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Search results for: TOUCH-LESS INTERFACE
Extending touch-less interaction with smart glasses by implementing EMG module
PublicationIn this paper we propose to use temporal muscle contraction to perform certain actions. Method: The set of muscle contractions corresponding to one of three actions including “single-click”, “double-click” “click-n-hold” and “non-action” were recorded. After recording certain amount of signals, the set of five parameters was calculated. These parameters served as an input matrix for the neural network. Two-layer feedforward neural...
A measurement method for lossy capacitive relative humidity sensors based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationA new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance and resistance values of lossy relative humidity capacitive sensors is presented. The method is based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators and timers. The interface circuit consists only of four reference resistors (two reference resistors if a microcontroller includes a voltage reference source),...
Time-domain measurement methods for R, L and C sensors based on aversatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationtIn the paper new time-domain measurement methods for determining values of resistive (R), inductive(L) and capacitive (C) sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcon-trollers with internal analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and analog comparators (ACs) are presented.The interface circuit consists of a reference resistor Rrworking as a voltage divider, a given R, L or C sensorand a microcontroller...
Improving web user experience with caching user interface
PublicationIn human-computer interaction, response time is assumed generally not to exceed significantly 1-2 seconds. While the natural competition in the Internet public Web serving ensures adhering widely to such limits, some Web environments are less competitive and offer much worse user experience in terms of response time. This paper describes a solution to significantly improve user experience in terms of response time with only modification...
A measurement method for capacitive sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationIn the paper, there is presented a new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance values of capacitive sensors, dedicated, among others, to capacitive relative humidity sensors. The method is based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators (ACs) and with precision voltage reference sources, e.g. digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The reference...
A navigation device utilizing body communication channel for mobile wearable systems
PublicationA novel touch sensor utilizing a body communication technology is presented in the paper. The proposed device accepts orders (gestures) only from a person wearing it. Moreover, when comparing it to a similar, however an optical one, it appears as a less power consumable. Preliminary results of its properties examination are presented and discussed. Additionally, the developed sensor allows to measure a human body the electrical...
Układ informatyczny systemu diagnostycznego ciągników kołowych
PublicationPodstawowym elementem systemu diagnostycznego jest komputer pokładowy Fujitsu FUTRO S100 z chłodzeniem pasywnym w wykonaniu odpornym na drgania i wstrząsy, z pamięcią Compact Flesh 16Gb. Do komputera dołączony jest monitor dotykowy NVOX LCD 10" VGA/FVAT. Oprogramowanie komputera obejmuje system operacyjny Windows XP-2000, driver konwertera USB/DeviceNet oraz opracowany program diagnostyczny. Komputer połączony jest łączem USB z...
Virtual immersive environments
PublicationYet a higher level of active systems may be achieved when users are fully immersed in an interface which is a 3D computer generated virtual world and can interact with surrounding objects of that world as they were in a real one. This is the issue covered by Chapter 7. Interaction in such a world is both multidimensional and multimodal, with the possibility of free movement of the user in any direction and the simultaneous stimulation...
PublicationDiagnostic device monitors the tractor’s technical condition and identifies the location of damaged components during operation. The diagnostic device detects and identifies the following types of defects: functional defects (uf) which affect performance, exhaust defects (ue) which increase toxic emissions and fuel consumption, defects that jeopardize driving safety (us), defects that affect engine performance (ud). The key component...
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE OF DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM OF WHEELED TRACTORS = Hardwer i softwer systemu diagnostycznego ciągników kołowych
PublicationPodstawowym elementem systemu diagnostycznego jest komputer pokładowy Fujitsu FUTURO S100 z chłodzeniem pasywnym w wykonaniu odpornym na drgania i wstrząsy, z pamięcią Compact Flesh 16Gb. Do komputera dołączony jest monitor dotykowy NVOX LCD 10" VGA/FVAT. Oprogramowanie komputera obejmujesystem operacyjny Windows XP-2000, driver konwertera USB/DeviceNet oraz opracowany program diagnostyczny. Komputer połączony jest łączem USB z...