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Multimedia i Interfejsy 2022
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów z: rodzajami danych multimedialnych oraz metodami ich pozyskiwania formatami i standardami danych multimedialnych metodami kompresji danych multimedialnych podstawami przetwarzania danych multimedialnych oraz ich rozpoznawania programowaniem aplikacji multimedialnych, w tym gier wideo rodzajami interfejsów użytkownika w systemach komputerowych metodami opisu oraz zasadami...
Multimedia i Interfejsy 2023
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów z: rodzajami danych multimedialnych oraz metodami ich pozyskiwania formatami i standardami danych multimedialnych metodami kompresji danych multimedialnych podstawami przetwarzania danych multimedialnych oraz ich rozpoznawania programowaniem aplikacji multimedialnych, w tym gier wideo rodzajami interfejsów użytkownika w systemach komputerowych metodami opisu oraz zasadami...
L1 Cell Adhesion Molecule Overexpression Down Regulates Phosphacan and Up Regulates Structural Plasticity-Related Genes Rostral and Caudal to the Complete Spinal Cord Transection
PublicationL1 cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) supports spinal cord cellular milieu after contusion and compression lesions, contributing to neuroprotection, promoting axonal outgrowth, and reducing outgrowth-inhibitory molecules in lesion proximity. We extended investigations into L1CAM molecular targets and explored long-distance effects of L1CAM rostral and caudal to complete spinal cord transection (SCT) in...
Fatigue Damage Evolution in SS316L Produced by Powder Bed Fusion in Different Orientations with Reused Powder Feedstock
PublicationBackground Metal Laser Powder Bed Fusion Melting (LPBF-M) is considered economically viable and environmentally sustainable because of the possibility of reusing the residual powder feedstock leftover in the build chamber after a part build is completed. There is however limited information on the fatigue damage development of LPBF-M samples made from reused feedstock. Objective In this paper, the stainless steel 316 L (SS316L)...
A study of a compact high-efficiency zero-emission power plant with oxy-fuel combustion
PublicationThis paper discusses the application of global trends in gas cycles technology using oxy-fuel combustion. This is followed by a demonstration of a design solution for a new cycle with two enhanced energy-converting devices, namely a wet combustion chamber and a spray-ejector condenser. The proposed gas and steam cycle unit is contained within a single turbine, whose benefits combine those offered by gas turbines (high inlet temperatures)...
Analiza porównawcza metod zwiększania nośności i sztywności stalowych, doczołowych węzłów śrubowych.
PublicationInnowacyjna, w porównaniu z dotychczas stosowanym sposobem, metoda obliczania nośności stalowych węzłów została wdrożona wraz z normami europejskimi. Pozwala ona dokładniej odwzo-rować rzeczywistą pracę poszczególnych części węzła, gdyż wynik obliczeń uzależniony jest od znacznie większej liczby zmiennych. Dzięki postępowi technologicznemu w zakresie metalurgii oraz badaniom naukowym obecnie możliwe jest wzmacnianie połączeń...
Petrophysical analyses of rock construction materials from the Roman rural settlement in Podšilo bay on Rab island (NE Adriatic, Croatia)
PublicationThis article presents the results of petrophysical analyses of limestones and sandstones used for the construction of the wall structures of a Roman rural settlement located in Podšilo Bay on Rab Island (Croatia). An on-site analysis of the walls indicated the use of different lithotypes, which is an uncommon case in the area. So far, no petrophysical properties of the applied materials have been tested, and their provenance...
State-of-the-art framework for high-speed camera and photogrammetric use in geometry evaluation of prestressed concrete failure process
PublicationPrestressed structures are a key to the realization of the boldest architectural ideas, regardless of shape complexity, great height and large span. A characteristic feature of the prestressed structure is the better use of concrete material properties by insertion of internal forces. The internal forces are opposed to external loads effects (forces and deformations of structure). Prestressed reinforced concrete beams are characterized...
Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter in manganese ore-mediated constructed wetlands for fresh leachate treatment
PublicationThe organic matter (OM) and nitrogen in Fresh leachate (FL) from waste compression sites pose environmental and health risks. Even though the constructed wetland (CW) can efficiently remove these pollutants, the molecular-level transformations of dissolved OM (DOM) in FL remain uncertain. This study reports the molecular dynamics of DOM and nitrogen removal during FL treatment in CWs. Two lab-scale vertical-flow CW systems were...
Ocena wpływu dawki DME na wybrane wskaźniki procesu spalania w dwupaliwowym silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozprawy jest analiza wpływu różnej ilości odparowanego DME wprowadzonego do kolektora dolotowego na wybrane wskaźniki spalania DME/ON dla wielu punktów pracy, turbodoładowanego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym. Jako punkty pracy silnika, wybrano punkty najbardziej reprezentujące cykl jazdy WLTP dla samochodu Volkswagen Golf IV. Analizę procesu współspalania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem danych pomiarowych, uzyskanych...
Improving Thermal Insulation Properties for Prefabricated Wall Components Made of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete with Open Structure
PublicationPorous concrete is commonly used in civil engineering due to its good thermal insulation properties in comparison with normal concrete and high compression strength in comparison with other building materials. An extremely porous concrete, called ‘lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure’ (LAC), is used in some German plants to produce prefabricated wall components. They are used mainly in hall buildings, e.g. supermarkets....
Modelowanie procesu wrzenia i kondensacji w rozszerzonym zakresie ciśnień zredukowanych
PublicationNiniejsza rozprawa doktorska ma na celu pokazanie wpływu uwzględnienia ciśnienia zredukowanego w analizowanym modelu opisują-cym współczynnik przejmowania ciepła na zbieżność z danymi eksperymentalnymi.Przedmiotem analizy jest półempiryczny model Mikielewicza w zastosowaniu do danych eksperymentalnych w kanałach konwencjonalnych i o małej średnicy płynów uznanych za perspektywiczne.W ramach realizowanych prac badawczych pozyskano...
The cement-bone bond is weaker than cement-cement bond in cement-in-cement revision arthroplasty. A comparative biomechanical study
PublicationThis study compares the strength of the native bone-cement bond and the old-new cement bond under cyclic loading, using third generation cementing technique, rasping and contamination of the surface of the old cement with biological tissue. The possible advantages of additional drilling of the cement surface is also taken into account. Femoral heads from 21 patients who underwent a total hip arthroplasty performed for hip arthritis...
A novel method for archiving multibeam sonar data with emphasis on efficient record size reduction and storage
PublicationOver the past few years considerable advances in sonar technology, spatial positioning capabilities and computer processing power have lead to significant improvements in mapping, imaging and technologies of seafloor exploration. Recently, modern multibeam echosounder systems (MBES) capable of recording backscatter data for the whole water column, not just for the seabed, have become available thus providing data allowing for...
Subjective quality evaluation of 8- and 10-bit MP4-coded video sequences from Netflix
PublicationRecently, many researchers have been intensively conducting quality of service (QoS), quality of experience (QoE), and user experience (UX) studies in the field of video analysis. This paper is intended to make a new, complementary contribution to this field. Currently, streaming platforms are key products in relation to delivering video content online. Most often, they include the MP4 video format, which is most widely utilized...
Reception of Terrestrial DAB+ and FM Radio with a Mobile Device: A Subjective Quality Evaluation
PublicationNowadays, terrestrial broadcasting enables to receive content anytime and everywhere. People can obtain information both with a portable or desktop receiver, which include pocket-sized devices as well as high-end Hi-Fi equipment, not to mention car audio systems. Numerous manufacturers include FM-compatible chipsets in a variety of user equipment (UE), including mobile phones. However, digital radio signal processing modules, such...
Difference in Perceived Speech Signal Quality Assessment Among Monolingual and Bilingual Teenage Students
PublicationThe user perceived quality is a mixture of factors, including the background of an individual. The process of auditory perception is discussed in a wide variety of fields, ranging from engineering to medicine. Many studies examine the difference between musicians and non-musicians. Since musical training develops musical hearing and other various auditory capabilities, similar enhancements should be observable in case of bilingual...
XVIII Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Inżynierii i Reżyserii Dźwięku
PublicationThe subjective assessment of speech signals takes into account previous experiences and habits of an individual. Since the perception process deteriorates with age, differences should be noticeable among people from dissimilar age groups. In this work, we investigated the difference of speech quality assessment between high school students and university students. The study involved 60 participants, with 30 people in both the adolescents...
Study on Speech Transmission under Varying QoS Parameters in a OFDM Communication System
PublicationAlthough there has been an outbreak of multiple multimedia platforms worldwide, speech communication is still the most essential and important type of service. With the spoken word we can exchange ideas, provide descriptive information, as well as aid to another person. As the amount of available bandwidth continues to shrink, researchers focus on novel types of transmission, based most often on multi-valued modulations, multiple...
Digital Transformation of Terrestrial Radio: An Analysis of Simulcasted Broadcasts in FM and DAB+ for a Smart and Successful Switchover
PublicationThe process of digitizing radio is far from over. It is an important interdisciplinary aspect, involving Big Data and AI (Artificial Intelligence) when it comes to classifying and handling content, and an organizational challenge in the Industry 4.0 concept. There exist several methods for delivering audio signals, including terrestrial broadcasting and internet streaming. Among them, the DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus)...
Subjective Quality Evaluation of Speech Signals Transmitted via BPL-PLC Wired System
PublicationThe broadband over power line – power line communication (BPL-PLC) cable is resistant to electricity stoppage and partial damage of phase conductors. It maintains continuity of transmission in case of an emergency. These features make it an ideal solution for delivering data, e.g. in an underground mine environment, especially clear and easily understandable voice messages. This paper describes a subjective quality evaluation of...