Can popular films instil carcinophobia? Images of cancer in popular Polish cinema - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Can popular films instil carcinophobia? Images of cancer in popular Polish cinema


Introduction: Although cancer is currently considered a serious socio-medical challenge and health education in Poland has been positioned as a public health priority, the impact of popular culture on people’s ideas about cancer has been neglected. This study therefore aims to analyse the way popular Polish films portray cancer and the experience of cancer.
Material and Methods: Seven popular Polish films featuring cancer were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The main categories included in the coding frame were disease, therapy, patient, physicians/oncologists and
psychosocial issuses related to cancer.
Results: Polish films fail to provide the audience with basic information about the disease, its diagnoses and treatment and cancer is often represented as a mysterious disease with an unclear cause, an unpredictable and unsuccessful course of treatment, characterised by pain, suffering and inevitable death. Films may therefore instil carcinophobia. Since films accurately reflect problems of daily life faced by cancer patients and their families they have educational potential.
Conclusion: Although Polish films reinforce harmful stereotypes about cancer, its treatment, oncological institutions and specialists, cinema has the ability to raise the public’s and health professionals’ awareness regarding the psychosocial
and emotional strains faced by cancer patients and the medical problems related to cancer.


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Publikacja w czasopiśmie
Publikacja w czasopiśmie
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Frontiers in Oncology nr 12,
ISSN: 2234-943X
Rok wydania:
Cyfrowy identyfikator dokumentu elektronicznego (otwiera się w nowej karcie)
Bibliografia: test
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