profesor Ryszard S. Romaniuk
- profesor w Politechnika Warszawska
Obszary badawcze
wszystkich: 432
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2006
<title>Management system of ELHEP cluster machine for FEL photonics design</title>
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<title>Measurements of SIMCON 3.1 LLRF control signal processing quality for VUV free-electron laser FLASH</title>
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<title>Mechanical properties of hollow optical fibers</title>
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<title>Modular version of SIMCON, FPGA based, DSP integrated, LLRF control system for TESLA FEL part I: SIMCON 3.0 motherboard</title>
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<title>Modular version of SIMCON, FPGA based, DSP integrated, LLRF control system for TESLA FEL part II: measurement of SIMCON 3.0 DSP daughterboard</title>
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Multivariate evaluation by quality indicators of no-tillage system in Argiudolls of rolling pampa (Argentina)
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<title>New low noise CCD cameras for Pi-of-the-Sky project</title>
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<title>Optical fiber capillaries in trunk telecommunications</title>
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<title>"Pi of the sky": robotic search for cosmic flashes</title>
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<title>SIMCON 3.0 eight channel FPGA-based cavity simulator and controller for VUV free-electron laser</title>
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<title>Software layer for SIMCON ver. 2.1. FPGA based LLRF control system for TESLA FEL part I: system overview, software layers definition</title>
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<title>Software layer for SIMCON ver. 2.1. FPGA based LLRF control system for TESLA FEL part II: application layer, networking, examples</title>
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<title>Status of LLRF system development for European XFEL</title>
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Superconducting cavity driving with FPGA controller
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<title>Synchronous optical transmission data link integrated with FPGA for TESLA FEL SIMCON system: long data vector optical transceiver module tests</title>
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<title>Technology of soft-glass optical fiber capillaries</title>
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TESLA cavity modeling and digital implementation in FPGA technology for control system development
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Total and mineralizable soil carbon as affected by tillage in the Argentinean Pampas
Rok 2005
Broadband, optical Internet-based, modular, interactive information system for research deptartment in university environment: part II
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Cavity parameters identification for TESLA control system development
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Data transmission optical link for RF-GUN project
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DOOCS server and client application for FPGA-based TESLA cavity controller and simulator
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Fast synchronous distribution network of data streams for RPC Muon Trigger in CMS experiment
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FPGA and optical-network-based LLRF distributed control system for TESLA-XFEL linear accelerator
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FPGA based, DSP board for LLRF 8-Channel SIMCON 3.0 Part I: Hardware
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FPGA-based cavity simulator and controller for TESLA test facility
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FPGA-based LLRF control module for x-ray free electron laser and TESLA feedback system
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Investigations of irradiation effects on electronic components to be used in VUV-FEL and X-FEL facilities at DESY
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Irradiation investigations for TESLA and X-FEL experiments at DESY
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IT support for OKNO broadband Internet-based distant learning system at WUT
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Low latency control board for LLRF system: SIMCON 3.1
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Pi of the Sky – all-sky, real-time search for fast optical transients
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Pi of the sky: search for optical flashes of extragalactic origin
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Prototype implementation of the embedded PC-based control and DAQ module for TESLA cavity SIMCON
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RPC communication layer and introduction to data protection for embedded PC based control and data acquisition module
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SIMCON ver.2.1: configuration and control procedures
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Software for development and communication with FPGA based hardware
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Software layer for FPGA-based TESLA cavity control system
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TESLA cavity driving with FPGA controller
Rok 2004
Apparatus to search for optical flashes of extragalactic origin
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<title>Automatic measurement system for astronomical education</title>
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<title>Automotive radar</title>
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<title>Broadband optical-Internet-based modular interactive information system for research department in university environment</title>
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<title>Cavity control system advanced modeling and simulations for TESLA linear accelerator and free electron laser</title>
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<title>Cavity control system: optimization methods for single cavity driving and envelope detection</title>
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<title>Cavity digital control testing system by Simulink step operation method for TESLA linear accelerator and free electron laser</title>
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<title>Distributed embedded-PC-based control and data acquisition system for TESLA cavity controller and simulator</title>
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<title>FPGA-based cavity simulator for Tesla test facility</title>
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<title>FPGA-based TESLA cavity SIMCON DOOCS server design, implementation, and application</title>
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<title>Functional analysis of DSP blocks in FPGA chips for applications in TESLA LLRF system</title>
wyświetlono 4949 razy