Behaviometrics of Digital Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Behaviometrics of Digital Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


Te paper reports current stage of the project Automated Terapy Monitoring for Children with Developmental Disorders of Autism Spectrum (AUTMON), that aims at development of methods and tools to allow for the automatic evaluation of the therapy progress among children with autism. Finding objective measures suitable for evaluating therapy progress would let create a system supporting those who diagnose autism and the therapists working with the children. In future these measures could be also applied as optimization criteria in defning the optimal therapy path. Such tool could be helpful in preparing the therapy plan, choosing the type of tasks and their frequency. It might also follow the therapy course, predict its direction and indicate the points which probably require intervention and changing the plan. Obviously it would never replace a therapist, but make his work more effective. Moreover, it could also support the parents in their efforts to objectively report valuable observations to the therapists, which would be especially important in the case of a limited access to therapy centers.

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Published in:
EduAkcja. Magazyn Edukacji Elektronicznej pages 124 - 127,
Publication year:
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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