Instytut Matematyki Stosowanej - Administrative Units - Bridge of Knowledge


Instytut Matematyki Stosowanej


Dyrektor Instytutu Matematyki Stosowanej

  • Photo of prof. dr hab. Joanna Janczewska
    Joanna Janczewska prof. dr hab.
    Dyrektor Instytutu Matematyki Stosowanej

    Joanna Janczewska obtained her PhD degree at the University of Gdansk in 2002. From October 1999 to September 2004 she was an assistant at the University of Gdansk. Since October 2004 she has been an assistant professor at the Gdansk University of Technology. Moreover, from October 2008 to September 2010 she had a visiting position in the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Her mathematical interests...

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