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Individual investors willingnes to invest in ESG in Poland survey results
Open Research DataThis dataset encompasses Polish citizens, including those being retail investors, attitude toward climate change and ESG investment. Dataset of two waves of the omnibus survey which provides representative database for Poland for February 2021. A specialized polling institute, was subcontracted to conduct the survey using Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing...
Silicon microcantilever with impedance sensor
Open Research DataThe issue of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [1] has been enjoying popularity and interest since the 90s of the 20th century. Microcells are one of the simplest devices of this type, but they can be widely used in sensors. There are reports on the possibility of using this type of sensors in the context of such important issues as diagnostics...
Graphene oxide thin films deposited on a PCB board - chemical analysis
Open Research DataGraphene oxides based films were measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) method. TheXPS measurements were carried out with the Omicron NanoTechnology UHV equipment. The hemispherical spectrophotometer was equipped with a 128-channel collector. The XPS measurements were performed at room temperature at a pressure below 1.1 × 10−8 mBar. The...
The complete list of two-dimensional number-conserving ternary cellular automata
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a complete list of all 1327 two-dimensional number-conserving cellular automata with the state set {0,1,2} (the so-called ternary cellular automata) based on adjacent cells only, i.e. with the von Neumann neighborhood. The detailed definitions and the method of enumerating are given in the paper:
Acoustic emission signals in concrete beams under 3-point bending (plain concrete, steel fibre reinforced concrete, steel bar reinforced concrete)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of concrete beams with dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 cm3under the 3-point bending. Two concrete mixes, both based on the same design, were produced in the test programme. Mixture #1 was the plain concrete (PC), consisting of cement CEM I 42.5R (380 kg/m3), water (165 kg/m3), aggregate 0/2 mm (648...
Bending test results of first metatarsophalangeal joint after arthrodesis with medially or dorsally positioned locking plate and lag screw.
Open Research DataThe Dataset contains the results of the bending test of first metatarsophalangeal (MTP1) joint specimens after arthrodesis.
The complete list of two-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-conserving septenary cellular automata
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a complete list of all 30144 two-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-con-serving cellular automata with the state set {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} based on adjacent cells only, i.e. with the von Neumann neighborhood. The detailed definitions and the method of enumerating are given in the paper:
The set of 22 sessions of 14-channel eeg signals recorded during watching pictures
Open Research DataThe data were collected in order to perform research on the possibility of controlling the content displayed on the monitor screen using human emotional states extracted from EEG signals. The dataset contains recordings of 14-channel EEG signals collected from 10 persons within 22 sessions, during which 45 different random photos taken from the ImageNet...
Acoustic emission signals in concrete beams under 3-point bending (polyolefin and steel fibre concrete)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of concrete beams with dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 cm3 under the 3-point bending. All specimens were manufactured based on the same concrete mixture composed of cement CEM I 42.5R (380 kg/m3), water (165 kg/m3), aggregate 0/2 mm (648 kg/m3), aggregate 2/8 mm (426 kg/m3), aggregate 8/16 mm (754...
Displacements of bones during bending test of first metatarsophalangeal joint after arthrodesis with medially or dorsally positioned locking plate and lag screw.
Open Research DataThe Dataset contains the values of displacements of bone control points during the bending test of first metatarsophalangeal (MTP1) joint specimens after arthrodesis.
The electrochemical response to Au electrode modification steps towards viral electrochemical immunosensor preparation
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical measurements (CV/EIS) carried out for the consecutive steps of the Au electrode functionalization, in separate subfolders, as described. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) was conducted using a Palmsens 4 potentiostat/galvanostat system (Methrom, Autolab, Netherlands) in the standard three-electrode configuration, with...
Analysis of the instantaneous power signal for bearing diagnostics - bearing undamaged
Open Research DataThe attached dataset contains the measurement results of the instantaneous values of current and voltage, recorded during the diagnostics of an undamaged bearing. Bearing diagnostics can be carried out based on the method, which relies on the measurement and analysis of the variability of the signal instantaneous power, defined as the product of instantaneous...
Analysis of the instantaneous power signal for bearing diagnostics -bearing damaged
Open Research DataThe attached dataset contains the measurement results of the instantaneous values of current and voltage, recorded during the diagnostics of a damaged bearing. Bearing diagnostics can be carried out based on the method, which relies on the measurement and analysis of the variability of the signal instantaneous power, defined as the product of instantaneous...
Instantaneous power signal measurements for bearing diagnostics
Open Research DataBearing diagnostics can be carried out based on the method, which relies on the measurement and analysis of the variability of the signal instantaneous power, defined as the product of instantaneous current and voltage power supplied to the engines. Bearing damage causes the appearance of deformations, which are in the form of additional harmonic components...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2006
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2009
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2011
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2010
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2007
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2012
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2008
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2001
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2003
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2005
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2002
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2004
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...