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Rok 2020
Badania tribologicznych właściwości nanokompozytowych warstw Ni-P/Si3N4 osadzanych metodą redukcji chemicznej na stopie aluminium AW-7075
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki tribologicznych badań warstw nanokompozytowych Ni-P/Si3N4 i niklowych Ni-P osadzonych na stopie aluminium AW-7075 metodą redukcji chemicznej, a także stopu AW-7075 bez powłoki. Warstwy nanokompozytowe wytworzono, stosując azotek krzemu Si3N4 w postaci polidyspersyjnego proszku o wielkości cząstek 20–25 nm. Analizowano wpływ zawartości w materiale warstwy fazy dyspersyjnej na twardość i zużycie ścierne, którą...
Cargo ships heat demand - operational experiment
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of an experiment conducted on two cargo ships – a 5300 TEU container with a steam heating system and a 7500 dwt general cargo ship with a thermal oil system. On both ships research has been carried out using specially designed measuring equipment. After gathering data about flow velocity and temperatures (steam/ cooling water/ thermal oil/ seawater/ outside air), calculations have been done, resulting...
Comments to the article by Ramos et al. ‘Collision avoidance on maritime autonomous surface ships: Operators’ tasks and human failure events’ (Safety Science Vol. 116, July 2019, pp. 33–44)
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Debonding Size Estimation in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Guided Wave-Based Method
PublikacjaThe following paper presents the results of the theoretical and experimental analysis of the influence of debonding size on guided wave propagation in reinforced concrete beams. The main aim of the paper is a development of a novel, baseline-free method for determining the total area of debonding between steel rebar embedded in a concrete cover on the basis of the average wave velocity or the time of flight. The correctness of...
Decomposition of halogenated nucleobases by surface plasmon resonance excitation of gold nanoparticles
PublikacjaHalogenated uracil derivatives are of great interest in modern cancer therapy, either as chemotherapeutics or radiosensitisers depending on their halogen atom. This work applies UV-Vis spectroscopy to study the radiation damage of uracil, 5-bromouracil and 5- uorouracil dissolved in water in the presence of gold nanoparticles upon irradiation with an Nd:YAG ns-pulsed laser operating at 532nm at dierent uences. Gold nanoparticles...
Publikacja: The study is aimed to develop the logic-linguistic models to design a number of rules for the correct calculation of the vehicles needed, taking into account the technical, technological, and weather and climate conditions of the harvesting and transport complex. The article has shown that the construction of the design of logic-linguistic models was not performed earlier to solve the problem of the agro-industrial production...
Detection and size estimation of crack in plate based on guided wave propagation
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of the comprehensive theoretical and experimental investigation of crack detection in metallic plate using guided wave propagation. The main aim of the paper is to develop the novel method which would allow for linear crack size estimation with the use of minimal number of the transducers. In general, there exists the relation between length of the propagation path and the wave amplitude value. However,...
PublikacjaThe paper deals with issues connected with the behaviour of a streamer cable towed by a survey seismic vessel when the cable undergoes a strike triggered by collision with an underwater moving object. The consequences of such collisions may be both threat to the life of marine animals or damage to underwater units and large economic losses suffered by vessel owners. The risk of such collisions has increased over the last years...
PublikacjaThe increase of seakeeping performance is of particular importance for car and passenger ferries, service ships in the gas and oil extraction industry and offshore wind power farm industry, as well as for special purpose ships (including military applications). In the water areas of the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea, which are characterised by a short and steep wave, the hull shape has a substantial impact on the...
Determination of the dynamic critical maneuvering area in an encounter between two vessels: Operation with negligible environmental disruption
PublikacjaThis paper introduces the concept of Collision Avoidance Dynamic Critical Area (CADCA) for onboard Decision Support Systems (DSS). The indicator proposed is derived via identification of a minimum required maneuvering zone in an encounter between two vessels. The CADCA model accounts for ship maneuvering dynamics and associated hydrodynamic actions emerging from different rudder angles and forward speed effects. The method presented...
Determination of the dynamic critical maneuvering area in an encounter between two vessels: Operation with negligible environmental disruption
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Effects of the Origin and Deacetylation Degree of Chitosan on Properties of Its Coatings on Titanium
PublikacjaThe properties of chitosan coatings on titanium surfaces may be influenced by a variety of factors, including their chemical characteristics and the deposition method. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of a chitosan’s origin (a type of shrimp) and deacetylation degree (DD), when deposited on a very smooth titanium surface, on adhesion and biological behavior. The tests were performed using chitosan of a degree...
PublikacjaThe article presents a continuation of research carried out concerning identification of energy consequences of mechanical fatigue within a propeller shaft in a rotating mechanical system, while working under conditions of the loss of the required alignment of shaft lines. Experimental research was carried out on a physical model reflecting a full-sized real object: i.e., the propulsion system of the ship. It is proven, by means...
Etapy projektowania statków oraz przepływ dokumentacji
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono główne etapy projektu okrętowego wg. różnych autorów. Następnie opisano zakres prac dla każdego z etapów i przedstawiono je w postaci spirali projektowej. Przedstawiono i opisano również schemat przepływu dokumentacji podczas realizacji projektu klasyfikacyjnego z wyszczególnieniem armatora, biura projektowego, stoczni oraz towarzystwa klasyfikacyjnego.
Evaluation of the resistance of steel–concrete adhesive connection in reinforced concrete beams using guided wave propagation
PublikacjaThe development of the nondestructive diagnostic methods is of significant importance in the last decades. A special attention is paid to diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, which are very popular in the civil engineering field. A possible use of the guided waves in the estimation of the resistance of steel–concrete adhesive connection is studied in the following paper. The relationships relating adhesive connection...
Evaluation of the significance of the effect of the active cross-sectional area of the inlet air channel on the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas of a diesel engine using statistics F of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution
PublikacjaThis paper presents the application of Fisher-Snedecor distribution F statistics to assess the significance of the influence of changes in the active cross-sectional area of the inlet air channel (Adol) flow in a diesel engine on the observed diagnostic parameter determined on the basis of measurements of the quick changing exhaust gas temperature in the outlet channel, which is the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas stream within...
PublikacjaThe paper presents a multi-objective method, which optimises the route of a sailboat. The presented method makes use of an evolutionary multi-objective (EMO) algorithm, which performs the optimisation according to three objective functions: total passage time, a sum of all course alterations made during the voyage and the average angle of heel. The last two of the objective functions reflect the navigator’s and passenger’s comfort,...
Experimental and numerical investigations of ultimate strength of imperfect stiffened plates of different slenderness
PublikacjaThe objective of this study is to analyse the behaviour of compressed stiffened plates of different slenderness using experimental and numerical methods. The presented results are part of a long-term project to investigate the ultimate strength of geometrically imperfect structures subjected to different degradation phenomena, including corrosion degradation and locked cracks. Several specimens were subjected to a uniaxial compressive...
Improvement of ships seakeeping performance by application of the full-scale cfd simulations
PublikacjaThe ship’s fuel economy is increasingly important. The paper presents the effect of redesigning a case study ship for increasing seakeeping performance. Selected wave parameters reflect very difficult operational conditions existing on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The analyzed variants of a case study ship represent the latest developments of modern hull forms. The concepts similar to V-shaped bulbous bow, X-bow, X-aft, B-bow...
Influence of process of straightening ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel on corrosion resistance and mechanical properties
PublikacjaThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries, for architectural elements, and many others. The chemical composition of corrosion-resistant...
Investigations of the Working Process in a Dual-Fuel Low-Emission Combustion Chamber for an FPSO Gas Turbine Engine
PublikacjaThis investigation is devoted to an analysis of the working process in a dual-fuel low-emission combustion chamber for a floating vessel’s gas turbine. The low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber with partial pre-mixing of fuel and air inside the outer and inner radial-axial swirlers was chosen as the object of research. When modelling processes in a dual-flow low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber, a generalized method...
Kinetics of molecular decomposition under irradiation of gold nanoparticles with nanosecond laser pulses—A 5-Bromouracil case study
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Kinetics of molecular decomposition under irradiation of gold nanoparticles with nanosecond laser pulses—A 5-Bromouracil case study
PublikacjaABSTRACT Laser illuminated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) efficiently absorb light and heat up the surrounding medium, leading to versatile applications ranging from plasmonic catalysis to cancer photothermal therapy. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the thermal, optical, and electron induced reaction pathways is required. Here, the electrophilic DNA nucleobase analog 5-Bromouracil (BrU) has been used as a model compound to...
PublikacjaW artykule przybliżono fizykę uszkodzeń eksploatacyjnych zaworów cylindrowych silników okrętowych oraz technologię ich naprawy. Zaprezentowano system diagnozujący tego typu silników, który znajduje się na wyposażeniu bazy laboratoryjnej Katedry Siłowni Morskich i Lądowych WOiO PG. Umożliwia on przeprowadzenie kompleksowej oceny stanu technicznego przestrzeni roboczych silników zabudowanych w siłowni okrętowej w bieżącej eksploatacji....
Modelowanie losowych imperfekcji geometrycznych przestrzennych konstrukcji metalowych
PublikacjaImperfekcje geometryczne zbiorników, silosów i powłok siatkowych mogą znaczą-co wpłynąć na ich nośność, a więc powinny być one uwzględniane w obliczeniach komputerowych i w procesie projektowania. Wykazano, że przy podstawowych obcią-żeniach, działających na tego typu konstrukcje, tj. podciśnieniu oraz naporu wiatru i śniegu (w przypadku powłok siatkowych), wykazują wyraźne różnice w porównaniu z analogicznymi wynikami dla tych...
Numerical Study of Concrete Mesostructure Effect on Lamb Wave Propagation
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of the numerical investigation of Lamb wave propagation in concrete plates while taking into account the complex concrete mesostructure. Several concrete models with randomly distributed aggregates were generated with the use of the Monte Carlo method. The influence of aggregate ratio and particle size on dispersion curves representing Lamb wave modes was analyzed. The results obtained for heterogeneous...
Od postawy prozdrowotnej w stoczni jachtowej do ograniczania zagrożeń na stanowisku pracy formierza-laminiarza
PublikacjaTematyka zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa pracowników, coraz częściej popularyzowana w świecie biznesu, nadal stanowi dość mało rozpoznany obszar działalności polskich przedsiębiorstw. Niniejszy artykuł porusza ważką kwestię promocji zdrowia w miejscu pracy jako czynnika zwiększającego efektywność pracy oraz jego wpływ na osiąganie wysokiej jakości produktu. Publikacja omawia znaczenie postawy prozdrowotnej i sposobów jej kształtowania...
On the electronic structure of methyl butyrate and methyl valerate
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On the electronic structure of methyl butyrate and methyl valerate
PublikacjaWe present novel results of the analysis of the electronic structure of two aliphatic esters: methyl butyrate and methyl valerate. High-resolution photoabsorption spectra were collected and analyzed over the energy range 4.0–10.8 eV and showed for both the molecules not only a clear band of the HOMO to LUMO transition, but also vibronic structure associated with the first Rydberg-valence transition. Photoelectron spectra recorded...
PublikacjaThe paper presents a framework for optimising a sailing yacht rig using Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms and for filtering obtained solutions by means of a Multi-criteria Decision Making method. A Bermuda sloop with discontinuous rig is taken under consideration as a model rig configuration. It has been decomposed into its elements and described by a set of control parameters to form a responsive model which can be used...
Parametric optimization of sandwich composite footbridge with U-shaped cross-section
PublikacjaParametric optimization of sandwich composite footbridge was presented in the paper. Composite footbridge has 14,5 m long and has U-shaped cross-section with inner dimensions 2,6 × 1,3 m. The sandwich structure in made from GFRP laminate as a faces and PET foam as a core. The aim of analysis was to minimize the mass of the new footbridge that can lead to minimize the cost of structure. After optimization was conducted, the new...
Projektowanie drzwi przeciwpożarowych - propozycja metody
PublikacjaW artykule opisano propozycję projektowania jednoskrzydło- wych drzwi przeciwpożarowych w oparciu o normy PN-EN 1363 oraz PN-EN 1634. Wykorzystano podstawowe równania przenikania ciepła, wynikające z prawa Pecleta, dotyczącego tego rodzaju przenoszenia ciepła. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań statystycznych zebranych na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań ogniowych w certyfikowanych laboratoriach.
Random field modelling of mechanical behaviour of corroded thin steel plate specimens
PublikacjaThe objective of this work is to explore the possibility of corrosion degradation modelling of thin steel plate specimens with the use of random field approach. The mechanical properties are obtained via the nonlinear Finite Element Analysis with the use of an explicit dynamic solver. The fully nonlinear material model is adopted to obtain the proper stress-strain response. Sensitivity analysis considering the main statistical...
REPORT Verification expertise of Detroit Diesel engines 16V149TI on the vessel ORP GEN. PUŁASKI
PublikacjaVerification expertise of propulsion engines for generating sets of the ORP GEN. PUŁASKI - type 16V149TI related to a complaint sent by the shipowner to Shiprepair Yard NAUTA S.A.
PublikacjaThe article describes the methodology related to determining the multi-criteria routes for sailing ships. Details of sea area discretisation and discretisation of the description of the sailing vessel properties and manoeuvring principles are shown. User requirements were specified (for five different categories of users) and on this basis the criteria for selecting the most suitable shipping route were formulated. The presented...
Sea Captains’ Views on Automated Ship Route Optimization in Ice-covered Waters
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Signature Partitioning Using Selected Population-Based Algorithms
PublikacjaDynamic signature is a biometric attribute which is commonly used for identity verification. Artificial intelligence methods, especially population-based algorithms (PBAs), can be very useful in the dynamic signature verification process. They are able to, among others, support selection of the most characteristic descriptors of the signature or perform signature partitioning. In this paper, we focus on creating the most characteristic...
Small Vessel with Inboard Engine Retrofitting Concepts; Real Boat Tests, Laboratory Hybrid Drive Tests and Theoretical Studies
PublikacjaThe development of modern technologies and their increasing availability, as well as the falling costs of highly ecient propulsion systems and power sources, have resulted in electric or hybrid propulsions systems’ growing popularity for use on watercraft. Presented in the paper are design and lab tests of a prototype parallel hybrid propulsion system. It describes a concept of retrofitting a conventionally powered nine meter-long...
Stanowisko laboratoryjne do badania procesów wibroakustycznych w rejonie głowicy cylindrowej silnika z zapłonem samoczynnym - wyniki badań pilotażowych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono założenia oraz ich praktyczną realizację w odniesieniu do stanowiska laboratoryjnego przeznaczonego do badania procesów wibroakustycznych w rejonie głowicy silnika z zapłonem samoczynnym. Podstawowym założeniem podczas realizacji tego projektu było stworzenie możliwości dydaktycznych oraz naukowo – badawczych w zakresie obserwacji i rejestracji procesów drganiowych w rejonie głowicy cylindrowej silnika...
Study of railway traffic safety based on the railway track condition monitoring system
PublikacjaThe solution to the problem of monitoring the railway track, as well as potentially dangerous objects and phenomena in the adjacent territories, is determined by the need to implement increased requirements for traffic safety (primarily to the geometric parameters of the devices of a long railway track under construction and functioning load-bearing highways), prevention of technological disasters and large-scale negative effects...
The dynamic signature verification using population-based vertical partitioning
PublikacjaThe dynamic signature is an attribute used in behavioral biometrics for verifying the identity of an individual. This attribute, apart from the shape of the signature, also contains information about the dynamics of the signing process described by the signals which tend to change over time. It is possible to process those signals in order to obtain descriptors of the signature characteristic of an individual user. One of the methods...
The electronic excited states of dichloromethane in the 5.8-10.8 eV energy range investigated by experimental and theoretical methods
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The electronic excited states of dichloromethane in the 5.8-10.8 eV energy range investigated by experimental and theoretical methods
PublikacjaWe present a comprehensive experimental high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoabsorption spectrum of dichloromethane, CH 2 Cl 2 , with absolute cross sections determined for the full 5.8–10.8 eV energy-range. The calculations on the vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths were performed using the equation-of-motion coupled cluster method, restricted to the single and double excitations level (EOM-CCSD), and...
The Influence of the Cuboid Float’s Parameters on the Stability of a Floating Building
PublikacjaUsually, the concept of sufficient stability of a floating structure is connected with the capacity to keep a small heel angle despite the moment of heeling. The variable responsible for these characteristics is the initial metacentric height, which is the relation between the hydrostatic features of the pontoon and the mass properties of the entire object. This article answers the questions of how heavy the floating system should...
Time Domain Modeling of Propeller Forces due to Ventilation in Static and Dynamic Conditions
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Time Domain Modeling of Propeller Forces due to Ventilation in Static and Dynamic Conditions
PublikacjaThis paper presents experimental and theoretical studies on the dynamic effect on the propeller loading due to ventilation by using a simulation model that generates a time domain solution for propeller forces in varying operational conditions. For ventilation modeling, the simulation model applies a formula based on the idea that the change in lift coefficient due to ventilation computes the change in the thrust coefficient. It...
Tribological Properties of Ni-P/Si3N4 Nanocomposite Layers Deposited by Chemical Reduction Method on Aluminum Alloy AW-7075
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of tribological tests of Ni-P/Si3N4 nanocomposite and Ni-P nickel layers deposited on the AW-7075 aluminum alloy by chemical reduction method, and the AW-7075 alloy without coating. Nanocomposite layers were produced using Si3N4 siliconnitride in the form of a polydisperse powder whose particle sizes ranged from 20 to 25 nm. The influence of the content of the dispersion phase layer material on...
Validation Process for Computational Model of Full-Scale Segment for Design of Composite Footbridge
PublikacjaExperimental tests and numerical simulations of a full-scale segment of a foot and cycle bridge made of polymer composites are presented in the paper. The analysed structure is made of sandwich panels, which consist of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) multi-layered laminate faces and a PET foam (obtained from recycling) core. The dimensions of the segment cross-section are the same as for the target footbridge; however, span...
Rok 2019
PublikacjaThe excessive wear of a journal shaft can be caused by many factors, for example, working conditions (e.g., temperaturę, slip speed, the type of lubricant), pressure, the type of material used on the bearings and shafts and their roughness, as well as contamination remaining in the system. This paper presents the roughness profiles co-operating with a rubber (NBR) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) bushes. The conditions of cooperation...
A method to determine the tightening sequence for standing rigging of a mast
PublikacjaThe article proposes an alternative method to determine the sequence of generation of pre-tension forces in standing rigging of a mast. The proposed approach has been verified on both a virtual simulation experiment and laboratory tests. In this method, the desired tension values are obtained using the influence matrix which allows to calculate the effect of tension change in an individual rope on the tension distribution in the...