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Search results for: software engineering
Ontology-Aided Software Engineering
PublicationThis thesis is located between the fields of research on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR), Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE). The modern offspring of KRR - Description Logic (DL) [Baad03] is considered here as a formalization of the software engineering Methods & Tools. The bridge between the world of formal specification (governed by the mathematics)...
Management of changes in software engineering
PublicationPraca zawiera rozdział poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy systemów dla potrzeb zarządzania koncentrując uwagę na systemach opartych na wiedzy. Następnie omówiono możliwości zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do modelowania wiedzy. Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania zbiorów rozmytych i systemów opartych na wiedzy...
Psychological inspirations in empirical software engineering.
PublicationSoftware development is people-intensive activity. Incorporation of human factors in empirical studies of software engineering can bring many benefits for both researchers and practitioners. Psychological inspirations can facilitate this task. In this paper, such incorporation is presented in the contexts of the objectives and problems in empirical studies, applicability of the results in the business context of software enterprise,...
Emotion recognition and its application in software engineering
PublicationIn this paper a novel application of multimodal emotion recognition algorithms in software engineering is described. Several application scenarios are proposed concerning program usability testing and software process improvement. Also a set of emotional states relevant in that application area is identified. The multimodal emotion recognition method that integrates video and depth channels, physiological signals and input devices...
Knowledge management embedded in software engineering processes
PublicationW pracy omówiono systemy i narzędzia wspomagające wykrywanie wiedzy ukrytej w procesach związanych z wytwarzaniem skomplikowanych systemów oprogramowania
Knowledge management embedded in software engineering processes
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model systemu pozyskiwania wiedzy zawartej w procesach inżynierii oprogramowania.
Knowledge management and fuzzy modelling in software engineering
PublicationPraca zawiera rozdział poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy systemów dla potrzeb zarządzania koncentrując uwagę na systemach opartych na wiedzy. Następnie omówiono możliwości zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do modelowania wiedzy. Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania zbiorów rozmytych i systemów opartych na wiedzy...
Description Logic As A Common Software Engineering Artifacts Language
PublicationDescription logic is proposed as a powerful language able to support chosen software engineering process tasks like: requirements engineering, software architecture definition, software design and configuration management. To do this there is presented a correspondence between description logic and UML. Description logic based integrated software engineering process framework is proposed which owing to automatic knowledge inferring...
Software Engineering
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On Explaining Intuitiveness of Software Engineering Techniques with User eXperience Concepts
PublicationW referacie zawarto próbę wyjaśnienia intuicyjności technik inżynierii oprogramowania za pomocą pojęć zaczerpniętych z obszaru doświadczenia użytkownika. Analizy dotyczą zarówno intuicyjności przy pierwszym zetknięciu się użytkownika z daną techniką, jak i dynamiki transformacji epizodycznych doświadczeń na doświadczenie skumulowane i powiązane z nim postrzeganie intuicyjności. Przedyskutowano potencjalne zastosowania modelu i...
The Impact of Lexicon Adaptation on the Emotion Mining From Software Engineering Artifacts
PublicationSentiment analysis and emotion mining techniques are increasingly being used in the field of software engineering. However, the experiments conducted so far have not yielded high accuracy results. Researchers indicate a lack of adaptation of the methods of emotion mining to the specific context of the domain as the main cause of this situation. The article describes research aimed at examining whether the adaptation of the lexicon...
Exploration of Creativity Techniques in Software Engineering in Training-Application-Feedback Cycle
PublicationCreativity research has proposed about a hundred and fifty creativity techniques. The question is whether they can be applied in software engineering for creativity training or directing creativity in software projects. This paper aims at answering this question via a quasi-experiment conducted in Training-Application-Feedback cycle in which participants express their opinions about selected creativity techniques after training...
Memetic approach for multi-objective overtime planning in software engineering projects
PublicationSoftware projects often suffer from unplanned overtime due to uncertainty and risk incurred due to changing requirement and attempt to meet up with time-to-market of the software product. This causes stress to developers and can result in poor quality. This paper presents a memetic algorithmic approach for solving the overtime-planning problem in software development projects. The problem is formulated as a three-objective optimization...
Automated Software Engineering
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Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software Second Edition
PublicationThe best way to learn complex systems is by means of hands-on experience. With an innovative and clear tutorial based approach, this powerful book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental areas of engineering analysis needed on research or commercial engineering projects. With its detailed step-by-step explanations and sample problems, this book will develop the reader's understanding of FEA and their ability to...
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Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
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Communication and Documentation Practices in Agile Requirements Engineering: A Survey in Polish Software Industry
PublicationRequirements engineering, system analysis and other analytical activities form the basis of every IT project. Such activities are not clearly defined in Agile development methods, but it does not mean that they are absent in an agile project. The aim of our work was to determine which practices related to requirements-related communication and which requirements documenting techniques are used in agile software projects. For this...
Hybrid Obfuscation Technique to Protect Source Code From Prohibited Software Reverse Engineering
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Software Engineering 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesCourse for Data Engineering, semester 3 Access credentials will be provided during the first lab class.
Software Engineering 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesCourse for Data Engineering, semester 3 Access credentials will be provided during the first lab class.
Software Engineering 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesCourse for Data Engineering, semester 3 Access credentials will be provided during the first lab class.
Review of intelligent software architectures for the development of an intelligent decision support system for design process planning in concurrent engineering
PublicationW artykule poddano dogłębnej analizie szereg inteligentnych technik miękkie-go modelowania pod katem ich przydatności w obszarze wspomagania procesówplanowania dla inżynierii współzadaniowej. Skoncentrowano się na wspomaganiujednego z najważniejszych obszarów inżynierii współzadaniowej, a mianowicieprocesu projektowania. W wyniku analizy zaproponowano architekturę wspomaga-nia opartą na tablicowej bazie wiedzy modelującej wnioskowanie...
On some aspects of Concurrent Control Processes Modelling and Implementation in LAD Diagram Language With Use of New Generation Engineering Software
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Finite State Machine Based Modelling of Discrete Control Algorithm in LAD Diagram Language With Use of New Generation Engineering Software
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e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
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Onward Software Engineering
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Visualization in Software Engineering
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Automated Software Engineering Conference
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International Conference on Software Engineering
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Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
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IEEE Software Engineering Workshop
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Australian Software Engineering Conference
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European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
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International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
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Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (previously Conference is Software Engineering Education, CSEE, changed in 1997))
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Integration of Software Engineering and Agent Technology
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Domain - Specific Languages for Software Engineering
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International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering
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International Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering
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International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
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Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
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An empirical study on the impact of AspectJ on software evolvability
PublicationSince its inception in 1996, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) has been believed to reduce the effort required to maintain software systems by replacing cross-cutting code with aspects. However, little convincing empirical evidence exists to support this claim, while several studies suggest that AOP brings new obstacles to maintainability. This paper discusses two experiments conducted to evaluate the impact of AspectJ (the most...
A comprehensive overview of software product management challenges
PublicationThe principal focus of software product management is to ensure the economic success of the product, which means to prolong the product life as much as possible with modest expenditures to maximizs profits. Software product managers play an important role in the software development organization while being responsible for the strategy, business case, product roadmap, high-level requirements, product deployment (release-management),...
Game-based Sprint retrospectives: multiple action research
PublicationIn today’s fast-paced world of rapid technological change, software development teams need to constantly revise their work practices. Not surprisingly, regular reflection on how to become more effective is perceived as one of the most important principles of Agile Software Development. Nevertheless, running an effective and enjoyable retrospective meeting is still a challenge in real environments. As reported by several studies,...
International Workshop on Metamodelling - Utilization in Software Engineering