Cezary Orłowski - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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Catalog Publications

Year 2016
Year 2015
Year 2014
  • Advanced Modeling of Management Processes in Information Technology

    This book deals with the issues of modeling management processes of information technology and IT projects while its core is the model of information technology management and its component models (contextual, local) describing initial processing and the maturity capsule as well as a decision-making system represented by a multi-level sequential model of IT technology selection, which acquires a fuzzy rule-based implementation...

  • Hybrid fuzzy-ontological project framework of a team work simulation system

    The aim of this article is to present the project framework for constructing a Software Process Simulation Modeling (SPSM) system. SPSM systems can be used as a virtual environment for the selection of methods and tools of project management in IT support organizations. The constructed system simulates the Scrum methodology, including the management processes and the project roles. For the implementation of Scrum processes, the...

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  • Increasing the Efficiency of Ontology Alignment by Tracking Changes in Ontology Evolution


    In this paper we present a development of our ontology alignment framework based on varying semantics of attributes. Emphasising the analysis of explicitly given descriptions of how attributes change meanings they entail while being included within different concepts have been proved useful. Moreover, we claim that it is consistent with the intuitive way how people see the real world and how they find similarities and correspondences...

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  • Model of a Maturity Capsule in Managing IT Projects

    The main purpose of this article is to present a report on the development of a model of information technology management (MITM). This model is an answer to the need to support decision making in the selection of methods and information technologies. This article presents a multisequential model (MSM) of technology selection and a model for initial processing procedures (IPP) necessary for the MITM model. The presentation of the...

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  • Nowe podejście do oceny szacowania złożoności oprogramowania

    W tej publikacji przedstawione zostały metody szacowania złożoności oprogramowania oraz ich proponowane modyfikjacje. Szacowanie złożoności jest niezbędne podczas realizacji projektu informatycznego w celu określenia jego kosztów związanych z koniecznością wykorzystania zasobów, by w rezultacie mozna było uzyskać zamierzony efekt, jakim jest dostarczenie klientowi satysfakcjonującego go produktu. Najpierw przedstawiony został teoretyczny...

  • Rule-Based Model for Selecting Integration Technologies for Smart Cities Systems

    The aim of this article is to present the stages of development for an information technology integration model for the design of systems for smart cities. The Introduction explains the need for integration technologies and presents a model for selecting integration technologies and the conditions for its use in designing smart cities systems. Then two verification stages of the presented model are discussed. In the first stage,...

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  • Systemy Smart Cities - studium przypadku

    The paper presents the architecture of an enterprise service bus used in the construction of information systems processing large amounts of data for decision-making needs at the City Hall in Gdańsk. The key concept of processes of bus development involves installation of developing environment, database connection, flow mechanisms and data presentation. The issue was supported by models such as KPI (Key Processes Identifier) and...

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Year 2013
Year 2012
Year 2011
Year 2010

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