The ancient formula of master-apprentice relevance in contemporary architecture education. - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


The ancient formula of master-apprentice relevance in contemporary architecture education.


The universalization of the methodology for determining the quality of European higher education exposes the aspect of supporting the student in the education process, which takes the form of tutoring or supervising - a modern form of ancient master-apprentice relationship. The 'master' in architectural education has lawful building qualification and is a member in national architect association - a sine qua non with respect to legally working as an architect. The 'master' shapes apprentice's attitudes, explicates professional ethics issues, puts across patterns of acceptable behavior related to the indefeasible intellectual and creative property rights. Maybe for better the formula of master-apprentice relation should be carried on in design offices or workshops instead of education institutions?

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Copyright (2019 WIETE)

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Publikacja w czasopiśmie
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Opublikowano w:
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education nr 17, strony 1 - 5,
ISSN: 1446-2257
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Opis bibliograficzny:
Piątkowska K., Ratajczyk-Piątkowska E.: The ancient formula of master-apprentice relevance in contemporary architecture education.// World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education -Vol. 17,iss. 4 (2019), s.1-5
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 142 razy

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