Influence of friction stir welding technological parameters on the properties of the joints of selected aluminum alloys - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Influence of friction stir welding technological parameters on the properties of the joints of selected aluminum alloys


The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the effect of friction stir welding technological parameters on the properties of selected aluminum alloy joints, with consideration of the residual stresses and dislocation density in the joints. The goal of the present work was also to produce defect-free joints with high mechanical and electrochemical properties. In the dissertation, similar welds of AA6082 alloy and dissimilar welds of AA6082/AA6060 and AA5083/AA6060 alloys were produced. The parameters analyzed included tool geometry, tool traverse speed, tool rotational speed, and tool tilt angle. After visual inspection, the produced welds were studied for microstructure, tensile strength, hardness, and electrochemical resistance. In addition, the object of the study was to analyze the influence of residual stresses and the density and mobility of dislocations on the properties of the welds. The thesis concluded that the technological parameters of the process had a considerable effect on the residual stresses in the welds and the nature of the dislocations, which consequently affected the resulting mechanical and electrochemical properties of the joints.

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