Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: adt
ADT in mammography
PublikacjaWe discuss limitations of the known methods of IR imaging in diagnostics of breast cancer. In conclusion we show that for practical reasons one requires new approaches because the known methods based on simple observation of external temperature distribution are not fully effective. Even advanced pattern recognition could not help too much for static images. We ask the question: may active dynamic thermography, known in nondestructive...
Decision classification criteria for ADT in burn diagnostics based on in-vivo animal experiments
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AdTrans Zaawansowana analiza danych dla nauczycieli specjalizacji transportowej
ProjektyProjekt realizowany w Katedra Inżynierii Transportowej zgodnie z porozumieniem 2023-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000158917
FFT spectrum based matching algorithm for activedynamic thermography
PublikacjaIn Active Dynamic thermography (ADT) sequences of consecutive temperature distributions are analyzed. In biomedical applications of ADT, the problems of a patient's movements in front of a thermal camera should be eliminated before data analysis. Complete mechanical stabilization of the patients is impossible due to natural voluntary and involuntary moves caused by pulse breathing, etc. This paper presents a simple and efficient...
Mariusz Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.
OsobyReceived M.Sc., Eng. in Electronics in 1995 from Gdansk University of Technology, Ph.D. in Medical Electronics in 2003 and habilitation in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in 2017. He was an investigator in about 13 projects receiving a number of awards, including four best papers, practical innovations (7 medals and awards) and also the Andronicos G. Kantsios Award and Siemens Award. Main research activities: the issues...
Quantitative Active Dynamic Thermal IR-Imaging and Thermal Tomography in Medical Diagnostic
PublikacjaPrinciples of Active dynamic thermal (ADT) IR-imaging and Thermal Tomography are described in details. Basic medical applications of this new modality are also discussed.
Poprawa jakości obrazów parametrycznych w termografii dynamicznej w medycynie
PublikacjaObrazy parametryczne, uzyskiwane na drodze syntezy z badań dynamicznych CT, MRI i innych modalności, są coraz bardziej popularne w diagnostyce medycznej. Artykół prezentuje w jaki sposób można poprawić jakość otrzymywanych obrazów parametrycznych w aktywnej termografii dynamicznej (ADT).
Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number...
The Role of Thermal Monitoring in Cardiosurgery Interventions
PublikacjaThe results of a research project devoted to the analysis of the value of IR-thermal imaging in monitoring the quality of cardiosurgery interventions are presented. The role of the ADT is underlined.
Thermal sequences database of the skin flaps in breast reconstruction and burns
PublikacjaThis paper presents a database of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) thermal sequences gathered throughout 6 year study on ADT application in skin flap blood perfusion monitoring and burn wounds diagnosis. For skin flap monitoring the database comprises of data collected during three different breast reconstruction procedures. The patients were monitored pre, intra and post surgically within 90 days period. The sequences were used...
Thermal sequences database of the skin flaps in breast reconstruction and burns
PublikacjaThis paper presents a database of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) thermal sequences gathered throughout 6 year study on ADT application in skin flap blood perfusion monitoring and burn wounds diagnosis. For skin flap monitoring the database comprises of data collected during three different breast reconstruction procedures. The patients were monitored pre, intra and post surgically within 90 days period. The sequences were used...
Active Dynamic Thermography in Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaThis is an overview of active thermal imaging methods in medical diagnostics using external thermal stimulation. In this chapter, several clinical cases diagnosed using the active dynamic thermography method, ADT, are presented. Features of this technology are discussed and main advantages underlined. Applications in skin burn diagnostics and quantitative evaluation leading to modern classification of burned patients for further...
A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing
PublikacjaOne of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...
Zastosowanie metod termograficznych w ocenie obrzęku limfatycznego kończyny górnej u chorych po amputacji piersi z powodu raka
PublikacjaObrzęk limfatyczny kończyny górnej jest bardzo uciążliwym powikłaniem po leczeniu raka piersi. Jest bezpośrednio związany z rodzajem zastosowanego leczenia chirurgicznego raka piersi i koniecznoącią przeprowadzenia uzupełniającej radioterapii. Wykorzystując metodt termografii statycznej (TS) i dynamicznej (ADT), podjęto próbę oceny ustępowania obrzęku
PublikacjaA method for monitoring the state of the myocardium during cardiosurgical interventions based on thermal IR imaging is presented. These methods called Static Thermography and Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) uses information about distribution of temperature on the surface and an external excitation source to induce thermal transient processes in a tested object. Recording time series of thermograms allows to calculate parametric...
A new diagnostic IR-thermal imaging method for evaluation of cardiosurgery procedures
PublikacjaTwo methods for monitoring the state of the myocardium during cardiosurgical interventions based on thermal IR imaging are presented below. These methods, called static thermography and active dynamic thermography (ADT), use information about the distribution of temperature on the surface, and an external excitation source to induce thermal transient processes in a tested object. Recording the time series of thermograms allows...
Active Dynamic Thermography imaging of wound healing processes in cardio surgery
PublikacjaThe surgery is a branch of medicine, that is integrally connected to wounds. Despite using sterile tools and compliance with aseptic rolls, some of the surgery wounds become infected. In clinical practice there is a lack of cheap, objective methods and tools for quantitative definition and estimation of the surgery wound healing progress. This paper presents preliminary results of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) parametric imaging...
Analiza algorytmów diagnostyki termicznej w mammografii
PublikacjaRozprawa porusza problemy diagnostyki nowotworów piersi oraz oceny ukrwienia płatów tkankowych w chirurgii rekonstrukcyjnej piersi, przy użyciu Aktywnej Termografii Dynamicznej (ADT). Badanie ADT polega na pobudzeniu termicznym obiektu (impuls oziębiający) i zarejestrowaniu zmian rozkładu wartości temperatury podczas jej swobodnego powrotu do stanu początkowego. Analiza przejściowych procesów cieplnych na powierzchni badanego...
Comparison of the exponential thermal transient parameterization methods with the SMTP method in the unipedicled DIEP flap computer modelling and simulation
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to compare the spatial contrast of the image descriptors obtained via three different thermal transient parameterization methods in Active Dynamic Thermography. The thermal constants and amplitude values of the one- and two- exponential parametrization are compared to the Simplified Magnitude-Temporal Parametrization method (SMTP). The comparison is performed using the data obtained by simulating the cold...
Problems of Active Dynamic Thermography Measurement Standardization in Medicine
PublikacjaReliability of thermographic diagnostics in medicine is an important practical problem. In the field of static thermography, a great deal of effort has been made to define the conditions for thermographic measurements, which is now the golden standard for such research. In recent years, there are more and more reports on dynamic tests with external stimulation, such as Active Dynamic Thermography, Thermographic Signal Reconstruction...
Tools for Automatic Wound Healing Evaluation
PublikacjaFinal results of the research project devoted to development of a new objective and quantitative method of post cardiosurgery wound healing diagnostics, already preliminary discussed at the QIRT 2014 Conference, is presented. We assumed that thermal processes should be effective in subtle description of temporal changes of tissue thermal properties after surgical interventions. To prove this assumption more than 400 patients after...
Rozdział 15. Aktywna termografia dynamiczna
PublikacjaW ujęciu ogólnym termografia dynamiczna oznacza rejestrację i analizę obrazów rozkładów temperatury w czasie. W aplikacjach medycznych dotyczy badania różnych aspektów fizjologii organizmu; zarówno reakcji zachodzących na skutek oddziaływania na człowieka zmiennych czynników zewnętrznych, jak i toczących się w organizmie procesów metabolicznych. W rozdziale tym ograniczymy się do omówienia tzw. aktywnej termografii dynamicznej...
Thermal Imaging in Wound Healing Diagnostics
PublikacjaOpisano wyniki projektu badawczego poświęconego opracowaniu metody obiektywnej diagnostyki ran pooperacyjnych w kardiochirurgii. Sprawdzono możliwość połączenia oceny obrazów RGB z obrazami termograficznymi oraz nową w medycynie metodą aktywnej termografii dynamicznej ADT. W projekcie zastosowano chłodzenie obszaru zainteresowania wykorzystując kriostat na dwutlenku węgla. W okresie powrotu do stanu równowagi termodynamicznej rejestrowane...