Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: 2-coloring number - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: 2-coloring number
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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: 2-coloring number

  • 2-Coloring number revisited

    2-Coloring number is a parameter, which is often used in the literature to bound the game chromatic number and other related parameters. However, this parameter has not been precisely studied before. In this paper we aim to fill this gap. In particular we show that the approximation of the game chromatic number by the 2-coloring number can be very poor for many graphs. Additionally we prove that the 2-coloring number may grow...

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  • On trees with double domination number equal to 2-domination number plus one

    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A subset D subseteq V(G) is a 2-dominating set of G if every vertex of V(G)D is dominated by at least two vertices of D, while it is a double dominating set of G if every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The 2-domination (double domination, respectively) number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating (double dominating,...

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  • Edge coloring of graphs of signed class 1 and 2



    Recently, Behr (2020) introduced a notion of the chromatic index of signed graphs and proved that for every signed graph (G, σ) it holds that ∆(G) ≤ χ′(G,σ) ≤ ∆(G) + 1, where ∆(G) is the maximum degree of G and χ′ denotes its chromatic index. In general, the chromatic index of (G, σ) depends on both the underlying graph G and the signature σ. In the paper we study graphs G for which χ′(G, σ) does not depend on σ. To this aim we...

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  • On trees with double domination number equal to 2-outer-independent domination number plus one

    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The double domination number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a double dominating set of G. For a graph G=(V,E), a subset D subseteq V(G) is a 2-dominating set if every vertex of V(G)D has at least two neighbors...

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  • An Alternative Proof of a Lower Bound on the 2-Domination Number of a Tree

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex not in D has a at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. Fink and Jacobson [n-domination in graphs, Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science, Wiley, New York, 1985, 283-300] established the following lower bound on the 2-domination...

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  • An upper bound on the 2-outer-independent domination number of a tree

    A 2-outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has a at least two neighbors in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The 2-outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every nontrivial tree T of order n with l leaves we have gamma_2^{oi}(T) <= (n+l)/2,...

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  • Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K3,Km;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(3,m)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For K3 and Km graphs, a coloring type (K3,Km;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph).The Ramsey number R(3,m) is the smallest natural number n such that for any edge coloring...

  • Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 2/22/23

    Dane Badawcze

    The research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...

  • Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 2/23/24

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...

  • Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K3,Km-e;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(K3,Km-e).

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For K3 and Km-e graphs, a coloring type (K3,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K3,Km-e)...