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Catalog Publications
Year 2019
The methodology of design of axial clearances compensation unit in hydraulic satellite displacement machine and their experimental verification
PublicationA new methodology of calculating the dimensions of the axial clearance compensation unit in the hydraulic satellite displacement machine is described in this paper. The methods of shaping the compensation unit were also proposed and described. These methods were used to calculate the geometrical dimensions of the compensation field in an innovative prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor. This motor is characterized by the fact...
The study of Arduino Uno feasibility for DAQ purposes
PublicationUsing microcontroller systems becomes a routine in various measurement and control tasks. Their wide availability together with a huge potential of extending their functionality by additional modules allows developing advanced measuring and monitoring systems by non-specialists. However, using popular example codes often leads the user to pass over or not to be aware of the limitations of the system and drawing too far-reaching...
PublicationThe aim of the work was the experimental and theoretical evaluation of the influence of the most important parameters determining the holding torque of a thin-walled bearing shell inside a housing bore of a connecting rod. The main investigated parameters were defned by authors experience in this feld. In the frst stage of research, a special test stand was designed in order to allow measuring the real values of the friction torque...
Three Editions of Inter-University Studies on Space and Satellite Technology. Candidate and/vs. Graduate, a Case Study
PublicationCurrently, there is a growing demand for most up-to-date academic courses that will fulfil the needs of modern society. Each candidate has to make choices and judgements carefully, in order to succeed on the market. This is particularly important when educating individuals with different backgrounds, especially on an inter-university course in the field of space sciences and technology. This paper describes a case study carried...
Year 2018
A concept for reducing PM 10 emissions for car brakes by 50%
PublicationWith regard to airborne particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μm (PM10), in countries in the European Union, the mass of brake emissions equals approximately 8–27% of the total traffic-related emissions. Using a research methodology combining tests at different scale levels with contact mechanics simulations and PM10 chemical characterization, the REBRAKE EU-financed project had the following aims: i) to demonstrate...
A higher order transversely deformable shell-type spectral finite element for dynamic analysis of isotropic structures
PublicationThis paper deals with certain aspects related to the dynamic behaviour of isotropic shell-like structures analysed by the use of a higher order transversely deformable shell-type spectral finite element newly formulated and the approach known as the Time-domain Spectral Finite Element Method (TD-SFEM). Although recently this spectral approach is reported in the literature as a very powerful numerical tool used to solve various...
A pin-on-disc study of airborne wear particle emissions from studded tyre on concrete road contacts
PublicationStudded tyres wear surfaces of winter roads, generating inhalable airborne particles. In this study, four concrete road materials and two stud geometries were investigated in terms of wear, road material hardness and airborne particle concentration. The sliding contact between studded tyres and road materials was studied using a pin-on-disc machine in a clean chamber. The results show that the normal load and the stud size have...
Acoustic lifecycle study of the double-layer porous asphalt on E4 in Huskvarna, Sweden
PublicationIn 2010 a double-layer porous asphalt concrete (DPAC) pavement was constructed on the E4 motorway through the Swedish city Huskvarna. Earlier experience in Sweden indicated that it was feasible to obtain a high initial noise reduction but due to the widespread use of studded tires in winter, clogging and ravelling created losses of around 2 dB per year, with an expected acoustical lifetime of only 3 years. However, the improved...
PublicationW książce omówiona jest budowa amunicji strzeleckiej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wpływu konstrukcji pocisku na osiągi amunicji. Omówione jest szczegółowo wyposażenie niezbędne do domowej elaboracji amunicji pistoletowej i karabinowej. Przedstawiono zasady doboru komponentów takich jak proch, pociski i spłonki oraz techniki wykonywania poszczególnych czynności związanych z przygotowaniem łusek, doborem typu i ilości prochu...
An in-depth look at the tire rubber hardness influence on tire/road noise measurements
PublicationWhen assessing the acoustic quality of a road pavement with the close-proximity (CPX) or the on-board sound intensity (OBSI) method, the rubber hardness of the reference tire substantially affects the measurement. Practical experience shows that measurement tires can get significantly harder within a single measurement season. This is why one would like to normalize measurements to a reference rubber hardness. The recently published...
Analiza wytrzymałościowa zmodyfikowanej belki liny łyżkowej zainstalowanej na platformie Lotos Petrobaltic
PublicationPrzedmiotem sprawozdania jest analiza wytrzymałosciowa zmodyfikowanej belki liny łyżkowej zainstalowanej na platformie Lotos Petrobaltic. Modyfikacja polega na wykonaniu w belce przelotowego otworu umozliwiającego zamontowanie czujnika napięcia liny łyżkowej.
PublicationAbstract Paper represents analysis of influence of oil groove width and bearing clearance on characteristics of oil film in hydrodynamic journal main crankshaft bearing. Analysis was performed in purpose to define influence of bearing clearance and dimensions of oil groove on static characteristics and manufacturability of half shelf bearings in industrial high-volume production. Computer simulations was made using ARTbear program...
Analysis of Failures of High Speed Shaft Bearing System in a Wind Turbine
PublicationDuring the operation of wind turbines with gearbox of traditional configuration, consisting of one planetary stage and two helical stages high failure rate of high speed shaft bearings is observed. Such a high failures frequency is not reflected in the results of standard calculations of bearing durability. Most probably it can be attributed to atypical failure mechanism. The authors studied problems in 1.5 MW wind turbines of...
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the load-carrying capacity of a historic hydrodynamic water-lubricated radial bearing of an unconventional segment design installed in the Braniewo Hydroelectric Power Plant. The aim of the calculations was to determine whether the bearing operates in the conditions of hydrodynamic or mixed lubrication, as well as to establish the optimal geometry of the axial grooves allowing for the highest load-carrying...
Approach for Determination of Functioning of Lower Limb Muscles
PublicationThe purpose of the study is elaboration of approach for determination of functioning of chosen muscles that are essential for gait performance (Tibialis Anterior, Rectus Femoris, Gastrocnemius Medialis, Biceps Femoris). The scope of the study involves the analysis of the symmetric planar motion performing in the sagittal plane of the body by applying planar multibody model and electromyography signals (EMG) registered over normal...
Badanie algorytmu identyfikacji parametrów modalnych wykorzystującego wiele rojów PSO pod kątem odporności na zakłócenia pomiarowe
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ zakłóceń pomiarowych na skuteczność algorytmu wykorzystującego wiele rojów PSO do identyfikacji parametrów modalnych w dziedzinie częstotliwości. W pracy przedstawiono wpływ poziomu szumu występującego w sygnale symulującym warunki pomiarowe przy rożnych poziomach zakłóceń. Ponadto otrzymane wyniki porównano z wynikami dla metod ERA i pLSCF-d. Uzyskane rezultaty wskazują, że proponowany algorytm w większości...
PublicationJest książka z zakresu balistyki, opracowana dla snajperów, strzelców wyborowych, sportowych strzelców długodystansowych oraz myśliwych. W przystępny sposób przedstawiono w niej zagadnienia związane z balistyką wewnętrzną, zewnętrzną i końcową. Bardzo wnikliwie omówiono również celowniki optyczne, sposoby ich testowania i regulacji. Opisano zasady określania poprawek uwzględniających odległość od celu, położenie i ruch celu oraz...
Basic evaluation of limb exercises based on electromyography and classification methods
PublicationSymptoms caused by cerebral palsy or stroke deprive a person partially or even completely of his ability to move. Nowadays we can observe more technologically advanced rehabilitation devices which incorporate biofeedback into the process of rehabilitation of such people. However, there is still a lack of devices that would analyse, assess, and control (independently or with limited support) specialised movement exercises. Here...
Biomechaniczne modele układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego człowieka
PublicationNiniejsza monografia jest poświęcona problemom modelowania zachowania układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego człowieka. Publikacja zawiera opis badań rozwijanych w zakresie: biomechaniki mięśni, biomechaniki zespołów mięśniowych, biomechaniki układu szkieletowego, biomechaniki narządu ruchu, a także zastosowania sygnałów fizjologicznych (elektromiograficznych) oraz projektowania urządzeń do rehabilitacji na podstawie zasad sterowania...
PublicationBy means of a special simulation tool, the noise emission of a high-capacity heavy vehicle (11 axles) was compared to that of a classic heavy vehicle (a truck-dolly-semitrailer with 8 axles). The two cases are designated “Extended vehicle” versus “Classic vehicle” in this study, having total lengths of 34 and 25 m, respectively. The Classic vehicle represents the most common articulated heavy vehicle configuration for transport...
Computing methods for fast and precise body surface area estimation of selected body parts
PublicationCurrently used body surface area (BSA) formulas give satisfactory results only for individuals with typical physique, while for elderly, obese or anorectic people accurate results cannot be expected. Particularly noteworthy are the results for individuals with severe obesity (body-mass index greater than 35 kg/m2), for which BSA estimation errors reached 80%. The main goal of our study is the development of precise BSA models for...
Cooperation of mono- and bi-articular muscles: human lower limb
PublicationObjectives: The aim of this study was to create and analyze a Pareto-optimal problem that would describe cooperation between mono- and bi-articulate lower limb muscles in sagittal plane. Methods: Equations describing the problem were derived and analyzed, additional constrains were introduced and experimental verification based on gait video analysis was performed. Results: Uncertainty of Pareto-optimal solution is shown for the...
Decreasing CO2 Emissions By Reducing Tire Rolling Resistance
PublicationThe first motor vehicle was built by Nicolas Cugnot almost 250 years ago and since then there has been a continuous process of motor vehicles’ improvements, as well as development of new road pavements. The fuel crisis of the 70s of the 20th century made it clear to vehicle builders that measures should be taken to reduce vehicle fuel consumption and it contributed to an increased interest in electric vehicles. Although significant...
Detection of Delamination in Laminate Wind Turbine Blades Using One-Dimensional Wavelet Analysis of Modal Responses
PublicationThis paper demonstrates the effectiveness of a nondestructive diagnostic technique used to determine the location and size of delamination in laminated coatings of wind turbine blades. This is realized based on results of numerical and experimental investigations obtained by the use of the finite element method (FEM) and laser scanning vibrometry (LSV). The proposed method is based on the one-dimensional continuous wavelet transform...
Determinants of the surface quality, density and dimensional correctness in selective laser melting of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy
PublicationSelective laser melting is widely used for custom-designed elements. Successful manufacturing depends on laser treatment parameters and material features. This research aimed to determine the effects of laser power, scan time and hatch distance on surface quality, relative density and dimensional precision for cuboids made of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy. The influence of energy density, energy flux and pre-heating was seen to be decisive...
Development and test of fex, a fingers extending exoskeleton for rehabilitation and regaining mobility
PublicationThis paper presents the design process of an exoskeleton for executing human fingers' extension movement for the rehabilitation procedures and as an active orthosis purposes, together with its first clinical usability tests of a robotic exoskeleton. Furthermore, the Fingers Extending eXoskeleton (FEX) is a serial, under-actuated mechanism capable of executing fingers' extension. FEX is based on the state-of-art FingerSpine serial...
Ecological bearing systems for water turbines – research and development at Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationIncreasing requirements for environmental protection make it necessary to introduce new materials and designs. Hydroelectric power plants operating in direct contact with water reservoirs and rivers are potentially endangering water cleanliness, hence they should also be modernized in the way minimizing the environmental hazards. A lot of progress in this field has been achieved in last decades, but still there is much work to...
Ekspertyza dotycząca przyczyn wybuchu zbiornika HAS 18-204 w oddziale placu drzewnego
PublicationCelem ekspertyzy było wyjaśnienie przyczyn wybuchu zbiornika kondensatu. W ramach pracy przeprowadzono obliczenia wytrzymałościowe oraz analizy cieplno-przepływowe zjawisk skutkujących awarią w instalacji.
Energy-based fatigue failure characteristics of materials under random bending loading in elastic-plastic range
Publication -
Evaluation of bearing and journal damage in MAN 9L40-54 engines installed on M/V STENA SCANDINAVICA ferry
PublicationThe following report was requested by Remontowa Shiprepair Yard (RSY) S.A. in Gdansk ´ (contract no. 4/2018/EX/U, dated 13.02.2018) and prepared based on the materials received from RSY, two on-board inspections and the participation of the contractors in three conferences with RSY representativesi. The goal of the analysis performed by the experts of Gdansk University of Technology was ´ to determine the character of the bearing...
PublicationIn an industrial project concerning sliding bearings, a sliding pair was selected of high alloy steel vs. industrial grade DLC coated high alloy steel as a basis for an innovative design of high performance sliding bearings lubricated with a synthetic oil for use in geared transmission units. The development process required credible data on the ultimate resistance of the sliding pair to very high contact stress. An experimental...
PublicationThe article presents the analysis, project, and experimental examination of an original rigid riser for Coil Tubing Pipes. The principle of riser operation is based on the use of friction forces. The research included the FEM analysis of the designed riser, calculations of the required bolt tensions, and checking the effect of the clamping force on stress distribution in the pipeline. The results of computer simulation were verified...
FEM approach to modeling of an irregular trabecular structure
PublicationThe aim of the study is elaboration of a method for creating irregular scaffolds that can be used to model the behaviour of trabecular bone placed in the proximal epiphysis of the femur. The scope of the study encompasses creating six numerical models of irregular scaffolds (two solid irregular scaffolds, two shell irregular scaffolds and two shell irregular scaffolds with fortification) and performing numerical analysis of the...
FEM Calculations in Analysis of Steel Subsea Water Injection Flowlines Designing Process
PublicationPaper describes the result of theoretical research aimed at assessing the loads and operating conditions of a Coiled Tubing pipeline injecting water, suspended to the mining platform of Lotos Petrobaltic. For this purpose, appropriate calculation models have been developed using the Finite Element Method (FEM), taking into account the nature of the analyzed object and its loads. The analyzes were carried out for two pipes (previously...
FEX a Fingers Extending eXoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Regaining Mobility
PublicationThis paper presents the design process of an exoskeleton for executing human fingers’ extension movement for the rehabilitation procedures and as an active orthosis purposes. The Fingers Extending eXoskeleton (FEX) is a serial, under-actuated mechanism capable of executing fingers’ extension. The proposed solution is easily adaptable to any finger length or position of the joints. FEX is based on the state-of-art FingerSpine serial...
Funkcjonowanie zespołów napędu hydraulicznego maszyn w niskich temperaturach otoczenia
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono cztery warianty klasyfikacji rozruchów oziębionego napędu hydraulicznego. Pierwsza sytuacja dotyczy zagadnienia, w którym wszystkie zespoły układu napędowego wraz z olejem mają taką samą niską temperaturę podczas rozruchu. Pozostałe warianty odnoszą się do rozruchu w warunkach szoku termicznego wywołanych zasilaniem ciepłym czynnikiem roboczym oziębionych zespołów hydraulicznych. Rozruch zespołów...
Hybrydowe modele i metody modelowania układów mechanicznych
PublicationW monografii przedstawiono metody modelowania układów mechanicznych umożliwiające uzyskanie odpowiednio dokładnych modeli niskiego rzędu. Jedną z nich jest dyskretno-ciągła metoda pryzm (DCMP). Łączy ona zalety metod modelowania układów ciągłych o parametrach rozłożonych i dyskretyzowanych przestrzennie o parametrach skupionych. Jej opis matematyczny wyprowadzono posługując się metodami sztywnych elementów skończonych i transmitancji...
PublicationIn many cases in rotating machinery, axial load is carried by tilting pad thrust bearings which have been developed since the beginning of 20th century. For high reliability and simplicity, most commonly the bearings are bath lubricated. In the times of sustainable development, however, minimization of friction losses becomes an important criterion for machinery assessment, and a strategic goal of their development. Performed calculations,...
Impacts in case of triple unilaterally constrained system
PublicationThe this paper focus on the behaviour of a “rigid” body biting into another “rigid” body, with some nonzero relative velocity. In the presently considered case, the introduced collision appears between a selected element of a multibody structure and its reference body being interpreted as the motionless ground. Instead of the classic case, described in a number of dissertations, where a single impacting contact is considered, three...
Improvement of Thrust Bearing Calculation Considering the Convectional Heating within the Space between the Pads
PublicationA modern thrust bearing tool is used to estimate the behavior of tilting pad thrust bearings not only in the oil film between pad and rotating collar, but also in the space between the pads. The oil flow in the space significantly influences the oil film inlet temperature and the heating of pad and collar. For that reason, it is necessary to define an oil mixing model for the space between the pads. In the bearing tool, the solutions...
PublicationTemperature is a very important factor controlling rolling resistance of road vehicle tyres. There are at least three different temperatures that may be considered as important factors controlling thermal conditions of the rolling tyre. The most common measure of the thermal conditions during tyre rolling is ambient air temperature. The other two are: pavement temperature and “tyre” temperature. Tyre temperature is the most difficult...
Metoda Poszukiwania Optymalnej Prędkości Obrotowej Wrzeciona Podczas Frezowania Przedmiotów Podatnych
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano nową metodę nadzorowania drgań podatnego przedmiotu obrabianego podczas frezowania, polegającą na doborze optymalnej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona z uwzględnieniem częstotliwości drgań własnych przedmiotu. W tym celu opracowano oryginalne podejście do wyznaczania optymalnej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona, bazujące na minimalizacji pracy sił skrawania na kierunku głębokości skrawania.
Modeling of performance of a AUV vehicle towards limiting the hydro-acoustic field.
PublicationSome results of research devoted to the modeling of a AUV-Stealth vehicle performance towards limiting its hydro-acoustic field are presented in the paper. At the beginning the AUV-Stealth autonomous underwater vehicle concept is described. Then the method of research is introduced. Next the key design drivers of the AUV-Stealth vehicle are presented. Between them are the AUV-Stealth hull form, arrangement of internal spaces,...
Modelling of performance of an AUV stealth vehicle. Design for operation.
PublicationIn the paper some results of research connected with modelling of performance and risk assessment of an AUV stealth vehicle are presented. A general approach to design of the stealth AUV autonomous underwater vehicle under consideration is introduced. The basic stealth characteristics of the AUV stealth vehicle are briefly described. The method of research is introduced. The AUV stealth vehicle concept is presented including the...
Numerical analysis of mechanical properties of an infill structure used in 3D printings
PublicationThe paper presents results of a numerical analysis focused on an identification of mechanical properties of an element created by using Fused Deposition Modelling additive manufacturing technique (FDM). There is presented a description of technology of the 3D printing, numerical model created by using the finite element method (FEM), as well as some problems referred to estimation of the mechanical properties of the printout. The...
OPINIA TECHNICZNA nr 3/PG/mosty Sprawowanie nadzoru naukowo-technicznego podczas opracowywania projektów obiektów hydrotechnicznych, mostowych i drogowych w ramach realizacji przedsięwzięcia pn. „Budowa drogi wodnej łączącej Zalew Wiślany z Zatoka Gdańską” Opinia nt. rozwiązań technicznych przedstawionych w projekcie budowlanym przekopu w lokalizacji Nowy Świat - branża mostowa
PublicationOpinię przygotowano w ramach prowadzonego nadzoru naukowo-technicznego podczas opracowywania projektów obiektów hydrotechnicznych, mostowych i drogowych w ramach realizacji przedsięwzięcia pn. „Budowa drogi wodnej łączącej Zalew Wiślany z Zatoka Gdańską”.
OPINIA TECHNICZNA nr 5/PG/mosty Sprawowanie nadzoru naukowo-technicznego podczas opracowywania projektów obiektów hydrotechnicznych, mostowych i drogowych w ramach realizacji przedsięwzięcia pn. „Budowa drogi wodnej łączącej Zalew Wiślany z Zatoka Gdańską” Opinia nt. rozwiązań technicznych przedstawionych w projekcie wykonawczym przekopu w lokalizacji Nowy Świat - branża mostowa
PublicationOpinię przygotowano w ramach prowadzonego nadzoru naukowo-technicznego podczas opracowywania projektów obiektów hydrotechnicznych, mostowych i drogowych w ramach realizacji przedsięwzięcia pn. „Budowa drogi wodnej łączącej Zalew Wiślany z Zatoka Gdańską”.
OPINIA TECHNICZNA nr 8/PG/mosty Sprawowanie nadzoru naukowo-technicznego podczas opracowywania projektów obiektów hydrotechnicznych, mostowych i drogowych w ramach realizacji przedsięwzięcia pn. „Budowa drogi wodnej łączącej Zalew Wiślany z Zatoka Gdańską” Opinia uzupełniająca do 5/PG/mosty w zakresie mechanizmów zastosowanych na przekopie po przedstawieniu przez projektanta wyciągu z obliczeń
PublicationOpinię przygotowano w ramach prowadzonego nadzoru naukowo-technicznego podczas opracowywania projektów obiektów hydrotechnicznych, mostowych i drogowych w ramach realizacji przedsięwzięcia pn. „Budowa drogi wodnej łączącej Zalew Wiślany z Zatoka Gdańską”.
Opracowanie opinii, zwanej dalej pracą, o zgłoszeniu patentowym nr 418605 z dnia 08.09.2016 zatytułowanym „Maszyna wyporowa obiegowo-krzywkowa zwłaszcza silnik hydrauliczny”.
PublicationOpracowano opinię o zgłoszeniu patentowym nr P.418605 z dnia 08.09.2016r. zatytułowanym „Maszyna wyporowa obiegowo-krzywkowa, zwłaszcza silnik hydrauliczny”.
Optymalizacja docisku mocowania podatnego przedmiotu obrabianego podczas frezowania
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę nadzorowania drgań podatnego przedmiotu obrabianego podczas frezowania czołowego, polegającą na optymalizacji docisku zamocowania na podstawie szybkiej analizy modalnej. Wymaga ona powtarzalnej zmiany momentu dokręcenia śrub mocujących. Oszacowanie minimalnej pracy sił skrawania na kierunku szerokości warstwy umożliwia prognozowanie optymalnej konfiguracji zamocowania przedmiotu obrabianego. Skuteczność...