Search results for: careers, computer sciences, ict initiatives - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: careers, computer sciences, ict initiatives


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Search results for: careers, computer sciences, ict initiatives

  • Gender and support Polish women at the beginning of their professional career in IT


    - Year 2021

    The development of ICT should be understood not only as an increase in the number of users skilled in the use of new technologies, but also as an ever-increasing demand for qualified professionals capable of creating, administering, supporting, and servicing ICT systems. With regard to the continuous development of innovative technologies, there is a noticeably low share of women who actively create and co-create this sector,...

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  • E-textbook technologies for academics in medical education


    - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric - Year 2018

    Public universities in Poland receive fairly limited financial support for creating e-textbooks and lack the appropriate ICT competences among teaching staff, especially in the case of non-technical universities. The authors propose a pedagogical and technological paradigm for e-textbooks in medical education using open source software with minimal IT skills required. Technologies used to develop e-textbooks are connected with:...

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    - TASK Quarterly - Year 2021

    The main aim of this work is to provide insight into a bibliometric analysis of Data Journals and Data Papers in terms of research areas, disciplines, publication year and country. In particular, we calculated many bibliometric indicators, especially: the number of publications and citations. Furthermore, this work also investigated the top 20 journals in which scientists published the largest number of Data Papers. It was found...

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  • Przegląd badań na temat Wikipedii oraz z wykorzystaniem Wikipedii jako instrument badawczego


    - Year 2020

    W badaniach dotychczas prowadzonych w Polsce Wikipedia była zarówno przedmiotem badań, jak i instrumentem badawczym. Badania na jej temat oraz na temat skutków społecznych jej używania prowadzili przedstawiciele nauk humanistycznych, społecznych, ekonomicznych i prawnych. Dla wielu badaczy (zwłaszcza z dziedziny informatyki) Wikipedia była instrumentem pomocnym w prowadzeniu różnorodnych analiz i dociekań naukowych. Niniejszy artykuł...

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  • Open Strategy for Digital Business. Managing in ICT-Driven Environments


    - Year 2024

    This book offers the reader a novel perspective on how digital contexts and open strategy approaches – the act of opening up strategic initiatives beyond company managers to involve front-line employees, stakeholders, and entrepreneurs – are related. Going beyond the claim that digital media drives open strategy by containing a detailed analyses of the interrelations between the two, the authors examine how ICT have diffused globally...

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  • Information and communication technologies versus diffusion and substitution of financial innovations. The case of exchange-traded funds in Japan and South Korea


    - Year 2021

    The substitution between financial innovations, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and stock index derivatives (i.e. index financial instruments) is one of the relatively understudied topics of the financial sciences. The current study aims to verify empirically the diffusion and substitution of ETFs in the market for index financial instruments. It presents in-depth analysis of the development of index financial instruments traded...

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  • Preface


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Year 2011

    This special issue of Discussiones Mathematice Graph Theory (DMGT) is dedicated to selected papers presented at the 13th Workshop on Graph Theory: Colourings, Independence and Domination (CID) held on 18-23 September 2009 in Szklarska Poręba, Poland. It continues a series of international workshops: 1993-1997 in Lubiatów, 1998-2001 in Gronów, and 2003-2007 in Karpacz. The meeting was organized by the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer...

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  • Art and Healthcare - Healing Potential of Artistic Interventions in Medical Settings


    The stereotype of a machine for healing seems to be well rooted in common thinking and social perception of hospital buildings. The technological aspect of healthcare architecture has been influenced for several years by three major factors. The first is linked to the necessity of providing safety and security in the environment of elevated epidemiological risk. The second concerns the need for incorporating advanced technology...

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  • A repeated game formulation of network embedded coding for multicast resilience in extreme conditions

    • C. Esposito
    • A. Castiglione
    • F. Palmieri
    • F. Pop
    • J. Rak

    - Year 2017

    Computer networks and data sharing applications are vital for our current society and fundamental for any available ICT solution, so that networking is considered as one of the key critical infrastructures and its correct behavior should be always enforced, even in case of disasters or severe execution conditions. Resilience is a strongly demanding nonfunctional requirement for current computer networks, and one of the key factors...

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  • Why is TASK Quarterly a Significant Journal to Publish Your Article? —A Bibliometric Analysis of a Scientific and Technical Journal


    - TASK Quarterly - Year 2023

    A bibliometric analysis of TASK Quarterly in the years 1997-2021 in terms of various bibliometric indicators was performed to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the journal. The number of publications and citations increased over the mentioned span of years. The leading countries in terms of the greatest number of papers published in TASK Quarterly are Poland, Italy, Germany, Ukraine, USA and...

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    Współczesna architektura obiektów służby zdrowia podlega dynamicznym przeobrażeniom formalnym wynikającym zarówno z rozwoju technologii medycznych, zmian zachodzących w podejściu wobec pacjenta. Narastający w naukach medycznych kierunek holistyczny ustawia pacjenta jako użytkownika w trzech wymiarach: biologicznym, społecznym i psychologicznym. Stąd pojawiające się w procesie projektowym dotyczącym szpitali czy przychodni nowe...

  • Wsparcie rzeczywistości wirtualnej dla projektów realizowanych w ASP w Gdańsku / Virtual reality support for the projects carried out in the AFA in Gdańsk


    - Year 2019

    Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej (LZWP) jest unikatowym w skali kraju miejscem, gdzie w grupie kilku osób można wspólnie eksplorować świat iluzji. Na takie doświadczenie pozwalają znajdujące się tam jaskinie rzeczywistości wirtualnej (ang. Cave Automatic Virtual Environment, CAVE) umożliwiające uczestnikom eksperymentu wniknięcie w środowisko zarówno kreowane komputerowo, jak i stanowiące cyfrową kopię realnego...

  • Human awareness versus Autonomous Vehicles view: comparison of reaction times during emergencies


    - Year 2021

    Human safety is one of the most critical factors when a new technology is introduced to the everyday use. It was no different in the case of Autonomous Vehicles (AV), designed to replace generally available Conventional Vehicles (CV) in the future. AV rules, from the start, focus on guaranteeing safety for passengers and other road users, and these assumptions usually work during normal traffic conditions. However, there is still...

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  • Organisational methods in teaching ergonomics


    - Year 2003

    Civilisation generates many problems connected with job, which cannot be resolved by one field of science that deals with matters fragmentarily, only from its own point of view. Ergonomics, i.e. synthetic knowledge about job, can solve these problems by using the resources of many fields, e.g. physiology, psychology, technical science or economy. The achievements of these fields are used in ergonomics and thus problems connected...

  • Bounds on the cover time of parallel rotor walks



    The rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node successively propagates walkers visiting it along its outgoing arcs in round-robin fashion, according to a fixed ordering. We consider...

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  • Collision-free network exploration

    • J. Czyzowicz
    • D. Dereniowski
    • L. Gąsieniec
    • R. Klasing
    • A. Kosowski
    • D. Pająk


    Mobile agents start at different nodes of an n-node network. The agents synchronously move along the network edges in a collision-free way, i.e., in no round two agents may occupy the same node. An agent has no knowledge of the number and initial positions of other agents. We are looking for the shortest time required to reach a configuration in which each agent has visited all nodes and returned to its starting location. In...

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  • The complexity of minimum-length path decompositions



    We consider a bi-criteria generalization of the pathwidth problem, where, for given integers k, l and a graph G, we ask whether there exists a path decomposition P of G such that the width of P is at most k and the number of bags in P, i.e., the length of P, is at most l. We provide a complete complexity classification of the problem in terms of k and l for general graphs. Contrary to the original pathwidth problem, which is fixed-parameter...

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  • Searching by heterogeneous agents

    In this work we introduce and study a pursuit-evasion game in which the search is performed by heterogeneous entities. We incorporate heterogeneity into the classical edge search problem by considering edge-labeled graphs: once a search strategy initially assigns labels to the searchers, each searcher can be only present on an edge of its own label. We prove that this problem is not monotone even for trees and we give instances...

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  • Clearing directed subgraphs by mobile agents



    We study several problems of clearing subgraphs by mobile agents in digraphs. The agents can move only along directed walks of a digraph and, depending on the variant, their initial positions may be pre-specified. In general, for a given subset S of vertices of a digraph D and a positive integer k, the objective is to determine whether there is a subgraph H=(V,A) of D such that (a) S is a subset of V, (b) H is the union of k directed...

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  • Smart Knowledge Engineering for Cognitive Systems: A Brief Overview



    Cognition in computer sciences refers to the ability of a system to learn at scale, reason with purpose, and naturally interact with humans and other smart systems, such as humans do. To enhance intelligence, as well as to introduce cognitive functions into machines, recent studies have brought humans into the loop, turning the system into a human–AI hybrid. To effectively integrate and manipulate hybrid knowledge, suitable technologies...

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  • Modeling two phase flow in large scale fractured porous media with an extended multiple interacting continua method



    We present a two phase flow conceptual model, the corresponding simulator (2pMINC) and a workflow for large-scale fractured reservoirs, based on a continuum fracture approach which uses the multiple interacting continua (MINC) method complemented with an improved upscaling technique. The complex transient behavior of the flow processes in fractured porous media is captured by subgridding the coarse blocks in nested volume elements...

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  • Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS) - an international joint Master's double-degree program


    Dynamic development of the space sector of European, and especially of Polish and German economies results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. The increasing digitization, distribution and networking of technical systems leads to the necessity of a degree programme teaching “the systems view” and “interdisciplinarity” methods and skills. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the entire life cycle...

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  • Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Corneal Arcus Detection Towards Familial Hypercholesterolemia Screening


    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a highly undiagnosed disease. Among FH patients, the onset of premature coronary artery disease is 13 times higher than in the general population. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent cardiovascular diseases and their complications, and to prolong life. One of the clinical criteria of FH is the occurrence of a corneal arcus (CA) among patients, especially those under 45 years...

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