Assessment of cardiovascular risk in assisted living - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Assessment of cardiovascular risk in assisted living


Wady i choroby układu krążenia są jedną z podstawowych przyczyn problemów zdrowotnych oraz przyczyn śmierci. Wczesne ich wykrycie jest szczególnie cenne jako, że może zapobiec przez poważnymi incydentami (np. zawał, udar, itp.). W artykule przedstawiono nasobny system pomiarowy integrujący wiele pomiarów przydatnych do oceny problemów kardiologicznych.Disorders of the heart and blood vessels are the leading cause of health problems and death. Early detection of them is extremely valuable as it can prevent serious incidents (e.g. heart attack, stroke) and associated complications. This requires extending the typical mobile monitoring methods (e.g. Holter ECG, tele-ECG) byintroduction of integrated, multiparametric solutions for continuous monitoring of the cardiovascular system. In this paper we propose the wearable system that integrates measurements of cardiac data with actual estimation of the cardiovascular risk level. It consists of two wirelessly connected devices, one designed in the form of a necklace, the another one in the form of a bracelet (wrist watch). These devices enable continuous measurement of electrocardiographic, plethysmographic (impedance-based and optical-based) and accelerometric signals. Collected signals and calculated parameters indicate the electrical and mechanical state of the heart and areprocessed to estimate a risk level. Depending on the risk level an appropriate alert is triggered and transmitted to predefined users (e.g. emergency departments, the family doctor, etc.).

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artykuł w czasopiśmie wyróżnionym w JCR
Published in:
Metrology and Measurement Systems no. XIX, pages 231 - 244,
ISSN: 0860-8229
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Wtorek J., Bujnowski A., Rumiński J., Poliński A., Kaczmarek M., Nowakowski A.: Assessment of cardiovascular risk in assisted living// Metrology and Measurement Systems. -Vol. XIX, nr. No. 2 (2012), s.231-244
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

seen 135 times

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