prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wach
- full professor at Cracow University of Economics
total: 37
Catalog Publications
Year 2020
A Typology of Small Business Growth Modelling: A Critical Literature Review
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Perceived public support and entrepreneurship attitudes: A little reciprocity can go a long way!
Year 2019
How Entrepreneurial Orientation Stimulates Different Types of Knowledge in the Internationalisation Process of Firms from Poland?
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International Startups from Poland: Born Global or Born Regional?
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International Strategy as the Facilitator of the Speed, Scope, and Scale of Firms’ Internationalization
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The Role of University in the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions of Younger Generations: Selected Models
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The Use of Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization in the Modern Entrepreneurial Economy: Interdisciplinary Perspective
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What determines export structure in the EU countries? The use of gravity model in international trade based on the panel data for the years 1995-2015
Year 2018
Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge Utilization and Internationalization of Firms
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MOOCs jako otwarte zasoby edukacyjne wspierające edukację dla Przedsiębiorczości
Year 2017
Year 2016
Badanie intencji przedsiębiorczych młodego pokonenia: wyniki ankietyzacji wśród studentów kierunków nieekonomicznych
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Determinants of inward FDI into Visegrad countries: empirical evidence based on panel data for the years 2000–2012
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Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in Poland in the View of Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour
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Innovative Behaviour of High-Tech Internationalized Firms: Survey Results from Poland
Year 2015
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Internationalisation Process: The Theoretical Foundations of International Entrepreneurship
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Entrepreneurship without Borders: Do Borders Matter for International Entrepreneurship?
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Familiness and Born Globals: Rapid Internationalisation among Polish Family Firms
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Incremental versus Rapid Internationalisation of Firms: Results of Exploratory Investigation from Poland
Year 2014
Motives for Going International and Entry Modes of Family Firms in Poland
PublicationThe artucule in the theoretical part focuses on theoretical concepts of firm internationalisation and specifics of internationalisation of FBs, especially their motives for going international. In the empirical part the quqantitative approach is adopted. The results of survey are presented on the sample of 216 firms, including 88 FBs. The statistical analysis is carried out
Year 2010
Regional Context of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ Development: Case Study of Southern Poland
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Support for Business Succession in the European Union
Year 2008
Development of Small Business Sector in Slovakia in 1993-2006
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Impact of the Regional Business Environment on the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Southern Poland
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Managerial Perception of Regional Small Business Environment in Southern Poland
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Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Poland
Year 2007
Comparative Analysis of Working Conditions in the European Union Member States
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Entrepreneurship as the Challenge for Polish Economy in the 21st Century
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Foreign Trade Changes in Poland and Slovakia as an Effect of Europeanization before and after the Accession
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Impact of the Accession to the European Union on Polish Enterprises Development
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Influence of the European Enlargement Process on Entrepreneurship in Poland
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Regional Barriers and Stimuli of SMEs Development in Southern Poland
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Regional Labour Market and Tourist Enterprises in Malopolska
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Regionalne wsparcie finansowe małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw : Empiryczna analiza porównawcza Małopolski i Śląska
Year 2005
Year 2004
seen 1345 times