of UWB antennas by means of response features
PublicationIn this work, a method for fast design optimization of broadband antennas is considered. The approach is based on a feature-based optimization (FBO) concept where reflection characteristics of the structure at hand are formulated in terms of suitably defined feature points. Redefinition of the design problem allows for reducing the design optimization cost, because the dependence of feature point coordinates on antenna dimensions...
Efficient Multi-Fidelity Design Optimization of Microwave Filters Using Adjoint Sensitivity
PublicationA simple and robust algorithm for computationally efficient design optimiza-tion of microwave filters is presented. Our approach exploits a trust-region (TR)-based algorithm that utilizes linear approximation of the filter response obtained using adjoint sensitivity. The algorithm is sequentially executed on a family of electromagnetic (EM)-simulated models of different fidelities, starting from a coarse-discretization one, and...
Analysis of circular polarization antenna design trade‐offs using low‐cost EM‐driven multiobjective optimization
PublicationCircular polarization (CP) antennas are vital components of modern communication systems. Their design involves handling several requirements such as low reflection and axial ratio (AR) within the frequency range of interest. Small size is an important criterion for antenna mobility which is normally achieved as a by‐product of performance‐oriented modifications of the structure topology. In this work, multiobjective optimization...