Search results for: landscape urbanism
Gabriela Rembarz dr inż. arch.
PeopleGabriela Rembarz inżynier-architekt, urbanista, naukowiec, dydaktyk i aktywna projektantka, jest doktorem nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie architektura i urbanistyka, Ukończyła studia magisterskie na Wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, uzupełniając je specjalizacją w Ochronie Środowiska w ramach międzyuczelnianego CENVIG Center of Environmental Studies (Politechnika Gdańska) akredytowanego przez Roskilde...
From structures to landscapes – towards re-conceptualization of the urban condition
PublicationThis paper presents an original approach towards the phenomena of re-naturalization of cities and indicates its possible consequences for the urban design and planning strategies. It focuses on the ongoing shift “from structures to landscapes” in understanding urban conditions. While modern architecture introduced geomet-ric compositions against the background of nature, early modern theories of architects and sociologists started...
Justyna Borucka dr inż. arch.
PeopleJustyna Borucka is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology, Coordinator of Erasmus Programme and International Cooperation and since 2016 a Vice-Dean for Development. She is also board member of Polish Architects Association (SARP o.Wybrzeże). Her research focused on theory of architecture and strategies for urban renewal with the special impact of interdisciplinary relationships...
PublicationZaspa is a neighbourhood in Gdansk with a long locational history and numerous build-ups. It is situated in a complex landscape between the coastal strip and moraine hills. The housing estates built here in the 1970s followed the postulates of modernist urbanism, ignoring the topographical and natural specifics and the regional heritage. The result was an ergonomic but anonymous space with many current strengths...
PublicationTytuł Krajobrazowy wymiar ruralistyki w pełni oddaje treść pracy. Najogólniej mówiąc, rozprawa relacjonuje poszukiwania sposobów udziału krajobrazu w planowaniu przestrzennym obszarów wiejskich. Książka, wbrew swojemu układowi, nie powstawała według zwyczajowej ścieżki: od tezy, mieszczącej się w dziedzinie architektury i urbanistyki, do argumentów, które wywiedzione z tej dyscypliny, przemówiłyby za nią. Analiza stanu badań wskazywała...
Międzymiasto: Nowa formuła ładu przestrzennego trefy podmiejskiej
Smart Garden Suburb_Urban design II 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesIn the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...
Urban Design II _ Smart Garden Suburb 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesIn the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...
Urban Design II _ New Urban Living 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesIn the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...
Izabela Mironowicz dr hab. inż. arch.