Search results for: KARA PIENIĘŻNA - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: KARA PIENIĘŻNA


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Search results for: KARA PIENIĘŻNA

  • Marcin Potrykus dr inż.

    A graduate of the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 2008, he has been employed as an Assistant at the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. In 2015, he defended (in the discipline of economics) his doctoral dissertation entitled "Alternative investments - profitability and risk". Since 2016, he has been employed as...

  • Krzysztof Wilde prof. dr hab. inż.

    Krzysztof Wilde (born January 11th, 1966 in Gdańsk) – expert in bridge structures, structural mechanics and diagnostics of civil structures. He conducted research on vibration reduction systems for bridges exposed to dynamic loads from winds and earthquakes. At present he is interested in the field of nondestructive testing of materials and structural health monitoring systems. Hi is author or coauthor of over 200 publications...

  • Małgorzata Gawrycka dr hab.

    Małgorzata Gawrycka, a graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk, PhD in economics. From 2012-2020, deputy dean for teaching at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Currently Dean of the Faculty. Scientific interests focus on issues related to the macroeconomic policy of the state. In particular, the problems of the situation on the labour market, demographic changes,...

  • Mariusz Szkoda dr inż.

    Mariusz Szkoda urodził się w 1990 roku w Pieniężnie (woj. Warmińsko-Mazurskie), a II LO im. Feliksa Nowowiejskiego ukończył w Braniewie. Studia odbył w latach 2009–2014 na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej (kierunek: Technologie ochrony środowiska, Złota Odznaka Absolwenta). Poza statusem doktoranta, mgr inż. Mariusz Szkoda od października 2017 r. jest także asystentem na Wydziale Chemicznym, a od 2014 roku współpracuje...

  • Kaja Kalinowska dr inż.

  • Oleksandr Melnychenko dr hab.

    Oleksandr Melnychenko works as a professor in a group of research and teaching staff at the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Management and Economics, the Gdańsk University of Technology; is a sworn translator of the Ukrainian language in Poland; an entrepreneur with many years of experience in running his own business and managing the companies' finances; has experience working in a commercial bank in a position dealing...

  • Anna Baj-Rogowska dr

      Anna Baj-Rogowska is employed as an assistant professor at the Department of Informatics in Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology. Her higher education is connected with the University of Gdańsk, where she graduated from a master's degree in business informatics, doctoral studies and then obtained a PhD degree in economics in management science (Department of Business Informatics...

  • Tomasz Karla mgr inż.

  • Krystyna Dziubich mgr inż.

    Krystyna Dziubich obtained a Eng. degree in computer science granted by a council at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology in 1996. 1996-2005 employment in industry, as a computer scientist as specialist analyst in the Department of Management Systems Development; She is employed at ETI Faculty as a lecturer since 2005. She conducts lectures for full-time, extramural...

  • Dariusz Mikielewicz prof. dr hab. inż.

    Professor Dariusz Mikielewicz – born on February 6, 1967. in Gdansk. Here in 1974 he enrolled first to the Elementary School No. 17, and then in the Grammar School No. 5, named after Stefan Żeromski in Gdansk-Oliwa. After graduating from the Secondary School, with honors, in 1985 he successfully passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Technical University of Gdansk, where he graduated with a very good...

  • Sara Lehmann-Konera


  • Dawid Pieniężny MA


  • Katarzyna Piszcz-Karaś dr inż.


  • Maria Jastrzębska dr hab.

    Maria Jastrzębska is an employee of the Department of Finance.  She is the author of over 170 publications, including 8 monographs - Financial Management of Municipalities. Theoretical aspects; Budgetary policy of local government units; Debt management of local government units; Finances of local government units; Risk management in the activity of local government units with special consideration of catastrophic risk (co-author...

  • Alicja Karaś mgr inż. arch.


  • Sara Sumbal Engr.


  • Jual Obat Penggugur Janin Wa-081222292216 Cytotec© Jakarta


    JUAL OBAT ABORSI CYTOTEC MISOPROSTOL 200mg ASLI TERPERCAYA (WHATSAPP) 081222292216 Di sini kami menjual berbagai macam Obat aborsi cytotec misoprostol pfizer asli Obat penggugur kandungan cytotec asli Apotik Penjual Obat Aborsi belakangan ini banyak sekali yang mengaku bidan yang bisa menggugurkan kandungan (aborsi) atau dokter, Saya Harap Anda Hati2 UNUK Bidan Kuret, Karena ALAT KURTA HANYA DOCK YANG MEMPUNYAI ALAT TERSEBUT, KALU...

  • Kaja Kosmenda mgr inż.

  • Lara Kalenik mgr


  • Kaja Kowalczyk


  • Sara Redlarska inż. arch.


  • Marta Karaś dr


  • Sara Krzyżyk Inżynier


  • Kaja Szajthauer


  • Bariş Kaya prof


  • Deepak Kala Ph.D., M.Tech


  • Klara Grabowska


  • Sara Czech


  • Sara Zięba


  • Aleksandra Karaś inżynier


  • Kaja Dajnowska student


  • Kaja Michalczyk


  • Sara Paliwoda inżynier architekt


  • Kaja Kinczkowska


  • Sara Nowakowska


  • Sara Szulik


  • Sara Hernas magister


  • Maria Jolanta Milewska prof. dr hab. inż.

    Maria Jolanta Milewska, po ukończeniu Technikum Chemiczno-Mechanicznego w Wąbrzeźnie (specjalizacja: przetwórstwo tworzyw sztucznych) kontynuowała naukę na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 1979 r. zdobywa tytuł mgr inżyniera na kierunku Chemia, o specjalizacji Lekka Synteza Organiczna. Studium Doktoranckie PG ukończyła w 1984 r. W 1983 r została zatrudniona na macierzystym wydziale w Katedrze Chemii Organicznej, początkowo...

  • Kaja Borzędowska-Labuda


  • Elżbieta Cecerska-Heryć dr


    Wykształcenie i stopnie naukowe: 19.06.2018 r.ukończenie studiów doktoranckich z wyróżnieniem summa cum  laudena Wydziale Lekarskim z OdziałemNauczania w Języku Angielskim PUM SzczecinStopień naukowy: doktor nauk medycznychWyższe2008-2013                               Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie            Kierunek: Biotechnologia            Specjalność: Biotechnologia MedycznaStudia licencjackie i magisterskieZatrudnienie...

  • Klara Maria Czyńska dr hab. inż. arch.

  • Diana Sara Pietryga mgr inż.

  • Marta Anita Karas Dr


  • Katarzyna Piszcz-Karaś dr inż.


  • Sara Cygańska


  • Sara Estera Tabor-Osińska PhD


  • Camelia-Mihaela Danceanu-Zara


  • Klara Borowska


  • Sara Crucho


  • Tomasz Kura
