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Search results for: WPC
PU-WC Manufacturing and properties of polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC) using bio-polyols from the biomass liquefaction process
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to UMO-2023/49/N/ST11/01890 agreement from 2024-06-27
EUMaster4HPC HPC EuRopean ConsortiUm Leading Education activities
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Computer Architecture
EUMaster4HPC HPC EuRopean ConsortiUm Leading Education activities
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Computer Architecture
A universal algorithm of space vector pulse width modulation for three-level three- and multi-phase NPC inverters with DC-link voltage balancing
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Electric Drives and Energy Conversion according to UMO-2021/41/N/ST7/01968 agreement from 2021-11-26
KMD 4 National Data Storage. Universal Infrastructure for Data Storage and Access and Effective Processing of Large Data Volumes in HPC, BigData and Artificial Intelligence Computing Models
ProjectsProject realized in Dział Usług Chmurowych according to FENG.02.04-IP.04-0015/24-00 agreement from 2024-12-30
KMD Krajowy Magazyn Danych. Uniwersalna infrastruktura dla składowania i udostępniania danych oraz efektywnego przetwarzania dużych wolumenów danych w modelach HPC, BigData i sztucznej inteligencji.
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center according to POIR.04.02.00-00-D010/20-00 agreement from 2020-02-04
Manufacturing and properties of polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC) using bio-polyols from the biomass liquefaction process
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Polymer Technology
GALATEA GALATEA diGitAL twin frAmework for TailorEd infAnt nutrition
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to 101183057 — GALATEA — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01 agreement from 2024-08-06
SUSTRONICS Sustainable and green electronics for circular economy
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering
SUSTRONICS Sustainable and green electronics for circular economy
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering