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The influence of atmospheric circulation on bioclimatic conditions in Lublin (Poland)
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The atmospheric circulation conditions of the occurrence of heatwaves in Lublin, southeast Poland
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Long-term air temperature variation in the Karkonosze mountains according to atmospheric circulation
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Hydrological Dry Periods versus Atmospheric Circulations in the Lower Vistula Basin (Poland) in 1954–2018
PublicationThe paper discusses the impact of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of droughts. The research in-cludes mean monthly discharges for 7 rivers in 1954-2018. Dry periods were determined with Standardised Streamflow Indices (SSI-12). Additionally, the circulation type calendar for Central Poland was used to determine the atmospheric circulation indices: western zonal (W), southern meridional (S) and cyclonicity (C). The analyses...
The main characteristics of atmospheric circulation over East-Central Europe from 1871 to 2010
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The occurrence of hot weather in the Lublin-Felin and Czesławice in relation to atmospheric circulation (1966–2010)
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Sunshine duration and its variability in the main ridge of the Karkonosze Mountains in relation to with atmospheric circulation
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The influence of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of dry and wet periods in Central Poland in 1954–2018
PublicationThis work presents the influence of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of dry and wet periods in the central Polish region of Kujawy. The material on which the authors relied encompassed monthly totals of precipitation obtained from 10 weather stations in the period 1954–2018. Both dry and wet periods have been identified on the basis of monthly values of the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI). Additionally, the calendar...
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The influence of atmospheric circulation over Central Europe on the long-term variability of sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland
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Air temperature and location of isobaric surfaces in relation to atmospheric circulation, based on radiosonde data from Legionowo, Poland
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EGATEC: A new high-resolution engineering model of the global atmospheric electric circuit—Currents in the lower atmosphere
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Sampling of atmospheric precipitation and deposits for analysis of atmospheric pollution
PublicationPrzedstawiono przegląd technik i przyrządów pomiarowych stosowanych w celu pobierania próbek mokrej i mgielnej depozycji (mgła, woda z chmur, szron, szadź, rosa). Przedstawiono również informacje literaturowe na temat oznaczania związków nieorganicznych i organicznych w próbkach opadów i osadów atmosferycznych z zastosowaniem odpowiednich technik pomiarowych.
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Respiration and Circulation
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Pulmonary Circulation
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Brain Circulation
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Atmospheric precipitation sampling for analysis
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu różnych próbników stosowanych do pobierania próbek opadów atmosferycznych (wody deszczowe, mgła, wody spływne). Zaprezentowano urządzenia o różnym stopniu automatyzacji, od najprostszych konstrukcji do urządzeń kosztownych i wysoce zautomatyzowanych. W wielu publikacjach pomijane są informacje o stosowanej metodyce pobierania próbek oraz o położeniu stanowiska obserwacyjnego. Informacje te są jednak niezbędne,...
Rain Water: Atmospheric Deposition
PublicationWater is transferred from the atmosphere to the land surface mainly via various forms of atmospheric precipitation; however, the contribution of surface condensation/deposition (e.g., dew, hoar frost, occult precipitation) should not be neglected. Rainwater and liquid deposits (dew, hoar frost, rime) are components of the physical and geographical environment that are easily assimilated and transported. Thus, they are generally...
Atmospheric Science Letters
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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics
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Atmospheric Environment: X
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Monitoring and analytics of atmospheric air pollution
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące: celów i zadań monitoringu i analityki powietrza atmosferycznego, specyficznych wymogów jakie muszą spełniać monitory zanieczyszczeń, tendencji rozwojowych w zakresie kontroli jakości powietrza atmosferycznego oraz klasyfikacji metod i technik pomiarowych.
Determination of atmospheric pollutants in wet deposition
PublicationTransport wody z atmosfery do podłoża zachodzi głównie za pośrednictwem opadów atmosferycznych takich jak deszcz, mżawka, śnieg, grad i inne. Ich wspólną cechą jest znacząca prędkość opadania grawitacyjnego. Uzupełniającym sposobem depozycji zanieczyszczeń w fazie mokrej są osady atmosferyczne, które tworzą się bądź przez kondensację/sublimację pary wodnej pod wpływem radiacyjnego wychłodzenia podłoża (rosa,szron), bądź w wyniku...
Circulation-Cardiovascular Interventions
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Circulation-Cardiovascular Imaging
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Circulation-Heart Failure
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Circulation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
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Circulation. Cardiovascular Genetics
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Korean Circulation Journal
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Heart Lung and Circulation
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Challenges in coupling atmospheric electricity with biological systems
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Glossary on atmospheric electricity and its effects on biology
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Validation of atmospheric aerosols sampling in equivalent fractions
PublicationPhysical properties and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols are of extreme importance, in many fields of interest, namely the Environment even with legal implications. Atmospheric sampling poses inherent problems with consequent demands on sampling optimisation, with sampling strategies requiring validation. In this work a study was conducted aiming at validating the collection of atmospheric aerosols in equivalent fractions....
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Low-energy interactions related to atmospheric and extreme conditions
PublicationThis Topical Issue, entitled “Low-Energy Interactions Related to Atmospheric and Extreme Conditions”, showcases a collection of eighteen articles that reported recent theoretical and experimental findings pertaining to the following topics: – low-energy interactions of charged particles (electrons [1–7], protons [8], positrons [9]), and photons [10] with atoms and molecules of biological [1–4,7,8], astrochemical [10], industrial,...
Validation of atmospheric aerosols parallel sampling in a multifold device
PublicationIn this work, particulate matter was collected using an active sampling system consisting of a PM10 (<10 μm) inlet coupled to a multifold device containing six channels, connected to a vacuum pump. Each channel was equipped with a filter holder fitted with adequately chosen filters. The system was fixed on a metallic structure, which was placed on the roof of the laboratory building, at the Faculty of Sciences, in Lisbon. Sampling...
Analytical Techniques Used in Monitoring of Atmospheric Air Pollutants
PublicationThe air pollution monitoring is one of the most pressing environmental problems today. The paper describes common air pollutants, their interaction and impact on the environment, and classifies the techniques and methods applied in air studies. Furthermore, the review characterizes the selected collection and sampling techniques used for gas sample analysis. Finally, the schematic diagrams of typical designs of systems applied...
Analytical techniques used in monitoring of atmospheric air pollutants
PublicationW artykule opisano najczęściej spotykane zanieczyszczenia powietrza atmosferycznego, ich interakcje i wpływ na środowisko. Przedstawiono klasyfikację technik i metodyk stosowanych w badaniach zanieczyszczeń powietrza. Przeprowadzono przegląd technik pobierania i dozowania próbek gazowych. Zaprezentowano także przykłady typowych systemów służących do analizy zanieczyszczeń powietrza.
Changes of emissions and atmospheric deposition of mercury, lead and cadmium
PublicationPrzedstawiono informacje o zmianach emisji rtęci, ołowiu i kadmu w przeszłości, jak również przedyskutowano poziom aktualnych emisji tych zanieczyszczeń oraz ich scenariusze zmian w przyszłości. Przeanalizowano wpływ różnych parametrów na zmiany emisji w tym stopień implementacji różnych strategii kontroli emisji w Europie. Scenariusze zmian emisji w przyszłości oparte są na scenariuszach rozwoju gospodarczego w poszczególnych...
Corrosion mechanisms in columns for atmospheric distillation of crude oil
PublicationThe paper presents the most common corrosion processes occurring in the columns for atmospheric distillation of crude oil. It describes the mechanisms leading to formation of the chemical compounds, which contribute to corrosion phenomena. The main technological factors influencing corrosion processes have been indicated. The paper also presents the interactions between particular corrosion mechanisms resulting in acceleration...
Microplastics in atmospheric dust samples of Sistan: sources and distribution
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Ionization of tocopherols and tocotrienols in atmospheric pressure chemical ionization