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Search results for: MEMBRANY PEBA
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Membranes and Membrane Technologies
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Polyether-block-amide PEBA membranes for gas separation and pervaporation; current design and applications
PublicationPolyether-block-amide (PEBA) membranes have attracted considerable attention for their exceptional efficacy in gas separation and pervaporation processes. This comprehensive review delves into the precise definition, distinguishing characteristics, and diverse applications of PEBA membranes over the past five years. A primary research objective focuses on enhancing gas separation efficiency, primarily through augmenting membrane...
Capillary Polypropylene Membranes for Membrane Distillation
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Degradation of Polypropylene Membranes Applied in Membrane Distillation Crystallizer
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Environmental fracture of polypropylene membranes used in membrane distillation process
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Wettability Studies of Capillary PTFE Membranes Applied for Membrane Distillation
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Wettability of polypropylene capillary membranes during the membrane distillation process
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The influence of storage time on the performance of polypropylene membranes applied for membrane distillation
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Application of polypropylene membranes hydrophilized by plasma for water desalination by membrane distillation
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Influence of inorganic fillers on the degradation of polypropylene membranes during membrane distillation
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Treatment of effluents from a membrane bioreactor by nanofiltration using tubular membranes
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Cell Membrane Transport Mechanisms: Ion Channels and Electrical Properties of Cell Membranes
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The study of performance of polyethylene chlorinetrifluoroethylene membranes used for brine desalination by membrane distillation
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The application of polypropylene membranes for production of fresh water from brines by membrane distillation
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Stability of Ar/O2 Plasma-Treated Polypropylene Membranes Applied for Membrane Distillation
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Influence of morphology of PVDF capillary membranes on the performance of direct contact membrane distillation
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PublicationMembranes are becoming more and more popular in analytical chemistry, which is why they are used, among others, in extraction processes. Therefore, this work focuses on the process of synthesis PVDF membranes and its optimization. The obtained membranes were used as bags for the phthalate extraction in disposable diapers for babies. Extraction was accomplished by method ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous PVDF membrane...
Membrane Technology
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Effect of process parameters on fouling and stability of MF/UF TiO2 membranes in a photocatalytic membrane reactor
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Graphene-Coated PVDF Membranes: Effects of Multi-Scale Rough Structure on Membrane Distillation Performance
PublicationGraphene-coated membranes for membrane distillation have been fabricated by using a wet-filtration approach. Graphene nanoplatelets have been deposited onto PVDF membrane surfaces. Morphology and physicochemical properties have been explored to evaluate the changes in the surface topography and related effects on the membrane performance in water desalination. The membranes have been tested in membrane distillation plants by using...
Photoelectron-photoabsorption (PePa) database
PublicationIn this paper a recently launched Photoelectron-Photoabsorption Database is presented. The database was developed in order to gather all the photoelectron and photoabsorption spectra measured by various collaborators over the years as well as to ease the access to the data to the potential users. In the paper the main features of the database were described and its outline explained.
Lipid membranes exposed to dispersions of phytantriol and monoolein cubosomes: Langmuir monolayer and HeLa cell membrane studies
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New insights of nanomaterials usage toward superhydrophobic membranes for water desalination via membrane distillation: A review
PublicationMembrane distillation (MD) is a promising technology for seawater desalination due to the ability to process high-salinity waters and the ability to be driven by low-grade or waste heat. However, practical applications of MD membranes are limited by the low vapor flux and fouling problem. Recently, there is a growing interest in developing novel MD membrane materials with enhanced hydrophobicity to improve the efficiency of desalination...
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Journal of Membrane Computing
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Membrane cleaning and pretreatments in membrane distillation – a review
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Badania oscylatora z membraną ciekłą zawierającego kationowy surfaktant: bromek heksadecylotrimetyloamonowy
PublicationZbadano wpływ stężenia surfaktanta (bromek heksadecylotrimetyloamonowy) w fazie donorowej, rodzaju rozpuszczalnika organicznego w membranie oraz objętości membrany na krzywe oscylacyjne różnicy potencjałów elektrochemicznych między fazami wodnymi oscylatora z membraną ciekłą. Wykazano, że obserwowane oscylacje związane są ze zmianami stężeń związków jonowych na granicy membrana/wodna faza akceptorowa.
The Influence of PrBa Disorder on the Electronic Structure of PrBa2Cu3O7
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Modelowanie procesów oscylacyjnych w układach z membraną ciekłą i kationowym surfaktanetm = Modeling of oscillation processes in systems with liquid membrane and cationic surfactant
PublicationBadano mechanizm oscylacji róznicy potencjału elektrycznego między fazami wodnymi trójfazowego układu z membraną ciekłą zawierającą kwas pikrynowy rozpuszcony w nitrobenzenie. Wodna faza donorowa zawierała kationowy surfaktant (bromek heksadecylotrimetyloamoniowy) i etanol. Faza akceptorowa składała się z wodnego roztworu sacharozy. Mechanizm sugeruje, że gwałtowna adsorpcja i desorpcja surfaktantu na granicy fazy akceptorowej...
Rozróznianie substancji odpowiedzialnych za wrażenia smakowe za pomocą oscylatorów z membraną ciekłą.Recognition of substances responsible for taste by using liquid membrane oscillators.
PublicationOtrzymano krzywe oscylacyjne oscylatorów z membraną ciekłą zawierających anionowy (oleinian sodu) lub kationowy (chlorek brnzylodimetylotetradecyloamoniowy) surfaktant i substancje należące do czterech podstawowych klas samaku (słony, słodki, kwaśny i gorzki). Dla każdego przypadku zrekonstuowano portrety fazowe metodą opóźnienia czasowego. Stwierdzono, iż oscylatory z kationowym surfaktantem wydają sie byż korzystniejsze do rozróżniania...
Mitigation of Membrane Wetting by Applying a Low Temperature Membrane Distillation
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Resistance of Polypropylene Membrane to Oil Fouling during Membrane Distillation
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The ultrafiltration ceramic membrane used for broth separation in membrane bioreactor
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Studies of membrane scaling during water desalination by membrane distillation
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The influence of polypropylene degradation on the membrane wettability during membrane distillation
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Mechanism of Binding of Antifungal Antibiotic Amphotericin B to Lipid Membranes: An Insight from Combined Single-Membrane Imaging, Microspectroscopy, and Molecular Dynamics
PublicationAmphotericin B is a lifesaving polyene antibiotic used in the treatment of systemic mycoses. Unfortunately, the pharmacological applicability of this drug is limited because of its severe toxic side effects. At the same time, the lack of a well-defined mechanism of selectivity hampers the efforts to rationally design safer derivatives. As the drug primarily targets the biomembranes of both fungi and humans, new insights into the...
Wyznaczanie współczynników dyfuzji tlenku węgla (IV) przez membrany wysycone cieczą jonową = Determination of carbon dioxide diffusion coefficients in supported ionic liquids membranes
PublicationWykazano możliwość zastosowania imidazoliowych cieczy jonowych osadzonych na nośnikach polimerowych SILM (supported ionic liquids membranes) do absorpcji CO2. W badaniach wykorzystano sole imidazoliowe posiadające w strukturze aniony fluoroalkilowe typu [Tf2N] i [TfO], które selektywnie separują tlenek węgla (IV). Wyznaczono współczynniki dyfuzji CO2 przez poszczególne SILM na podstawie ilości dyfundującego CO2 przez powierzchnię...
Surface modification of polypropylene membrane by helium plasma treatment for membrane distillation
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Influence of polypropylene membrane surface porosity on the performance of membrane distillation process
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Membrane Water Treatment
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Liquid membrane oscillators
PublicationZaprezentowano krótki przegląd różnych podejść do opisu mechanizmu oscylacji róznicy potencjału elektrycznego między fazami wodnymi. Więcej uwagi zwrócono na mechanizm zaproponowany w zespole Szpakowskiej. Dla układu z kationowym surfaktantem nagła adsorpcja i desorpcja cząsteczek surfaktantu na granicy faza akceptorowa/ membrana ciekła poprzedzona dyfuzją jest odpowiedzialna za obserwowane oscylacje. W przypadku układu z anionowym...
Hydrophobic PVDF hollow fiber membranes with narrow pore size distribution and ultra-thin skin for the fresh water production through membrane distillation
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Journal of Membrane Science Letters
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Journal of Membrane Science and Research
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Local impedance spectroscopy of membranes
PublicationCelem niniejszej publikacji jest zaprezentowanie zastosowania techniki Lokalnej Elektrochemicznej Spektroskopii Impedancyjnej (LEIS) do uzyskania lokalnej charakterystyki membran. Membranę wykonaną z polichlorku winylu (PCV), plastyfikowaną sebacynianem bis(2etyloheksylu) i domieszkowaną boranem tetradodecyloamoniowym zbadano pod kątem równomiernego rozkładu przewodnictwa na powierzchni badanej próbki. Lokalne pomiary impedancyjne,...
Mass transfer of HCl and H2O across the hydrophobic membrane during membrane distillation
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Studies on membrane scaling during water desalination by direct contact membrane distillation