Systemy przezskórnego podawania leków wspomagane polem elektromagnetycznym - Projekt - MOST Wiedzy


Systemy przezskórnego podawania leków wspomagane polem elektromagnetycznym

The overriding goal of the project is to determine the impact of the presence of the electromagnetic field (EMF) on the phenomenon of transport of active pharmaceutically ingredients through various natural and artificial membranes. Therefore, we will answer the questions: How does the type of EMF affect the active substance and the skin? How does the type of substrate affect permeability? How do the structural modification of the compound and the modification of the substrate affect the phenomenon of permeability? We will also explain the mechanism of the permeability of drugs in various types of EMF. In addition, electromagnetic field-assisted systems for transdermal drug delivery (TDD) will be developed. One of the assumptions of the project is to use bacterial cellulose to obtain the above-mentioned systems and to produce cellulose-based transdermal patches with modifiable drug delivery assisted by the EMF. The proposed research is pioneering and innovative. Understanding what factors determine the increase in permeability in the presence of EMF will allow us to understand the dynamic drug-carrier-field interactions better and design new drugs with increased permeability of the active substance, which is of interest to research groups developing TDD systems (TDDS) and is of great importance from the point of view of drug design. The obtained results will allow for the determination of many dependencies between the structure of the drug, the nature of the drug carrier, and factors such as the presence of an electromagnetic field on the permeability of the active substance. The results will provide a lot of background information and will allow us to explain and understand the mechanism of penetration of active substances in the presence of various types of magnetic fields, depending on the structure of the active compound and the type of vehicle. In addition, a manufacturing technology topical or transdermal system based on bacterial cellulose supported with an EMF will be developed. The technology will be tested in a laboratory. The proposed research is innovative on a global scale, and its results may contribute to improving the quality of life of the entire society in the future. It should be noted that the application of bacterial cellulose as a matrix of drugs with the presence of external EMF is a new and innovative approach to TDD strategies. The proposed approach has the potential to improve the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients significantly topically delivered. Moreover, the proposed magnetically assisted TDD system (MA-TDDS) might be treated as the modification of 3rd generation strategy employed for the enhancement of TDDS. The proposed subject is part of the discipline of chemical engineering, combining aspects of chemistry, pharmacy, biophysics, enzymology, medical chemistry, phytochemistry, and molecular biology. The proposed new strategy of TDD may allow the future to provide improved solutions to health-related issues. The proposed project is to develop a new drug delivery system based on the application of electromagnetic field (EMF), bacterial cellulose (BC), and modified drugs next to or upgraded TDDS. 

Informacje szczegółowe

Akronim projektu:
Program finansujący:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
UMO-2023/49/B/ST8/00605 z dnia 2024-02-01
Okres realizacji:
2024-02-01 - 2027-01-31
Kierownik zespołu badawczego:
prof. dr hab. inż. Rafał Rakoczy
Realizowany w:
Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej
Wartość projektu:
2 237 541.00 PLN
Typ zgłoszenia:
Projekt krajowy
Brak weryfikacji

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