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Search results for: PVDF
Mechanical properties of PVDF-coated fabric under tensile tests
PublicationThis article describes the laboratory tests necessary to identify the mechanical properties of the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-coated fabrics named Precontraint 1202S and Precontraint 1302S. First, a short survey of the literature concerning the description of coated woven fabrics is presented. Second, the material parameters for PVDF-coated fabrics are specified on the basis of biaxial tensile tests. A comparison of the 1:1...
Influence of thermal effects on mechanical properties of PVDF-coated fabric
PublicationThis paper describes the method of laboratory tests necessary for identification of temperature influence on mechanical properties of polyvinylidene fluoride-coated polyester fabric often used for tensile structures. Two nonlinear model descriptions are investigated. The first one is based on the piece-wise linear relations between stress and strain and the second one on the Murnaghan model of solid behavior. This paper is proposed...
Influence of morphology of PVDF capillary membranes on the performance of direct contact membrane distillation
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Characterization of PVDF/Graphene Nanocomposite Membranes for Water Desalination with Enhanced Antifungal Activity
PublicationSeawater desalination is a worldwide concern for the sustainable production of drinking water. In this regard, membrane distillation (MD) has shown the potential for effective brine treatment. However, the lack of appropriate MD membranes limits its industrial expansion since they experience fouling and wetting issues. Therefore, hydrophobic membranes are promising candidates to successfully deal with such phenomena that are typical...
Graphene-Coated PVDF Membranes: Effects of Multi-Scale Rough Structure on Membrane Distillation Performance
PublicationGraphene-coated membranes for membrane distillation have been fabricated by using a wet-filtration approach. Graphene nanoplatelets have been deposited onto PVDF membrane surfaces. Morphology and physicochemical properties have been explored to evaluate the changes in the surface topography and related effects on the membrane performance in water desalination. The membranes have been tested in membrane distillation plants by using...
Hydrophobic PVDF hollow fiber membranes with narrow pore size distribution and ultra-thin skin for the fresh water production through membrane distillation
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PublicationMembranes are becoming more and more popular in analytical chemistry, which is why they are used, among others, in extraction processes. Therefore, this work focuses on the process of synthesis PVDF membranes and its optimization. The obtained membranes were used as bags for the phthalate extraction in disposable diapers for babies. Extraction was accomplished by method ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous PVDF membrane...
Photocatalytic membranes based on Cu–NH2-MIL-125(Ti) protected by poly(vinylidene fluoride) for high and stable hydrogen production
PublicationA porous, photocatalytically active, and water-stable composite membrane has been developed based on Cu–NH2-MIL-125(Ti), a titanium-based metal–organic framework (MOF) and PVDF polymeric matrix. To tune the structural and functional properties of the PVDF/MOF composites, the loading degree of the MOF within the polymer was systematically varied. The most effective performance of the composite material was achieved with a 10% wt/wt...
A New Microwave Ceramic – Polymer Composite with 0-3 Connectivity
PublicationGoal of the present research was to fabricate and study two-phase BiNbO4//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity. Such composite consists of there-dimensionally connected polymer matrix loaded with dielectric ceramic particles. In the present case BiNbO4 powder acted as an active phase (dispersed phase) whereas polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acted as a non-active (passive) phase (matrix). BiNbO4//PVDF composites with the volume...
Development of beltless respiration and heartbeat sensor based on flexible piezoelectric film
PublicationThe main goal of this work is to report initial development on a respiration and heartbeat measurement sensor that can be used in continuous monitoring conditions at a minimal impact on the patient. General description of the sensor, consisting of a PVDF film and the bonding layer, is given. Open-circuit voltage generated by the sensor is estimated by analytical and numerical calculations. Analog and digital interface used to extract...
Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) as a biodegradable binder in a negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries
PublicationIn this work, graphite-based negative electrode for lithium-ion battery consisting a novel and biodegradable binder poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) is compared with standard graphite electrode with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) as a binder. The rate and cycling performance of lithium ion insertion/extraction of electrodes with PHBV in a half-cell configuration are evaluated. Moreover, on the basis of the electrochemical...
Enhanced electrochemical performance of SnS-PPy-carbon black composite with a locust bean gum as a binder as in anode in lithium-ion batteries
PublicationWater-soluble binders—locust bean gum (LBG) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were tested with the SnS anode modified by new conducting material polypyrrole—carbon black composite (PPyCB) and compared with the environmentally unfriendly widely used polyvinylidene fluoride (PVdF) as an organic binder. The electrochemical properties of tested electrodes were investigated by galvanostatic charging/discharging tests, cyclic voltammetry,...
Dielectric Properties of BiNbO<sub>4</sub>-Based Ceramic-Polymer Composites with 0-3 Connectivity
PublicationIn the present study two-phase BiNbO4//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity were studied by impedance spectroscopy within the frequency range Δν=100Hz-1MHz at room temperature. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acted as a matrix whereas bismuth niobate (BiNbO4) powder acted as a dispersed phase. The volume fraction of the ceramic phase was cV=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 and 20vol%. Analysis of the impedance data registered for composites...
Locust bean gum as green and water-soluble binder for LiFePO4 and Li4Ti5O12 electrodes
PublicationLocust Bean Gum (LBG, carob bean gum) was investigated as an environmentally friendly, natural, and water-soluble binder for cathode (LFP) and anode (LTO) in lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion). For the frst time, we show LBG as an electrode binder and compare to those of the most popular aqueous (CMC) and conventional (PVDF) binders. The electrodes were characterized using TGA/DSC, the galvanostatic charge–discharge cycle test, cyclic...
Comparative review of piezoelectric biomaterials approach for bone tissue engineering
PublicationBone as a minerals’ reservoir and rigid tissue of the body generating red and white blood cells supports various organs. Although the self-regeneration property of bone, it cannot regenerate spontaneously in severe damages and still remains as a challenging issue. Tissue engineering offers several techniques for regenerating damaged bones, where various biomaterials are examined to fabricate scaffolds for bone repair. Piezoelectric...
Mechanical properties of Precontraint 1202S coated fabric under biaxial tensile test with different load ratios
PublicationThe paper describes a method of laboratory tests necessary for identifying the mechanical properties of polyester coated fabrics named Precontraint 1202S with PVDF surface treatment. Two sets of initial material parameters for dense net model and orthotropic model are specified. Material parameters for Precontraint 1202S coated fabric are specified on the basis of the biaxial tensile tests for different load ratios. In order to...
Wpływ warunków panujących w filmie smarowym na właściwości mechaniczne polimerowych warstw ślizgowych
PublicationCelem pracy było określenie wpływu warunków panujących w filmie smarowym na właściwości mechaniczne materiałów polimerowych stosowanych jako warstwy ślizgowe w łożyskach o tarciu płynnym. Próbki wykonane z PTFE, PVDF oraz UHMWPE zanurzono w oleju w temperaturze 100ºC oraz poddano działaniu oleju pod ciśnieniem 10MPa i temperaturze 100ºC przez okres 200 godzin. Do kondycjonowania wykorzystano olej turbinowy o lepkości ISO VG-32....
Binder-induced surface structure evolution effects on Li-ion battery performance
PublicationA comparative investigation on binder induced chemical and morphological evolution of Li4Ti5O12 electrodes was performed via X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and electrochemical measurements. Composite electrodes were obtained using three different binders (PAA, PVdF, and CMC) with 80:10:10 ratio of active material:carbon:binder. The electrochemical performances of the electrodes, were found to be...
Adsorption-assisted transport of water vapour in super-hydrophobic membranes filled with multilayer graphene platelets
PublicationThe effects of confinement of multilayer graphene platelets in hydrophobic microporous polymeric membranes are here examined. Intermolecular interactions between water vapour molecules and nanocomposite membranes are envisaged to originate assisted transport of water vapour in membrane distillation processes when a suitable filler-polymer ratio is reached. Mass transport coefficients are estimated under different working conditions,...
Usuwanie lotnych związków organicznych z fazy gazowej z zastosowaniem cieczy jonowych
PublicationUżycie cieczy jonowej do usuwania LZO jest limitowane przez rozpuszczalność usuwanych związków. Dane literaturowe sugerują, że ciecze jonowe jako faza membranowa mogą być z powodzeniem stosowane do selektywnej separacji węglowodorów aromatycznych z mieszanin węglowodorów aromatycznych i alifatycznych. Przedmiotem pracy było kompleksowe opisanie procesu separacji LZO z fazy gazowej z uwzględnieniem czynników wpływających na efektywność...
Usuwanie arsenu z wody podziemnej w procesie zintegrowanym - koagulacja/mikrofiltracja
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w skali ułamkowo technicznej nad zastosowaniem procesu koagulacji (współwytrącania) jonami żelaza, zintegrowanego z mikrofiltracją, do usuwania arsenu z wody podziemnej, zawierającej ok. 40 μg As/l, 0,70 mg Fe/l oraz 0,09 mg Mn/l. Jako koagulant zastosowano wodny roztwór siarczanu żelaza (III), w dawkach od 0,5 do 18 mg Fe/l. W badaniach wykorzystano rurowe membrany mikrofiltracyjne...
Badania cieczy jonowych jako absorbentów gazów
PublicationPrzedmiotem pracy jest efektywność przenikania CO2 oraz CH4 przez ciekłe membrany z cieczami jonowymi osadzonymi na nośnikach polimerowych i szklanych oraz pomiary stabilności tych membran w temperaturze 283-298 K.Badania objęły ciecze jonowe będące kombinacją kationu [CnMIM], zawierającego różną długość podstawnika alkilowego n=2-6 oraz różnych anionów: Tf2N, TfO, BF4 i PF6. Jako nośniki SILMs zastosowano materiały polimerowe:...