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Search results for: COVID- 19
Tinnitus in COVID-19 Pandemic
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COVID-19 infections in infants
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Knowledge Risks in the COVID-19 Pandemic
PublicationThis conceptual paper aims to identify, present, and analyse potential knowledge risks organizations face in external and dynamic crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Until only recently, many researchers and practitioners have perceived knowledge primarily as something positive. This view has changed recently with a growing number of studies highlighting risks related to knowledge. The on-going COVID-19 pandemic can be seen as an...
COVID-19 and digital deprivation in Poland
PublicationResearch background: The problem of digital deprivation is already known, but the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted its negative consequences. A global change in the way of life, work and socialisation resulting from the epidemic has indicated that a basic level of digital integration is becoming necessary. During the lockdown, people were forced to use ICTs to adapt to a rapidly changing reality. Current experience with coronavirus...
COVID-19 As A Hurdle In OCD Diagnosis
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COVID-19 immunizations in occupational medicine
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Triage during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Proteinase release from activated neutrophils in mechanically ventilated patients with non-COVID-19 and COVID-19 pneumonia
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Regarding “Cranial nerve involvement in COVID-19”
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COVID-19: Direct and Indirect Mechanisms of Statins
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Mental Disorders Caused By The COVID-19 Pandemic
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COVID-19 w nauczaniu papieża Franciszka
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COVID-19 in Pediatric Intensive Care Units in Poland, PAPITCO-19 Study (Polish Analysis of PICU Trends during COVID-19)
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Sense of safety and opinions about COVID-19 vaccinations in Polish school teachers: The role of conspiracy theories belief and fear of COVID-19
PublicationThe co-occurrence of COVID-19 conspiracy theories (CCT) and fear of the coronavirus (FCV) can be linked to how safe people feel and how much they endorse vaccinations. School teachers were one of the vaccination priority groups in Poland. We conducted three cross-sectional studies (N1 = 1006; N2 = 1689; N3 = 627) to find out the potential interactive effects of CCT belief and FCV in predicting sense of safety (SoS; Studies 1-3),...
Management of tracheostomy in COVID-19 patients: The Japanese experience
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Volunteering in palliative care during COVID-19 pandemic
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COVID-19: Plasma Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy
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The management of hematologic malignancies during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Neurological Prognostic Factors in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
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Network Of Perceptions On Water Services In The COVID-19 Era
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Intralabyrinthine Hemorrhage in A Patient With COVID-19 – A Challenge For An Otologist
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COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
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Elite athletes with COVID-19 — Predictors of the course of disease
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Development of child immunity in the context of COVID-19 pandemic
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COVID‐19: A systematic review and update on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
PublicationSince the rapid onset of the COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the world in 2019, extensive studies have been conducted to unveil the behavior and emission pattern of the virus in order to determine the best ways to diagnosis of virus and thereof formulate effective drugs or vaccines to combat the disease. The emergence of novel diagnostic and therapeutic techniques considering the multiplicity of reports from one side and contradictions...
The importance of trust and altruistic social orientation for COVID-19 distress
PublicationBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest global health crisis in decades, has been a difficult experience for nations all over the world. In the present study we wanted to assess to what extent a positive attitude towards others, expressed in altruistic social orientation and a high level of trust, would be linked to lower levels of COVID-19 distress in infected and non-infected individuals. Participants and procedure:...
Neuroeconomy and Neuromarketing: The Study of the Consumer Behaviour in the COVID-19 Context
PublicationTo address the study of consumer behavior in the post-COVID-19 era, the present Research Topic brings together a set of papers that attempt to study how different factors triggered by the pandemic have achieved a significant effect on consumers' behavioral intentions. These papers examine different subtopics related to food, health products, collaborative economy and, of course, neuroscience. Globally, the objectives of this special...
Child-Robot Interaction Studies During COVID-19 Pandemic
PublicationThe coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic affected our lives deeply, just like everyone else, the children also suffered from the restrictions due to COVID-19 affecting their education and social interactions with others, being restricted from play areas and schools for a long time. Although social robots provide a promising solution to support children in their education, healthcare, and social interaction with others, the precautions...
Are Pair Trading Strategies Profitable During COVID-19 Period?
PublicationPair trading strategy is a well-known profitable strategy in stock, forex, and commodity markets. As most of the world stock markets declined during COVID-19 period, therefore this study is going to observe whether this strategy is still profitable after COVID-19 pandemic. One of the powerful algorithms of DBSCAN under the umbrella of unsupervised machine learning is applied and three clusters were formed by using market and accounting...
Gospodarka w dobie pandemii Covid-19. Wybrane zagadnienia
PublicationMonografia ukazuje problemy gospodarek Polski , Kazachstanu i Ukrainy w okresie pandemii Covid-19 oraz programy naprawcze które podjęły rządy tych państw by zmniejszyć skutki wywołane lockdownem i spowolnieniem gospodarczym.
Wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na deprecjonowanie budżetu państwa
PublicationCelem artykułu jest analiza problematyki deprecjonowania budżetu państwa, będącej swoistą konsekwencją omijania ustawy budżetowej w związku z koniecznością podejmowania działań w momencie, gdy pandemia COVID-19 była najsilniej akcentowana. Podejmowanie czynności przez organy władzy publicznej mających na celu pominięcie najważniejszego...
PublicationResearch background: The quality of information provided by the fiscal authorities and the correct flow of this information between them and the society are very important especially in times of crisis, when there is an imbalance in public finances and an increasing public debt. Ensuring fiscal transparency (transparency of public finances) reduces fiscal risk and corruption and supports public acceptance of fiscal reforms. Purpose...
Neuroinflammation in Dementia—Therapeutic Directions in a COVID-19 Pandemic Setting
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Tracheotomy in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic: up-to-date review
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Shared Decision-making and Stakeholder Engagement in COVID-19 Tracheostomy
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Herbal Resources in the medication of depression during pandemic COVID-19
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COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Volatility of Energy Companies in International Markets
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The COVID-19 Pandemic as an Opportunity for a Permanent Reduction in Civil Rights
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The Impact of the Pandemic (COVID-19) on Globalization – The Perspective of Electronic Commerce
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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Perception of Globalization and Consumer Behavior
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Oral ulcers of COVID-19 patients: a scoping review protocol
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Challenges in Reporting the COVID-19 Spread and its Presentation to the Society
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Willingness to Receive the Booster COVID-19 Vaccine Dose in Poland
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Elucidating of oxidative distress in COVID-19 and methods of its prevention
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Virtualization of Poles’ buying behavior duringthe COVID-19 pandemic
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Military Food Supply Chain during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Can photocatalysis help in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic?
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Conspiracy beliefs about groups benefitting from the COVID-19 pandemic moderate the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and subjective assessment of the efficacy of preventive measures
PublicationDrawing on the protective motivation theory and parallel response model, in this cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study (N = 212) performed on the general public (age 18-65), we aimed to test the potential interaction effects of fear of COVID-19 and conspiracy beliefs about groups benefitting from the COVID-19 pandemic in predicting subjective assessment of the efficacy of three COVID-19 preventive measures. The results...
Managing Unemployment under COVID-19 Conditions (States of Emergency or Crisis)
PublicationRising unemployment is one of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in many countries. This, in turn, has forcedpolicymakers to respond immediately with policy tools to minimize unemployment. The purpose of our study is to contribute toempirical knowledge by looking at activities of 40 local government units to counteract unemployment in the cross-border regionon the Polish side. In doing this, our study contributes to the...