Mariusz Mróz - Teaching - Bridge of Knowledge


Profile photo: prof. dr hab. Mariusz Mróz

prof. dr hab. Mariusz Mróz

e-Learning courses

Conducted classes

    • Styles in music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Technical Physics

    • History and Theory of Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
    • History and Theory of Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Green Technologies

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Informatics

      Field of study: Management

      Field of study: Informatics

      Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics

      Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics

      Field of study: Mathematics

      Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies

      Field of study: Management

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Specialization: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Specialization: Manufacturing Engineering and Production Systems

      Field of study: Informatics

      Field of study: Green Technologies

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Specialization: Heat and Fluid Flow Technologies

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Specialization: Modeling in Machine and Vehicle Design

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Specialization: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Specialization: International Design Engineer

      Field of study: Management

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Mechatronics

      Field of study: Transport and Logistics

      Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering

      Specialization: Modern Medical Devices and Implants

      Field of study: Transport

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

    • Styles in Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Nanotechnology

      Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Biotechnology

      Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Electrical Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Nanotechnology

      Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications

      Field of study: Spatial Development

      Field of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Specialization: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography

      Field of study: Engineering and Technologies of Energy Carriers

      Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering

      Field of study: Corrosion

      Field of study: Technical Physics

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Specialization: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications

      Field of study: Chemical Technology

      Field of study: Green Technologies

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Green Technologies

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Chemistry

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Spatial Development

    • History and Theory of Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

      Field of study: Informatics

      Field of study: Mathematics

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Green Technologies

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Specialization: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Management

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Management

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Management

      Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies

      Field of study: Mechatronics

      Field of study: Transport

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Transport and Logistics

      Field of study: Green Technologies

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Specialization: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

    • History and Theory of Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Management

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

      Field of study: Management

    • Styles in Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Nanotechnology

      Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science

      Field of study: Technical Physics

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Transport and Logistics

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Engineering and Technologies of Energy Carriers

      Field of study: Green Technologies

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Spatial Development

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies

      Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring

      Field of study: Mechatronics

      Field of study: Transport and Logistics

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Nanotechnology

      Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science

      Field of study: Nanotechnology

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Specialization: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Chemical Technology

      Field of study: Spatial Development

      Field of study: Corrosion

      Field of study: Management

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Biotechnology

      Field of study: Mechatronics

      Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Informatics

      Field of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems

      Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Specialization: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Electrical Engineering

      Field of study: Chemistry

      Field of study: Green Technologies

      Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Specialization: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering

      Field of study: Mathematics

      Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Specialization: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications

      Field of study: Transport

    • Styles in Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Specialization: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Specialization: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring

      Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring

      Field of study: Corrosion

      Field of study: Biotechnology

      Field of study: Chemistry

      Field of study: Chemical Technology

      Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Electrical Engineering

      Field of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Nanotechnology

      Field of study: Technical Physics

      Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Spatial Development

      Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Specialization: International Design Engineer

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Specialization: International Design Engineer

      Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications

    • History and theory of music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Mechatronics

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Transport

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Mechatronics

      Field of study: Transport

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

      Field of study: Corrosion

      Field of study: Transport

      Field of study: Ocean Engineering

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

      Field of study: Control Engineering and Robotics

      Field of study: Informatics

      Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering

      Field of study: Materials Engineering

    • BSc Diploma Project 1
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
    • Styles in music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
    • Styles in music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Nanotechnology

      Field of study: Corrosion

      Field of study: Technical Physics

      Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering

      Field of study: Chemistry

      Field of study: Biotechnology

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography

      Field of study: Electrical Engineering

      Field of study: Chemical Technology

      Field of study: Automatic Control and Robotics

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Power Engineering

    • Styles in Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Technical Physics

    • History and Theory of Music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Informatics

      Field of study: Transport

      Field of study: Civil Engineering

      Stream: Civil Engineering

      Field of study: Control Engineering and Robotics

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

    • BSc Diploma Project 1
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
    • Styles in music
      Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

      Field of study: Technical Physics

      Field of study: Nanotechnology

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering

      Field of study: Biomedical Engineering

      Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Biotechnology

      Field of study: Power Engineering

      Field of study: Chemistry

      Field of study: Economic Analytics

      Field of study: Environmental Engineering

      Stream: Environmental Engineering

      Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering

      Field of study: Chemical Technology

      Field of study: Power Engineering

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