Catalog Projects
Projects starting with: L clear
total: 13
Catalog Projects
Year -
LiGAlert Laser-printed early warning sensors: quantum detection of chemical and biological agents
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to SPS G6112 agreement
Liveability Liveability – Designing public services for resilient neighbourhoods
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning
EmbedterLabs Better Embedded Labs for More Synergistic Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to UMO-2021/03/Y/HS6/00199 agreement from 2022-03-01
PRACE-LAB 2 PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe)
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center according to POIR.04.02.00-00-C003/19-00 agreement from 2019-12-30
SOS Climate Waterfront Linking Research and Innovation on Waterfront through Technology for Excellence of Resilience to face Climate Change’ — ‘sosclimatewaterfront’
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 442805/PnH 2/PnH/2019 agreement from 2019-11-12
PRACE-Lab PRACE – Cooperation in Advanced Computing in Europe
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center according to Aneks nr 5 agreement from 2022-05-13
LABORATORIUM KOMPETENCJI – Podniesienie jakości edukacji ogólnej wiejskiej Gminy Sadlinki poprzez wsparcie uczniów oraz nauczycieli w rozwijaniu kompetencji kluczowych wymaganych na rynku pracy.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to RPPM.03.02.01-22-0012/15-00 agreement from 2016-10-28
ZSM Logistyka i technologie monitoringu oraz sposoby ochrony środowiska przed rozpoczęciem prac, w trakcie wiercenia, w procesach szczelinowania hydraulicznego oraz na etapie eksploatacji, w tym monitoringu wód podziemnych, powietrza, hałasu, gleby, emisji
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to BG1/ZSM/13 agreement from 2013-11-14
RMMM Source localisation and navigation using distributed, mobile microphone arrays
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to HOMING PLUS/2013-7/12 agreement from 2013-09-16
Laserowa modyfikacja warstw tlenkowych w barwnikowym ogniwie fotowoltaicznym
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to Umowa nr 0228/DIA/2013/42 agreement from 2013-07-25
Longlife Invest Longlife Invest - The implementation of the planned Lithuanian Longlife pilot project as a dormitory for Klaipeda University
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to #106 agreement from 2013-02-01
LINTE^2 n/d
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to POIG.02.01.00-22-083/09-00 agreement from 2009-12-31
Laser remelting of the nanohydroxyapatite coating on the Ti13Nb13Zr titanium alloy in terms of tribological properties of the obtained surface layer
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology