Department of Automatic Control - Administrative Units - Bridge of Knowledge


Department of Automatic Control


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Catalog Publications

Year 2017
Year 2016
  • A self-optimization mechanism for generalized adaptive notch smoother

    Tracking of nonstationary narrowband signals is often accomplished using algorithms called adaptive notch filters (ANFs). Generalized adaptive notch smoothers (GANSs) extend the concepts of adaptive notch filtering in two directions. Firstly, they are designed to estimate coefficients of nonstationary quasi-periodic systems, rather than signals. Secondly, they employ noncausal processing, which greatly improves their accuracy and...

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  • Central heating temperature control algorithm for systems with condensing boilers

    - Year 2016

    The problem of control of a central heating system in a small residence is considered. It is assumed that the system is based on a condensing boiler. Since the boiler efficiency depends on a returning water temperature, the proposed control goal is to provide proper air temperature in the residence as well as the lowest possible water temperature. The proposed algorithm is applied to two buildings. Both of them have the same heating...

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  • High-Precision FIR-Model-Based Dynamic Weighing System

    Conveyor belt-type checkweighers are increasingly popular components of modern production lines. They are used to assess the weight of the produced items in motion, i.e., without stopping them on the weighing platform. The main challenge one faces when designing a dynamic weighing system is providing high measurement accuracy, especially at high conveyor belt speeds. The approach proposed in this paper can be characterized as a...

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  • On adaptive selection of estimation bandwidth for analysis of locally stationary multivariate processes

    - Year 2016

    When estimating the correlation/spectral structure of a locally stationary process, one should choose the so-called estimation bandwidth, related to the effective width of the local analysis window. The choice should comply with the degree of signal nonstationarity. Too small bandwidth may result in an excessive estimation bias, while too large bandwidth may cause excessive estimation variance. The paper presents a novel method...

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  • Systemidentificationbasedapproachtodynamicweighing revisited

    Dynamicweighing,i.e.,weighingofobjectsinmotion,withoutstoppingthemonthe weighing platform,allowsonetoincreasetherateofoperationofautomaticweighing systems, usedinindustrialproductionprocesses,withoutcompromisingtheiraccuracy. Sincetheclassicalidentification-basedapproachtodynamicweighing,basedonthe second-ordermass–spring–dampermodeloftheweighingsystem,doesnotyieldsa- tisfactoryresultswhenappliedtoconveyorbelttypecheckweighers,severalextensionsof thistechniqueareexamined.Experimentsconfirmthatwhenappropriatelymodifiedthe identification-basedapproachbecomesareliabletoolfordynamicmassmeasurementin checkweighers.

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Year 2015
Year 2014
  • Adaptive filtering approach to dynamic weighing: a checkweigher case study

    - Year 2014

    Dynamic weighing, i.e., weighing of objects in motion, with out stopping them on the weighing platform, allows one to increase the rate of operation of automatic weighing systems used in industrial production processes without compromising their accuracy. The paper extends and compares two approaches to dynamic weighing, based on system identification and variable-bandwidth filtering, respectively. Experiments, carried on a conveyor...

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  • Automated detection of sleep apnea and hypopnea events based on robust airflow envelope tracking

    The paper presents a new approach to detection of apnea/hypopnea events, in the presence of artifacts and breathing irregularities, from a single-channel airflow record. The proposed algorithm identifies segments of signal affected by a high amplitude modulation corresponding to apnea/hypopnea events. It is shown that a robust airflow envelope—free of breathing artifacts—improves effectiveness of the diagnostic process and allows...

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    - Year 2014

    Estimation of instantaneous frequency of narrowband com- plex sinusoids is often performed using lightweight algo- rithms called adaptive notch filters. However, to reach high performance, these algorithms require careful tuning. The paper proposes a novel self-tuning layer for a recently intr o- ducedadaptive notch filtering algorithm. Analysis shows th at, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the resultin g solution converges...

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  • Automatic Optimization Of Adaptive Notch Filter’s Frequency Tracking

    - Year 2014

    Estimation of instantaneous frequency of narrowband com- plex sinusoids is often performed using lightweight algo- rithms called adaptive notch filters. However, to reach high performance, these algorithms require careful tuning. The paper proposes a novel self-tuning layer for a recently intr o- ducedadaptive notch filtering algorithm. Analysis shows th at, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the resultin g solution converges...

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  • Construction of tournament robot Mirror taking part in Mini Sumo competition

    W artykule zaprezentowano projekt budowy robota turniejowego, startującego w zawodach Mini Sumo. Omówiono założenia dyscypliny Mini Sumo oraz konstrukcję mechaniczną, algorytmy sterujące i elektronikę zawartą w robocie.

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  • Diagnostyka stanu technicznego rurociągów stalowych z wykorzystaniem tłoków ultradźwiękowych wysokiej rozdzielczości

    - Year 2014

    W pracy przedstawiono wybrane przykłady możliwości pomiarowych ultradźwiękowych tłoków wysokiej rozdzielczości do badania stanu ścianek rurociągów. Przedstawiono techniki zmierzające do precyzyjnej lokalizacji wykrywanych wad oraz opisano znaczenie i metodykę oszacowania trendów rozwojowych wad. Wskazano również na możliwości synergii informacji otrzymywanych różnymi technikami pomiarowymi w oparciu o systemy GIS. Na koniec podano...

  • Diagnostyka stanu technicznego rurociągów stalowych z wykorzystaniem tłoków ultradźwiękowych wysokiej rozdzielczości

    - Ochrona przed Korozją - Year 2014

    W pracy przedstawiono wybrane przykłady mozliwosci pomiarowych ultradźwiękowych tłoków wysokiej rozdzielczości do badania stanu ścianek rurociągów. Przedstawiono techniki zmierzające do precyzyjnej lokalizacji wykrywanych wad oraz opisano znaczenie i metodykę oszacowania trendów rozwojowych wad. Wskazano również na możliwości synergii informacji otrzymywanych różnymi technikami pomiarowymi w oparciu o systemy GIS. Na koniec podano...

  • Dynamic mass measurement in checkweighers using a discrete time-variant low-pass filter

    Conveyor belt type checkweighers are complex mechanical systems consisting of a weighing sensor (strain gauge load cell, electrodynamically compensated load cell), packages (of different shapes, made of different materials) and a transport system (motors, gears, rollers). Disturbances generated by the vibrating parts of such a system are reflected in the signal power spectra in a form of strong spectral peaks, located usually in...

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  • Elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive audio files – comparison of three noise pulse detection schemes

    The problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances (such as clicks, pops, ticks, crackles, and record scratches) from archive audio recordings is considered and solved using autoregressive modeling. Three classical noise pulse detection schemes are examined and compared: the approach based on open-loop multi-step-ahead signal prediction, the approach based on decision-feedback signal prediction, and the double threshold approach,...

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  • Elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings

    This paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings. The proposed solution is based on vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals. On-line tracking of signal model parameters is performed using the stability-preserving Whittle-Wiggins-Robinson algorithm with exponential data weighting. Detection of noise pulses and model-based interpolation of the irrevocably distorted samples...

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  • Fast clutter cancellation for noise radars via waveform design

    Canceling clutter is an important, but very expensive part of signal processing in noise radars. It is shown that considerable improvements can be made to a simple least squares canceler if minor constraints are imposed onto noise waveform. Using a combination of FPGA and CPU, the proposed scheme is capable of canceling both stationary clutter and moving targets in real-time, even for high sampling rates.

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  • Genre-Based Music Language Modeling with Latent Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process Allocation

    - Year 2014

    In this work we present a new Bayesian topic model: latent hierarchical Pitman-Yor process allocation (LHPYA), which uses hierarchical Pitman-Yor pr ocess priors for both word and topic distributions, and generalizes a few of the existing topic models, including the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), the bi- gram topic model and the hierarchical Pitman-Yor topic model. Using such priors allows for integration of -grams with a topic...

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  • Genre-Based Music Language Modeling with Latent Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process Allocation

    In this work we present a new Bayesian topic model: latent hierarchical Pitman-Yor process allocation (LHPYA), which uses hierarchical Pitman-Yor pr ocess priors for both word and topic distributions, and generalizes a few of the existing topic models, including the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), the bi- gram topic model and the hierarchical Pitman-Yor topic model. Using such priors allows for integration of -grams with a topic model,...

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  • Localization of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals using predictive matched filtering

    The problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive audio signals is considered and its new solution, called predictive matched filtering, is proposed. The new approach is based on the observation that a large percentage of noise pulses corrupting archive audio recordings have highly repetitive shapes that match several typical “patterns”, called click templates. To localize noise pulses, click templates can be correlated...

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  • Merging extremum seeking and self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller - overdetermined case

    - Year 2014

    Active cancellation systems rely on destructive interference to achieve rejection of unwanted disturbances entering the system of interest. Typical practical applications of this method employ a simple single input, single output arrangement. However, when a spatial wavefield (e.g. acoustic noise or vibration) needs to be controlled, multichannel active cancellation systems arise naturally. Among these, the so-called overdetermined...

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  • Modelowanie dynamiki pojazdu w badaniach na hamowni silnikowej

    - Logistyka - Year 2014


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  • Multichannel self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller

    The problem of cancellation of a nonstationary sinusoidal interference, acting at the output of an unknown multivariable linear stable plant, is considered. No reference signal is assumed to be available. The proposed feedback controller is a nontrivial extension of the SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller) algorithm, developed earlier for single-input, single-output plants. The algorithm consists of two loops:...

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  • Projekt i implementacja rejestratora OBD do rejestracji wielkości dla potrzeb badania infrastruktury drogowej

    - Logistyka - Year 2014

    Opisany w artykule rejestrator OBD jest cyfrowym urządzeniem elektronicznym, które może w czasie rzeczywistym gromadzić dane związane z pojazdem i przechowywać je w celu późniejszego przetwarzania dla celów badawczych. Urządzenie takie może posłużyć do analizy przejazdu pod względem dynamiki ruchu, ekonomii jazdy, a nawet pomóc w zapobieganiu wypadkom samochodowym i ograniczać ich skutki [4][5]. W artykule opisano proces opracowania...

  • Projekt i implementacja rejestratora parametrów pojazdu

    - Logistyka - Year 2014

    Projektowany rejestrator jest cyfrowym urządzeniem elektronicznym, które może w czasie rzeczywistym zbierać dane o stanie pojazdu, a także przechowywać je do późniejszej obróbki. Urządzenie takie może posłużyć do analizy przejazdu pod względem dynamiki czy ekonomii jazdy, a nawet pomóc w zapobieganiu wypadkom samochodowym i radzeniu sobie z ich skutkami [4][5]. W poniższym artykule opisano proces tworzenia rejestratora w oparciu...

  • Self-tuning adaptive frequency tracker

    An automatic gain tuning algorithm is proposed for a recently introduced adaptive notch filter. Theoretical analysis and simulations show that, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the proposed extension is capable of adjusting adaptation gains of the filter so as to minimize the mean-squared frequency tracking error without prior knowledge of the true frequency trajectory. A simplified one degree of freedom version of...

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  • Waveform design for fast clutter cancellation in noise radars

    - Year 2014

    Canceling clutter is an important, but computation-ally intensive part of signal processing in noise radars. It is shown that considerable improvements can be made to a simple least squares canceler if minor constraints are imposed onto noise waveform. The proposed scheme is potentially capable of canceling clutter in real-time, even for high sampling rates.

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  • Wstępna lokalizacja otworów w wizyjnym systemie spawania wymienników ciepła

    Coraz częściej systemy wizyjne wykorzystywane są w robotyce przemysłowej do nadzorowania przebiegu procesu technologicznego. W przypadku zrobotyzowanych stanowisk spawalniczych, wygenerowanie trajektorii głowicy spawalniczej wymaga prawidłowej lokalizacji w obrazie testowanego obiektu. W tym celu wykorzystuje się standardowe techniki przetwarzania sygnału wizyjnego, polegające na progowaniu i segmentacji obrazu. Następnie oceniane...

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Year 2013