Diplomas and degrees obtained:
a) 21 Sept. 1990 – MSc. Eng. – Cracow University of Technology
Title of the MA thesis: Numerical method of catalyst deactivation computation (in Polish) Su-pervisor: Associated Prof. Wanda Kramarz, PhD, Eng.
b) 24 Oct. 2001 – Doctor of technical sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Kielce University of Technology.
Title of the doctoral dissertation: Investigations into oil derivative migration in the porous medium in relation to groundwater hazard
Supervisor: Dr habil. Maria Żygadło, the University Prof., Eng.
History of employment in research institutions:
a/ 1 Nov. 1990 to 30 Sept. 1991 – Assistant at the Unit of Technical Chemistry, Kielce Uni-versity of Technology.
b/ 14 Feb. 1993 to 31 Dec. 2001 - Assistant at the Department of Water and Sewage Tech-nologies, Kielce University of Technology.
c/ since 1 Jan. 2002 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering and Protection, Kielce University of Technology.
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