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Search results for: GROUNDWATER RECHARGE
Groundwater recharge assessment in dry years
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Preliminary estimation of groundwater recharge on Brda river outwash plain
PublicationEstimation of groundwater recharge is one of the most challenging subjects in hydrogeology. It is a critical factor influencing the pollution migration, assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, small-scale groundwater budget calculation, modeling of nutrient cycling and detailed flow path calculations. In Poland an infiltration rate method is widely used, which depends on a system of rate coefficients referring to...
Role of the Lakes in Groundwater Recharge and Discharge in the Young Glacial Area, Northen Poland
PublicationThe aim of this research was to delineate characteristic hydrogeological lake types in the Young Glacial Area (YGA). The YGA is in the central and east part of the Kashubian Lake District (KLD) in Northern Poland, an area covered by deposits of Quaternary glaciation. All the bigger lakes were investigated in the area of about 1500 km2 (39 lakes). The role of lakes in groundwater recharge and discharge was determined from total...
Delineating Groundwater Recharge Potential through Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems
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Impact of climate change on groundwater recharge in shallow young glacial aquifers in northern Poland
PublicationWe investigated the influence of climate change in the period 1951–2020 on shallow aquifers in the Brda and Wda outwash plains (Pomeranian Region, Northern Poland). There was a significant temperature rise (0.3 °C/10 years), which accelerated after 1980 (0.66 °C/10 years). Precipitation became increasingly irregular – extremely rainy years occurred right after or before extremely dry years, and intensive rainfall events became...
Estimation of groundwater recharge in a shallow sandy aquifer using unsaturated zone modeling and water table fluctuation method
PublicationQuantification of groundwater recharge is one of the most important issues in hydrogeology, especially in view of the ongoing changes in climate and land use. In this study, we use numerical models of 1D vertical flow in the vadose zone and the water table fluctuation (WTF) analysis to investigate local-scale recharge of a shallow sandy aquifer in the Brda outwash plain in northern Poland. We show that these two methods can be...
Recharge of Gdańsk municipial groundwater intakes on Vistula Delta Plain (Northern Poland).
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki analiz numerycznych zasilania studni ujęć Lipce i Grodza Kamienna pobierających wodę z czwartorzędowego poziomu wodonośnego. Rozważano różną eksploatacje ujęć (stan naturalny, rok 1969 przed uruchomieniem ujęcia Lipce, lata 1969-1985). Wyniki obliczeń potwierdzają dopływ wod Martwej Wisły do studni ujęć wód podziemnych.
Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublicationThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
Simulations of freshwater lens recharge and salt/freshwater interfaces using the HYDRUS and SWI2 packages for MODFLOW
PublicationThe paper presents an evaluation of the combined use of the HYDRUS and SWI2 packages for MODFLOW as a potential tool for modeling recharge in coastal aquife rs subject to saltwater intrusion. The HYDRUS package for MODFLOW solves numerically the one-dimensional form of the Richards equation describing water flow in variably- saturated media. The code computes groundwater recharge to or...
Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources in a Young Glacial Multi-Aquifer System
PublicationThe aim of this study was to evaluate the trends of climate change on the Kashubian Lake District and to determine the impact of expected trends on groundwater resources. The analysis of trends in temperature and precipitation was conducted for the six-decade history of meteorological measurements at the weather station in Koscierzyna. The analysis shows the trend of temperature increase of +0.0182ºC/year. The highest increase...
Climate change impact on groundwater resources in sandbar aquifers in southern Baltic coast
PublicationShallow coastal aquifers are vulnerable hydrosystems controlled by many factors, related to climate, seawater‑freshwater interactions and human activity. Given on‑going climate change, sea level rise and increasing human impact, it is especially true for groundwater resources situated in sandbars. We developed numerical models of unsaturated zone water flow for two sandbars in northern Poland: the Vistula Spit and the Hel Spit...
Updating the Coupling Algorithm between HYDRUS and MODFLOW in the HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW
PublicationThe HYDRUS-based flow package for MODFLOW (the HPM or the HYDRUS package) is an existing unsaturated zone flow package for MODFLOW. In MODFLOW with the HPM, the groundwater modeling domain is discretized into regular grids that can be combined into multiple zones based on similarities in soil hydrology, topographical characteristics, and the depth to the groundwater. Each of these zones is assigned one unsaturated soil profile...
HMSE: A tool for coupling MODFLOW and HYDRUS-1D computer programs
PublicationA new software HMSE has been developed to facilitate external coupling between two well-known programs for subsurface flow modeling: MODFLOW-2005 (saturated zone flow) and HYDRUS-1D (unsaturated zone flow). Two coupling schemes have been implemented. In the first case the groundwater recharge flux is calculated by HYDRUS-1D assuming a fixed water table position and then passed to MODFLOW input files. In the second case the water...
Numerical Analysis of Recharge Rates and Contaminant Travel Time in Layered Unsaturated Soils
PublicationThis study focused on the estimation of groundwater recharge rates and travel time of conservative contaminants between ground surface and aquifer. Numerical simulations of transient water flow and solute transport were performed using the SWAP computer program for 10 layered soil profiles, composed of materials ranging from gravel to clay. In particular, sensitivity of the results to the thickness and position of weakly permeable...
Ocena zasobów oraz weryfikacja granic obszaru ochronnego GZWP nr 133 Młotkowo za pomocą numerycznego modelu przepływu wód podziemnych
PublicationModel Głównego Zbiornika Wód Podziemnych powstał w celu dokonania oceny dostępnych zasobów wód oraz zweryfikowania granic strefy ochronnej. GZWP Młotkowo jest położony w południowej części Pojezierza Krajeńskiego. Ze względu na konieczność weryfikacji granic zbiornika wyznaczonych przez Kleczkowskiego i in. (1990) do badań modelowych przyjęto obszar cztery razy większy niż rozmiar GZWP. W celu osiągnięcia najbardziej wiarygodnych...
PublicationIncreasing a city’s resilience against climate change is one of the major concerns of today. Sustainable stormwater management, using Green Infrastructure units (GI) integrated with an urban area, has proved to be effective in flooding control and to offer extra benefits encompassing groundwater recharge, stormwater treatment, mitigation of air pollution, and an urban micro-climate. Moreover, GI brings cultural benefits for the...
Water retention curves of sandy soils obtained from direct measurements, particle size distribution, and infiltration experiments
PublicationAccurate information about soil water retention curves (SWRCs) of sands is essential for evaluating groundwater recharge and vulnerability to contamination in many shallow sandy aquifers which are widespread on post glacial areas in Northern Europe and North America. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) allow to estimate SWRC from basic physical characteristics of soils, such as textural composition. However, in the case of clean sands...