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Search results for: landscape ecology
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Rethinking Ecology
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Theoretical Ecology
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Nowe wyzwania dla architektury krajobrazu - oceny środowiskowe = New challenges for landscape architecture - Environmental Impact Assessments
PublicationArchitektura krajobrazu jest dziedziną, której potencjał w Polsce nie jest odpowiednio wykorzystywany w gospodarowaniu przestrzenią. Tymczasem istnieją narzędzia dające możliwość przełożenia dorobku tej dziedziny na działania praktyczne. Należy do nich system ocen środowiskowych, towarzyszący procesom planistycznym i inwestycyjnym. W Europie w ramach ocen oddziaływania na środowisko (OOŚ) stosowana jest metodologia ocen krajobrazowych...
A method for optimizing potential-energy functions by a hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape: Application to the UNRES force field
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Optimization of the UNRES Force Field by Hierarchical Design of the Potential-Energy Landscape. 3. Use of Many Proteins in Optimization
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The effects of forest patch size and ownership structure on tree stand characteristics in a highly deforested landscape of central Poland
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Research, theories and practical experience of therapeutic landscapes as a tool for urban open space design
PublicationThis paper reviews the research on therapeutic landscapes and discusses the design of urban parks and open green space. Firstly, the most relevant research on therapeutic landscapes is reviewed. Secondly, the practical experience of healing and therapeutic gardens is discussed. Finally, the conclusions leading to future use of therapeutic landscape concept in urban open space design are presented.
Analizy krajobrazowe - kwestia przydatności w praktyce zarządzania przestrzenią = Landscape analyses - the issue of usefulness in space management practice
PublicationW artykule zasygnalizowano konieczność poszerzenia pola badawczego w architekturze krajobrazu o zagadnienia związane z naukami przyrodniczymi i geograficznymi. Omówiono konieczność wielobranżowej i ciągłej współpracy warunkującej prawidłowe wykreowanie ładu przestrzennego, m. in. w wykonywaniu planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego.
PublicationThis paper delves into recently applied strategies of creating new water areas and modifying the existing ones as a part of the transformation processes of post-industrial territories. It proves that while the pursuit for unique architectural and urban space values remains an important factor contributing to such modifications, they may also play an important role in reclaiming ecological systems continuity. On the basis of theoretical...
Energy landscape and structural transformations of C38 penta-fullerene: The stabilizing role of octagons and insights into penta-octa-penta-fullerene
PublicationTheoretical investigations were conducted to study the stability and energy landscape of C38 penta-fullerene, a structure comprising six penta-graphene unit cells. Vibrational analysis at the B3LYP/def2SVP level revealed 18 negative frequencies, indicating the dynamic instability of penta-fullerene. Analyzing the energy profiles for these vibrational modes led to the identification of six energetically favourable isomers, featuring...
Landscape Online
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The efectiveness of polish economy in comparison with other countries
PublicationOgromne zróżnicowanie rozwoju gospodarczego poszczególnych krajów we współczesnym świecie rodzi wiele napięć, konfliktów i kontrowersji. Są to problemy nie tylko natury ekonomicznej i społecznej, ale także politycznej. Wiele krajów zaliczanych do słabiej rozwiniętych ma aspirację do zmniejszenia luki rozwojowej w stosunku do krajów bogatszych, poprzez przyspieszenie wzrostu gospodarzcego. Zatem interesujące wydaje sie porównanie...
Moral problems in the process of polish economy transformation
PublicationArtykuł zawiera uwagi dotyczące problemów etycznych okresu transformacji w Polsce. Podane są przykłady kodeksów i zasadność ich wprowadzenia w firmach. Artykuł zawiera też informacje o realizowanym na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii PG programie ''Etyka biznesu'' oraz uwagi studentów dotyczące ciekawych problemów,o które program jest poszerzany.
The solidarity economy alternative: emerging theory and practice
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Biology, systematics, and clinical manifestations of Zygomycota infections
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The State and Critical Assessment of the Sharing Economy in Europe
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The Sharing Economy in Europe: From Idea to Reality
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Entrepreneurship as the Challenge for Polish Economy in the 21st Century
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Glossary on atmospheric electricity and its effects on biology
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Molecular Biology of Meniscal Healing: A Narrative Review
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The Timber economy in the Baltic Sea, 1600-1939
PublicationThe work analyses the evolution of the timber economy in the Baltic Sea from the 17th century until WW2
Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in the Global Economy
PublicationThe book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the company makes. In particular, it addresses the issue of governance from the perspective of ownership, and in a broader and more articulated sense than most Anglo-Saxon studies do. The authors analyse the relationship between ownership, governance, and corporate strategy, with a dual objective. On the one hand, the aim is to identify the consistency relationships...
ICT-enabled circular economy: conceptualising the links
PublicationThis chapter sets conceptual backgrounds regarding the potentially emerging causal links between digital technologies and circular economy ideas implementation. We argue that digital technologies may constitute an effective element enabling the transformation from linear to circular and environmentally friendly economic activities. This work draws the general picture at the macro and micro level. The macro perspective shows how...
Polish Journal of Landscape Studies = Kulturowe Studia Krajobrazowe
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Buzz-based honeybee colony fingerprint
PublicationNon-intrusive remote monitoring has its applications in a variety of areas. For industrial surveillance case, devices are capable of detecting anomalies that may threaten machine operation. Similarly, agricultural monitoring devices are used to supervise livestock or provide higher yields. Modern IoT devices are often coupled with Machine Learning models, which provide valuable insights into device operation. However, the data...
Notatki mikologiczne z okolic Ostrzyc (Kaszubski Park Krajobrazowy)= Mycological notes from the area of Ostrzyce (Kaszubski Landscape Park)
PublicationPrzeprowadzono wstępne badania mikobioty w okolicach Ostrzyc (Północna Polska, Pojerzerze Kaszubskie), podczas których natrafiono na interesujące macromycetes ujęte w poniższym wykazie. Stwierdzono łącznie 117 gatunków, siedem z nich (Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Geastrum fimbriatum, Hericium coralloides, Sparassis crispa, Matinus caninus, Clavariadelphus pistillaris i Polyporus Umbellatus) znajdują się pod ochroną ścisłą, a 23...
Optimization of the UNRES Force Field by Hierarchical Design of the Potential-Energy Landscape. 2. Off-Lattice Tests of the Method with Single Proteins
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Gomphidius roseus (Fr.) Gill. (Basidiomycota) we Wdzydzkim Parku Krajobrazowym, Gomphidius roseus (Fr.) Gill. in Wdzydzki Landscape Park.
PublicationW artykule opisano stanowisko rzadkiego na niżu grzyba klejówki różowej. Jest gatunek górski, rozprzestrzeniony w strefie klimatu umiarkowanego. Grzyb wchodzi w zwiazki symbiotyczne z drzewami iglastymi, zwłaszcza ze sosną pospolitą. Opisane stanowisko połozone jest w kompleksie borów sosnowych na obszarze Wdzydzkiego Parku Krajobrazowego, w poblizu traktu prowadzącego z Loryńca do Szludronu. Wymieniono gatunki roślin i grzybów...
Karolina Krośnicka dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleKarolina A. Krośnicka, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Arch., is associated professor at Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland). For many years (1998 – 2016) she was employed at the Department of Transport and Logistics at the Faculty of Navigation at Gdynia Maritime University (Gdynia, Poland), where she was mostly involved in issues connected with seaports and port...
The influence of a knowledge-based economy on the functioning of contemporary organization
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyzwania, jakie stwarza gospodarka oparta na wiedzy, którym muszą sprostać współczesne organizacje. Proponuje również pewne formy organizacyjne, które pozwalają organizacjom sprostać tym wyzwaniom. Ponadto, artykuł prezentuje zmiany w charakterze pracy takie, jak konieczność uczenia się nowych rzeczy czy podejmowania nierutynowych działań, praca poza organizacją, praca w niestandardowych godzinach pracy czy...
Structural changes in the polish economy- the analysis of input-output
Publicationthis paper analyses the structure of polish economy using three input-output tables for years 1995, 2000 and 2004. applying the traditional methods proposed by rasmussen the sector's backward and forward linkages are identified. industries with large backward and forward linkages are named "key sectors" and play an important role in the development strategy of a country, so the outcome of the paper may be used for the development...
Influence of advertisement in social media in knowledge based economy
PublicationIn the era of knowledge based economies every year the number of companies that starting their advertising campaigns increase. According to Social Enterprise Report, 38% of leading companies in Poland have its profile on social networking sites. In this paper, we are going to introduce two case studies. The first one is the advertising campaign of Heyah based on the history of communism. The second case study is the continuation...
Analysis of the Role of FRMD5 in the Biology of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
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Conditionality of the system of control of the financial economy of selfgovernment units
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Borough Development Dependent on Agricultural, Tourism, and Economy Levels
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Modern Education and Knowledge Transfer Issues in Global Economy
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The Silver Economy as a Constructive Response in Public Policy on Aging
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Digital economy and unemployment in the Visegrad countries at regional level
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Entrepreneurship in Virtual Economy: the Case of Currency One SA
PublicationPurpose: The scientific purpose of the study is an attempted synthesis of interpretation of “the virtual economy” and “the virtual environment” in the Polish and foreign literature on the subject. The cognitive purpose thereof is to offer an identification and a qualitative analysis of the factors that determine the development of e-entrepreneurship using an example of business practice. Methodology: The theoretical basis of the...
Impact of Demographic Changes onto National Economy Development
PublicationThe effects of population decline and their influence onto the national economy need to be analyzed with reference to modern demographic trends regarding society ageing process. The problem of demographic changes does not only concern the birth rate, life span and migration, but it also refers to economic phenomena and thus, the economic and demographic trend interrelation becomes quite obvious. Macroeconomic approach defines the...
PublicationBased on the analysis of the impact of quantitative easing policies on the global economy, there was concluded that the world’s largest central banks and widespread debt stimulation have created the model of economic growth. This model was based on the productivity growth. The lack of productivity growth in the developed world, the active integration of developing countries (first of all China and India) in the global economy have...
Price bubbles and Co-bubbles in the green economy market
PublicationIn light of growing concerns about climate change and environmental issues, investor interest has surged in the new green economy market. However, the existing literature is limited regarding potential price bubble and co-bubble within this new domain. This study examines price bubble and co-bubble in the new green economy market, covering 31 indexes classified into three groups: the green economy market and its components, geographical...
Buildings & Landscapes-Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum
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