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Search results for: SOLUBLE KERATIN YIELD
Development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace
PublicationThis research is focused on the development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace (SSD-DYB) system designed for seismic resistance of steel structures. The SSD-DYB integrates the energy dissipation capability of a steel slit damper (SSD) in its initial segment, enhancing performance in the case of lower seismic intensities levels while employing a larger segment for...
Spillover and risk transmission in the components of the term structure of eurozone yield curve
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Measurement and analysis of absolute quantum yield of Rhodamine B doped PMMA
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Ultrasound Application in Potato Cultivation: Potential for Enhanced Yield and Sustainable Agriculture
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Foliar fertilization in shaping the potato yield in the conditions of south-eastern Poland
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Dependence of the charge carries photogeneration yield on the bimolecular recombination in tetracene layers
PublicationBadano mechanizmy generacji nośników ładunku dwóch znaków w warstwie tetracenu. Rezultaty pomiarów doświadczalnych oraz prowadzona analiza wykazały, że rekombinacja wpływa znacząco na produkcję nośników ujemnych.
Effect of psoriasis activity and topical treatment on plasma epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its soluble receptor (sEGFR)
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Effect of psoriasis activity on epidermal growth factor (EGF) and the concentration of soluble EGF receptor in serum and plaque scales
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Use of water-soluble polysaccharides from mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits as alternative source of mutanase inductors
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Effects Induced by the Temperature and Chemical Environment on the Fluorescence of Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with a Perylene-Derivative Dye
PublicationWe developed a fluorescent molecular probe based on gold nanoparticles functionalized with N,N′-bis(2-(1-piperazino)ethyl)-3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic acid diimide dihydrochloride, and these probes exhibit potential for applications in microscopic thermometry. The intensity of fluorescence was affected by changes in temperature. Chemical environments, such as different buffers with the same pH, also resulted in different fluorescence...
Influence of the extraction mode on the yield of some furanocoumarins from Pastinaca sativa fruits
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Effect of extraction method on the yield of furanocoumarins from fruits ofArchangelica of?cinalis Hoffm.
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Effect of the Climatic Conditions in Central Europe on the Growth and Yield of Cornelian Cherry Cultivars
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Bacterial cellulose yield increased over 500% by supplementation of medium with vegetable oil
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Phenotypic yield and its structure variability of moderately late and late potato cultivars
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Synergism of floated paperboard sludge cake /sewage sludge for maximizing biomethane yield and biochar recovery from digestate: A step towards circular economy
PublicationAnaerobic digestion of floated paperboard sludge (PS) cake suffers from volatile fatty acids (VFAs) accumulation, nutrient unbalanced condition, and generation of digestate with a risk of secondary pollution. To overcome these drawbacks, sewage sludge (SS) was added to PS cake for biogas recovery improvement under a co-digestion process followed by the thermal treatment of solid fraction of digestate for biochar production. Batch...
Changes in Water Soluble Uremic Toxins and Urinary Acute Kidney Injury Biomarkers After 10- and 100-km Runs
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The Effect of Water-Soluble Polysaccharide from Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) on Human Colon Carcinoma Cells Cultured In Vitro
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Energy resolution and non-proportionality of the light yield of pure CsI at liquid nitrogen temperatures
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Variability of Hordeum vulgare L. Cultivars in Yield, Antioxidant Potential, and Cholinesterase Inhibitory Activity
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Wind resource assessment and energy yield prediction for the small wind turbine on the Szubieniczne Hill
PublicationThe goal of this study is to preliminary assess the wind resources on the Szubieniczne Hill in order to predict the annual energy production for planned small wind turbine. The analyzed site is located close to the Gdańsk University of Technology campus, in complex urban environment additionally surrendered by forested hills. The assessment is based on Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations which allow to evaluate the wind energy potential...
Stimulated by cyclodextrins high yield synthesis of azocrown analogues comprising pyrrole or imidazole residues
PublicationBadano wpływ cyklodekstryn na reakcję syntezy aza-eterów zawierających w strukturze pirol lub imidazol. Stosowano alfa-, beta- i gamma-cyklodekstryny. Uzyskane wyniki analizowano pod kątem sposobu umieszczenia cząsteczki azolu we wnęce cyklodekstryny.
The interaction of different abiotic conditions on the value of the component traits of the technological yield of sugar beet
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Identification of Markers Associated with Yield Traits and Morphological Features in Maize (Zea mays L.)
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The effect of application of biopreparations and fungicides on the yield and selected parameters of seed value of seed potatoes
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The influence of methods of potato weed control and meteorological conditions on shaping the tuber yield structure
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Influence of wood steam drying process on fracture toughness and shear yield strength determination
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wiązkości (energii właściwej na tworzenie nowej powierzchni) oraz naprężeń ścinających w strefie skrawania drewna dębowego i sosnowego na podstawie mocy skrawania przy przecinaniu piłami. Badane drewno było wcześniej suszone w specjalnej eksperymentalnej suszarni w otoczeniu pary. Zaobserwowano, że tego typu suszenie powoduje znaczne skrócenie czasu suszenia, jednakże, wspomniane właściwości mechaniczne...
Effects of rotating magnetic field exposure on the yield and properties of bacterial cellulose synthesized by Glucanacetobacter xylinus
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Increased yield and selected properties of bacterial cellulose exposed to different modes of a rotating magnetic field
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Establishment, Growth, and Yield Potential of the Perennial Grass Miscanthus × Giganteus on Degraded Coal Mine Soils
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Effect of Drip Fertigation with Nitrogen on Yield and Nutritive Value of Melon Cultivated on a Very Light Soil
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Impact of Pre-Sowing Red Light Treatment of Sweet Corn Seeds on the Quality and Quantity of Yield
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Comparison between methods for determining the effective vertical yield stress of intermediate fine-grained soils
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Comparison between methods for determining the effective vertical yield stress of intermediate fine-grained soils
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Effect of Attractants and Micronutrient Biofortification on the Yield and Quality of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) Seeds
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Use of mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus fertilization to improve the yield of onion (Allium cepa L.) plant
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Promising Photocytotoxicity of Water-Soluble Phtalocyanine against Planktonic and Biofilm Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates from Lower Respiratory Tract and Chronic Wounds
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High yield synthesis and preliminary spectroscopic study of mono-N-alkylated cyclen derivatives of salicylic acid
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono reakcję bezpośredniego alkilowania cyklenu bromopochodnymi kwasu salicylowego. Otrzymane związki wykorzystano do badań spektroskopowych. Stwierdzono, że tworzą one wybiórczo kompleksy z jonami metali grupy II. Wyznaczono stałe tworzących się kompleksów.
Weather Conditions, Orchard Age and Nitrogen Fertilization Influences Yield and Quality of ‘Łutówka’ Sour Cherry Fruit
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High yield conversion of biowaste coffee grounds into hierarchical porous carbon for superior capacitive energy storage
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Green synthesis and application of GO nanoparticles to augment growth parameters and yield in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)
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Yield surface identification of CP-Ti and its evolution reflecting pre-deformation under complex loading
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Discovery of the anticancer drug vinblastine from the endophytic Alternaria alternata and yield improvement by gamma irradiation mutagenesis
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Discussion of “CPT Evaluation of Yield Stress Profiles in Soils” by Shehab S. Agaiby and Paul W. Mayne
PublicationVeryfication of the procedure to estimate overconsolidation ratio in sands using the results of mini-cone penetration tests in centrifuge.
Energy resolution and light yield non-proportionality of ZnSe:Te scintillator studied by large area avalanche photodiodes and photomultipliers
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Yield and biological properties of leaf parsley (Petroselinum Crispum (Mill.) Nym. Ex A.W. Hillc Convar. Crispum)
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AMMI Analysis of the Effects of Different Insecticidal Treatments against Agrotis spp. on the Technological Yield from Sugar Beet
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The Use of DArTseq Technology to Identify New SNP and SilicoDArT Markers Related to the Yield-Related Traits Components in Maize
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High yield expression and single step purification of Toxoplasma gondii SAG1, GRA1, GRA7 antigens in Escherichia coli.
PublicationPraca przedstawia metodę uzyskiwania antygenów rekombinowanych Toxoplasmagondii o wysokiej czystości, które można zastosować w immunodiagnostyce. Antygeny T. gondii eksprymowane w komórkach E. coli zawierały polihistydynowedomeny fuzyjne na końcu N i C białka. Pozwalało to na jednoetapowe oczyszczanie białek metodą chromatografii metalopowinowactwa na złożu Ni2+ -IDA-Sepharose. Immunoreaktywność antygenów rekombinowanych...