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Search results for: D%C5%B9WIGNICE
Graphene oxide functionalized with methylene blue and its performance in singlet oxygen generation
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Istota chmury wartości - założenia podstawowe
PublicationObserwacje efektów działań gospodarczych przedsiębiorstw wsparte badaniami literatury pozwoliły na zdiagnozowanie niedostatku w zakresie ogólnych modeli tworzenia wartości. Punktem wyjścia było określenie celu działania przedsiębiorstwa, który wykazuje immanentną dychotomię. Dążenie do realizacja tak ujętego celu jest podstawą do konfigurowania wartości generowanych przez przedsiębiorstwo. W tym zakresie wykorzystujące wyniki prac...
Quantification of Radiation-Induced Single-Strand Breaks in Plasmid DNA using a TUNEL/ELISA-Based Assay
PublicationWprowadzono nową metodę służącą do oznaczania in vitro pojedynczych pęknięć nici DNA powstałych pod wpływem naświetlań. Porównano wyniki otrzymane z nowej metody z modelem teoretycznym. Porównano wyniki z szeroko używaną metodą elektroforezy żelowej. Pokazano, że poziom pojedynczych pęknięć powstających w niciach DNA pod wpływem promieniowania VUV jest wyższy niż zakładany na podstawie wyników otrzymywanych metodami standardowymi.
On the critical temperature discontinuity at the theoretical bcc-fcc phase transition in compressed selenium and tellurium superconductors
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Facilitators and barriers to adaptive implementation of the Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) in three European countries; the process evaluation within the MEETINGDEM study
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Elimination of wild-type P53 mRNA in glioblastomas showing heterozygous mutations of P53
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Distillation cleanup preceded gc determination of short-chain monocarboxylic acids in aqueous and solid samples of wastewater origin = Oznaczanie krótkołańcuchowych kwasów monokarboksylowych w próbkach wodnych i stałych pochodzących z oczyszczalni ścieków z wykorzystaniem chromatografii gazowej poprzedzonej destylacją
PublicationShort-chain monocarboxylic acids (SCMAs) (C2-C5) formed in the process of aerobic biodegradation of larger organic molecules should often be monitored to optimize wastewater biological treatment and study the processes of converting organic waste matter into methane, etc. Gas chromatography (GC) seems a method of choice for such a task. Majority of samples require clean up before they can be injected into GC system. In this work...
Mechanical exfoliation and layer number identification of single crystal monoclinic CrCl3
PublicationAfter the recent finding that CrI3, displays ferromagnetic order down to its monolayer, extensive studies have followed to pursue new two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials. In this article, we report on the growth of single crystal CrCl3 in the layered monoclinic phase. The system after mechanical exfoliation exhibits stability in ambient air (the degradation occurs on a time scale at least four orders of magnitude longer than...
Converting beach wrack into a resource as a challenge for the Baltic Sea (an overview)
PublicationThe paper distinguishes beach wrack, the marine generated organic part of beach cast, as a separate management object and discusses research questions related to its management and economically viable use. Based on experiences from the Baltic Sea and existing practices from countries with different management systems clear distinction between the management of natural and anthropogenic components of cast material is seen as an...
GEM-based gaseous photomultipliers for UV and visible photon imaging
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Thermal behavior of the highly luminescent poly(3-hydroxybutyrate):Eu(tta)3(H2O)2 red-emissive complex
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Spectroscopic, thermal and equilibrium characterization of U(VI) ions sorption on inulin in the presence of phosphates
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Anomalous temperature dependence of layer spacing of de Vries liquid crystals: Compensation model
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Cannabinoid CB1 antagonists and dopamine antagonists produce different effects on a task involving response allocation and effort-related choice in food-seeking behavior
PublicationW przeprowadzonych badaniach iniekcja antagonistów dopaminy (DA) szczurom powoduje znaczny spadek użycia siły przez zwierzęta w poszukiwaniu żywności i jednoczesny wzrost spożycia jedzenia laboratoryjnego. Przeciwnie, iniekcja antagonisty AM4113 lub odwrotnego agonisty AM251 receptora CB1 powoduje zmniejszenie ilości jedzenia granulek, ale nie wpływa na zwiększenie konsumpcji jedzenia laboratoryjnego. Efekty wywierane na zwierzęta...
502 - Diagnosis of dementia and post-diagnostic support – voice of people with dementia living in Poland
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Coping strategies and sexual satisfaction in bladder cancer males
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Vascular endothelial growth factor C—a potent risk factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: an immunocytochemical approach
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The significance of VEGF-C/VEGFR-2 interaction in the neovascularization and prognosis of nephroblastoma (Wilms' tumour)
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The significance of caveolin-1 expression in parietal epithelial cells of Bowman’s capsule
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Photosensitive chitosan for visible-light water pollutant degradation
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The good, the bad, and the ugly: space use and intraguild interactions among three opportunistic predators—cat (Felis catus), dog (Canis lupus familiaris), and red fox (Vulpes vulpes)—under human pressure
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Hepatitis delta virus infection in chronically HBV-infected patients from northern Poland
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The Effects of Silver Ion Implantation on Structural and Morphological Performance of Hydroxyapatite Coatings
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Application of low-cost Gallium Arsenide light-emitting-diodes as kerma dosemeter and fluence monitor for high-energy neutrons
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PUB073 Lung Cancer Screening with LDCT – Results of a Small Cohort Continual Monitoring (Pilot Silesian Study)
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P3.13-032 The Impact of Tobacco Exposure on Lung Nodules and Emphysema in a Pilot Silesian Study of Early Lung Cancer with LDCT
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On the superconducting state in Ba0.6K0.4BiO3 perovskite oxide
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T-colorings, divisibility and circular chromatic number
PublicationLet T be a T-set, i.e., a finite set of nonnegative integers satisfying 0 ∈ T, and G be a graph. In the paper we study relations between the T-edge spans espT (G) and espd⊙T (G), where d is a positive integer and d ⊙ T = {0 ≤ t ≤ d (max T + 1): d |t ⇒ t/d ∈ T} . We show that espd⊙T (G) = d espT (G) − r, where r, 0 ≤ r ≤ d − 1, is an integer that depends on T and G. Next we focus on the case T = {0} and show that espd⊙{0} (G) =...
Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of conjugates of adenosine with muramyl dipeptide and nor-muramyl dipeptide derivatives
PublicationWe synthesized a series of MDP(D,D) and nor-MDP(D,D) derivatives conjugated with adenosine through a spacer as potential immunosuppressants. New conjugates were evaluated on two leukemia cell lines (Jurkat and L1210) and PBMC from healthy donors.
Recent advances in gaseous imaging photomultipliers
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Electronic structure and physical properties of EuAuAs single crystal
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Identification of antioxidant polyphenolics from Jasione montana based on a preliminary LC-MS profiling
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P.0253 Two-week lithium treatment modulates translocator protein expression in brain regions in the animal models of acute bipolar episodes
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LuAlO/sub 3/:Ce and other aluminate scintillators
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Study of the impact of DC-DC converters on the protection strategy of HVDC grids
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Antoxidant enzymes in the liver and gills ofTinca tincafrom various water bodies
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Energy transfer of Tb(tmhd)3 - Rhodamine B in poly(methyl methacrylate) fiber for new photonic applications
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Density functional theory-based simulations of sum frequency generation spectra involving methyl stretching vibrations: effect of the molecular model on the deduced molecular orientation and comparison with an analytical approach
PublicationThe knowledge of the first hyperpolarizability tensor elements of molecular groups is crucial for a quantitative interpretation of the sum frequency generation (SFG) activity of thin organic films at interfaces. Here, the SFG response of the terminal methyl group of a dodecanethiol (DDT) monolayer has been interpreted on the basis of calculations performed at the density functional theory (DFT) level of approximation. In particular,...
Comparative study of donor-induced quantum dots in Si nano-channels by single-electron transport characterization and Kelvin probe force microscopy
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Facile synthesis N-doped hollow carbon spheres from spherical solid silica
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Not re-inventing the wheel: the adaptive implementation of the meeting centres support programme in four European countries
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Synthesis of conjugates of muramyl dipeptide and nor-muramyl dipeptide derivatives with adenosine as potential immunosuppressant
PublicationZaprezentowano syntezę koniugatów adenozyny z pochodnymi muramylo- i nor-muramylodipeptydów zawierających w części peptydowej D-aminokwasy (D-Ala, D-Val, D-Ser, D-Pro, D-2-ABA). Jako substrat zastosowano rybozyd 6-chloropuryny, który łączono poprzez 1,2-diaminoetan z odpowiednimi pochodnymi MDP lub nor-MDP w obecności EDCI i HOBt. Struktury otrzymanych związków zostały potwierdzone widmami 1H i 13C NMR (500 MHz), widmami MS oraz...
Synthesis of conjugates of muramyl dipeptide and nor-muramyl dipeptide derivatives with adenosine as potential immunosuppressants
PublicationPrzedstawiono syntezę koniugatów pochodnych muramylodipeptydu (MDP) i nor-MDP z adenozyną jako potencjalnych związków o działaniu immunosupresyjnym. Jako substrat zastosowano rybozyd 6-chloropuryny, który łączonp poprzez 1,2-diaminoetan z pochodną MDP lub nor-MDP. Do syntezy wykorzystano pochodne MDP zawierające w części peptydowej D-aminokwasy (D-Ala, D-Val, D-Ser, D-Pro, D-2-ABA). Jako odczynniki sprzęgające zastosowano EDCI...
On the ratio between 2-domination and total outer-independent domination numbers of trees
PublicationA 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has a at least two neighbors in D. A total outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The 2-domination (total outer-independent domination, respectively) number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating (total...
Allocation of tools to machines in a flexible machining cell. W: Computerintegrated manufacturing. Advanced design and management. Ed.: B. Skołud, D. Krenczyk. Warszawa: Wydaw. Nauk.-Tech.**2003 s. 486-493, 5 rys. 2 tabl.bibliogr. 10 poz. Przydział narzędzi do obrabiarek w elastycznym gnieździe obróbkowym.
PublicationPrzedstawiono zagadnienia modelowania i analizy przepływu narzędzi w wielo-maszynowym elastycznym gnieździe, zorientowanym na wytwarzanie przedmiotów klasy korpus. Zaproponowano oryginalną metodę i algorytmy współbieżnego sze-regowania zadań produkcyjnych i przydziału narzędzi w warunkach ograniczono-ści zasobów systemu. Wybrane strategie przydziału operacji technologicznych i adekwatnych zestawów narzędziowych poddano analizie...
Unicyclic graphs with equal total and total outer-connected domination numbers
PublicationLet G = (V,E) be a graph without an isolated vertex. A set D ⊆ V (G) is a total dominating set if D is dominating and the in- duced subgraph G[D] does not contain an isolated vertex. The total domination number of G is the minimum cardinality of a total domi- nating set of G. A set D ⊆ V (G) is a total outer–connected dominating set if D is total dominating and the induced subgraph G[V (G)−D] is a connected graph. The total outer–connected...
On trees with equal domination and total outer-independent domination numbers
PublicationFor a graph G=(V,E), a subset D subseteq V(G) is a dominating set if every vertex of V(G)D has a neighbor in D, while it is a total outer-independent dominating set if every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The domination (total outer-independent domination, respectively) number of G is the minimum cardinality of a dominating (total outer-independent dominating, respectively) set of G. We characterize...
Molecular typing of Staphylococcus aureus based on PCR-RFLP of coa gene and RAPD analysis
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Crystal growth of CsCl-type Yb0.24Sn0.76Ru
PublicationWzrost kryształów o stechiometrii Yb0.24Sn0.76Ru został przeprowadzony metodą topnikową. Kryształy poddano badaniom dyfrakcyjnym a także mikroskopii elektornowej. Yb0.24Sn0.76Ru krystalizuje w sześciennej strukturze typu chlorku cezu (CsCl).
Effect of Double-Slope Modulation Signals on Conducted Emissions and Efficiency of Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance WPT Systems