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Search results for: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
Recent developments in automatic classification of musical instruments
PublicationW referacie dokonano przeglądu aktualnego stanu badań w dziedzinie automatycznego rozpoznawania muzyki. Przedstawiono też eksperymenty prowadzone aktualnie w Katedrze Dźwięku i Obrazu PG. Prace te dotyczyły rozpoznawania klas instrumentów muzycznych i separacji duetów muzycznych. Pokazano przykładowe wyniki i przedstawiono projekt prac do zrealizowania w przyszłych eksperymentach.
Recent developments in automatic classification of musical instruments. W:[CD-ROM] Collected papers. First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics. 144 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. III Iberoamerican Cong- ress of Acoustics. 9o Mexican Congress of Acoustics. Cancun, Q. R. Mxico, 2-6 Dec. 2002. [B.m.:ASA]**2002 paper 2aMU4, 7 s. 6 rys. 1 tab. bibliogr. 21 poz. Automatyczne rozpoznawanie muzyki - przykłady eksperymentów.
PublicationW referacie dokonano przeglądu aktualnego stanu badań w dziedzinie automaty-cznego rozpoznawania muzyki. Przedstawiono też eksperymenty prowadzone aktu-alnie w Katedrze Dźwięku i Obrazu PG. Prace te dotyczyły rozpoznawania klasinstrumentów muzycznych i separacji duetów muzycznych. Pokazano przykładowewyniki i przedstawiono projekt prac do zrealizowania w przyszłych ekspery-mentach.
Grzegorz Szwoch dr hab. inż.
PeopleGrzegorz Szwoch was born in 1972 in Gdansk. In 1991-1996 he studied at the Technical University of Gdansk. In 1996 he graduated as a student from the Sound Engineering Department. His thesis was related to physical modeling of musical instruments. Since that time he has been a member of the research staff at the Multimedia Systems Department as a PhD student (1996-2001), Assistant (2001-2004), Assistant professor (2004-2020) and...
Automatic music genre classification based on musical instrument track separation / Automatyczna klasyfikacja gatunku muzycznego wykorzystująca algorytm separacji dźwięku instrumentó muzycznych
PublicationThe aim of this article is to investigate whether separating music tracks at the pre-processing phase and extending feature vector by parameters related to the specific musical instruments that are characteristic for the given musical genre allow for efficient automatic musical genre classification in case of database containing thousands of music excerpts and a dozen of genres. Results of extensive experiments show that the approach...
Exploring Neural Networks for Musical Instrument Identification in Polyphonic Audio
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to introduce neural network-based methods that surpass state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, either by training faster or having simpler architecture, while maintaining comparable effectiveness in musical instrument identification in polyphonic music. Several approaches are presented, including two authors’ proposals, i.e., spiking neural networks (SNN) and a modular deep learning model named FMCNN (Fully...
Musical Instrument Identification Using Deep Learning Approach
PublicationThe work aims to propose a novel approach for automatically identifying all instruments present in an audio excerpt using sets of individual convolutional neural networks (CNNs) per tested instrument. The paper starts with a review of tasks related to musical instrument identification. It focuses on tasks performed, input type, algorithms employed, and metrics used. The paper starts with the background presentation, i.e., metadata...
Musical Instrument Tagging Using Data Augmentation and Effective Noisy Data Processing
PublicationDeveloping signal processing methods to extract information automatically has potential in several applications, for example searching for multimedia based on its audio content, making context-aware mobile applications (e.g., tuning apps), or pre-processing for an automatic mixing system. However, the last-mentioned application needs a significant amount of research to reliably recognize real musical instruments in recordings....
Identyfikacja instrumentu muzycznego z nagrania fonicznego za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych
PublicationCelem rozprawy jest zbadanie algorytmów do identyfikacji instrumentów występujących w sygnale polifonicznym z wykorzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. W części teoretycznej przywołano podstawy przetwarzania sygnałów fonicznych w kontekście ekstrakcji parametrów sygnałów wykorzystywanych w treningu sieci neuronowych. Dodatkowo dokonano analizy rozwoju metod uczenia maszynowego z uwzględnieniem podziału na sieci neuronowe pierwszej,...
Nonlinear Modeling in Time Domain Numerical Analysis of Stringed Instrument Dynamics
PublicationMusical instruments are very various in terms of sound quality with their timbre shaped by materials and geometry. Materials' impact is commonly treated as dominant one by musicians, while it is unclear whether it is true or not. The research proposed in the study focuses on determining influence of both these factors on sound quality based on their impact on harmonic composition. Numerical approach has been chosen to allowed independent...
Using concentrated spectrogram for analysis of audio acoustic signals
PublicationThe paper presents results of time-frequency analysis of audio acoustic signals using the method of Concentrated Spectrograph also known as ''Cross-spectral method'' or ''Reassignment method''. Presented algorithm involves signal's local group delay and channelized instantaneous frequency to relevantly redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform lines in time-frequency plain. The main intention of the paper is to compare various...
Listening to Live Music: Life beyond Music Recommendation Systems
PublicationThis paper presents first a short review on music recommendation systems based on social collaborative filtering. A dictionary of terms related to music recommendation systems, such as music information retrieval (MIR), Query-by-Example (QBE), Query-by-Category (QBC), music content, music annotating, music tagging, bridging the semantic gap in music domain, etc. is introduced. Bases of music recommender systems are shortly presented,...
Real and Virtual Instruments in Machine Learning – Training and Comparison of Classification Results
PublicationThe continuous growth of the computing power of processors, as well as the fact that computational clusters can be created from combined machines, allows for increasing the complexity of algorithms that can be trained. The process, however, requires expanding the basis of the training sets. One of the main obstacles in music classification is the lack of high-quality, real-life recording database for every instrument with a variety...
Discovering Rule-Based Learning Systems for the Purpose of Music Analysis
PublicationMusic analysis and processing aims at understanding information retrieved from music (Music Information Retrieval). For the purpose of music data mining, machine learning (ML) methods or statistical approach are employed. Their primary task is recognition of musical instrument sounds, music genre or emotion contained in music, identification of audio, assessment of audio content, etc. In terms of computational approach, music databases...
Modelling and Measurement of Folk Guitar: Truss Rod and Strings in Numerical Analysis of Tone
PublicationThe study makes an attempt to model a complete vibrating guitar including its non-linear features, specifically the tension-compression of truss rod and tension of strings. The purpose of such a model is to examine the influence of design parameters on tone. Most experimental studies are flawed by uncertainties introduced by materials and assembly of an instrument. Since numerical modelling of instruments allows for deterministic...