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Search results for: linia koplanarna
The results of the assessment of the degree of deacetylation, antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of chitosan materials
Open Research DataDane prezentują wyniki pomiarowe stopnia deacetylacji 5 komerycjnych chitozanów, które przetwarzane dwiema metodami oceniono pod kątem aktywności przeciwdrobnoustrojowej i cytotoksyczności względem modelowej linii fibroblastów mysich L929. Ocenie porównawczej poddano materiały chitozanowe otrzymywane klasyczną metodą rozpuszczania w roztworze...
Bibliographic data on datasets affiliated to Most Wiedzy and indexed in Data Citation Index (retrieved by Web of Science service in December 2021)
Open Research DataThe file contains the number of datasetes published by the reserchers affiliated to Most Wiedzy and indexed in Data Citation Index provided by Web of Science. The Search was performed using the name of institution in the 'address' filed or 'group author' filed . Data retrieved and published during the '5th Open Science Conference (1-3.12.2021).
Internal legal acts of technical and medical universities in Poland regulating classes conducted in-person during the Covid-19 pandemic
Open Research DataA database of legal acts and other internal documents of medical and technical universities in Poland regulating the way of organizing in-person or hybrid classes during the COVID-19 pandemic from the summer semester 2019/2020 to the winter semester 2020/2021.Documents were encoded in two separate coding systems using the MAXQDA program for qualitative...
Data used for article "Chemical composition and techno-functional properties of high-purity water-soluble keratein and its enzymatic hydrolysates"
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data regarding chicken feather keratin isolate (KI) obtained by reductive extraction with L-cysteine and its enzymatic hydrolysates produced by trypsin (KI-T), chymotrypsin (KI-C), pepsin (KI-P) and subtilisin (KI-S). The dataset includes data on the keratin extraction yield (% of feather solubilization), data from high-performance...
Development of conductive porous media as packing materials for biotrickling filter – microbial fuel cell system (BTF-MFC system)
Open Research DataDataset presents values of electrical resistance measured for three developed conductive packimg materials for the application in a BTF-MFC system.
Pyocyanin extraction - the comparison of typical organic solvents and ionic liquids
Open Research DataPyocyanin is a pigment produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa that recently gained importance as a valuable chemical. Most often, the method for its extraction is based on the use of chloroform, a recognized hazardous substance. Therefore, an efficient and more environment-friendly method is vital for further use. In this work, we compared different organic...