Search results for: INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM - Bridge of Knowledge




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  • Anita Maria Dąbrowicz-Tlałka dr

    Anita Dąbrowicz-Tlałka graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Gdańsk with an outstanding grade, having written her thesis in the field of geometric topology. She concurrently obtained a diploma in Postgraduate Studies in the Basics of Computer Science at the University of Gdańsk. In 2001 she received a Ph.D. degree in mathematical studies at the Poznań University of Technology after defending...

  • Grzegorz Rotta dr inż.

  • Leszek Osiecki dr hab. inż.


  • Elżbieta Cecerska-Heryć dr


    Wykształcenie i stopnie naukowe: 19.06.2018 r.ukończenie studiów doktoranckich z wyróżnieniem summa cum  laudena Wydziale Lekarskim z OdziałemNauczania w Języku Angielskim PUM SzczecinStopień naukowy: doktor nauk medycznychWyższe2008-2013                               Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie            Kierunek: Biotechnologia            Specjalność: Biotechnologia MedycznaStudia licencjackie i magisterskieZatrudnienie...

  • Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.

    Romanika Okraszewska, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). Graduated from the mathematical and informatical class at the National Education Commission High School in Gdańsk. Graduated from two faculties of Gdańsk University of Technology, Architecture and Urban Planning (2002) and Management and Economics (2004). Participant...

  • Sławomir Grulkowski dr inż.

  • Jan Wajs dr hab. inż.

  • Ryszard Jasiński dr hab. inż.

  • Paweł Możejko dr hab.

  • Marek Biziuk prof. dr hab. inż.


    CURRICULUM VITAE Marek BIZIUK  Born                                        1947 MSc                                         1969 GUT PhD                                         1977 GUT DSc                                         1994 GUT Professor                                 2001   Membership of scientific society - Gdansk Scientific Society - Romanian Society of Analytical Chemistry - Engineers and Techniques of...

  • Marcin Wekwejt dr inż.

    Marcin Wekwejt holds a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (2016; J. and J. Śniadecki Bydgoszcz University of Technology & L. Rydygier Collegium Medicum), a master’s degree in Mechanical-Medical Engineering (2018; Gdańsk University of Technology & Gdańsk Medical University), and a PhD in Materials Engineering (2021; Gdańsk University of Technology). He was awarded the title of Doctor of Engineering and Technical...

  • Aleksandra Giełdoń - Paszek dr hab.


    Doktor habilitowany w dziedzinie nauk o sztuce, historyk sztuki. Studiowała historię sztuki na Wydziale Filozoficzno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. W roku 2002 na Wydziale Historycznym tejże uczelni uzyskała tytuł doktora nauk humanistycznych w zakresie nauk o sztuce na podstawie dysertacji: Malarstwo pejzażowe a szkolnictwo artystyczne w Polsce (do 1939 roku). W roku 2015 została doktorem habilitowanym w...

  • Anna Lis dr hab. inż.

    Anna Lis has been the head of the Department of Management in Industry, Faculty of Economics and Management GUT since 2019. In 2005 she obtained Ph.D. degree in the field of Economic Sciences, in the discipline Management Sciences, 2019 – the degree of habilitated doctor in the field of Social Sciences, in the discipline of Management and Quality Studies. In the years 2004-2009 she was employed at the Faculty of Production Engineering...

  • Igor Garnik dr inż.

    Igor Garnik graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at the Gdańsk University of Technology (1992). He works at the Gdańsk University of Technology since 1997 - first employed as an assistant in the Department of Ergonomics and Maintenance of Technical Systems at the Faculty of Management and Economics, and then - after obtaining the degree of doctor in 2006 as an assistant professor. In the years 2009–2015 he was the coordinator...

  • Ryszard Strzelecki prof. dr hab. inż.

  • Marek Pszczoła dr hab. inż.

    I am a Faculty member (Department of Highway and Transportation Engineering) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland). My main research interests include: low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures, low temperature cracking assessment of pavement structures, road materials properties, thermal stress analysis, design of pavement structures, airfield design and analysis....

  • Justyna Zander dr inż.


  • Jan Stąsiek prof. dr hab. inż.


  • Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska prof. dr hab.

    Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska graduated from the University of Gdansk with a degree in physics, and since 1996 has been associated with the Gdansk University of Technology, when she began PhD studies. Currently, he is a professor at the Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdansk University of Technology, since 2006 head of the Department of Chemical Apparatus and Machinery. In the years 2008–2016 she was the Vice-Dean for cooperation and development,...

  • Dariusz Kowalski dr inż.


  • Robert Piotrowski dr hab. inż.

    Robert Piotrowski jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki (2001r., kierunek: Automatyka i Robotyka) oraz Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii (2002r., kierunek: Organizacja Systemów Produkcyjnych) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od 2005 roku jest zatrudniony na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki, aktualnie w Katedrze Inteligentnych Systemów Sterowania i Wspomagania Decyzji. W 2005 roku obronił rozprawę doktorską (Automatyka...