total: 259
Search results for: LEONARDO DA VINCI
An Efficient PEEC-Based Method for Full-Wave Analysis of Microstrip Structures
PublicationThis article introduces an efficient method for the equivalent circuit characterization and full-wave analysis of microstrip structures, leveraging the full-wave partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC). In particular, the multilayered Green's function is evaluated using the discrete complex-image method (DCIM) and employed to establish the mixed potential integral equations. The proposed strategy considers time delays for the...
Copper and copper-manganese 1D coordination polymers: Synthesis optimization, crystal structure and preliminary studies as catalysts for Baylis–Hillman reactions
PublicationThis work reports the influence of experimental parameters (pH and counter-ion) in the synthesis of the 1D coordination polymer [Cu(IDA)(H2O)2]n (IDA = iminodiacetate), named here Cu-IDA. Copper-manganese bimetallic coordination polymers were also obtained by isomorphic replacement into Cu-IDA structure, with different molar ratio of Cu2+ and Mn2+ ions, denoted here as Cu/Mn-IDA (0.9/0.1; 0.7/0.3 and 0.5/0.5). New coordination...
Experimenti de la Excelentissima Signora Caterina da Furlji. Katarzyna Sforza i jej sposoby na podkreślenie urody
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Influence of CeO2 and TiO2 Particles on Physicochemical Properties of Composite Nickel Coatings Electrodeposited at Ambient Temperature
PublicationThe Ni-TiO2 and Ni-CeO2 composite coatings with varying hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics were fabricated by the electrodeposition method from a tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature. To meet the requirements of tight regulation by the European Chemicals Agency classifying H3BO3 as a substance of very high concern, Rochelle salt was utilized as a buffer solution instead. The novelty of this study was to implement a...
Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura
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Enzo Di Natali, Bioetica e Magistero. Da Pio XII a Papa Francesco, Edizioni Medinova, Favara 2015, ss. 944
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Elastic scattering of electrons from chloroform
PublicationWe present experimental and theoretical cross sections for elastic electron scattering from CHCl3. This is an important target because of its relevance to environmental chemistry and the plasma etching industry as a source of chlorine radicals. The experimental results were obtained at incident electron energies ranging from 0.5 to 800 eV in the 10deg-130deg scattering angle range. Theoretically, the scattering cross sections in...
Revista da Abordagem Gestaltica
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Signum: Estudos da Linguagem
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Biblos-Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
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Value co‐creation (VCC) and value co‐destruction (VCD) via open government data (OGD): Empirical case of Tanzania
PublicationHaving emphasized upon the potential benefits of Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives via value derivation and innovation pursuits of the stakeholders, it falls in place to complement this line of OGD research in the specific case of Tanzania, a developing country, to support the inferences. Specifically, it is important to understand the manner in which OGD VCC-one of the hinges of OGD initiatives- and OGD VCD-a possible fall...
Study of the influence of high-energy milling time on the Cu–13Al–4Ni alloy manufactured by powder metallurgy process
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Novel luminescent calixarene-based lanthanide materials: From synthesis and characterization to the selective detection of Fe3+
PublicationCalix[n]arene-based coordination networks are an emerging class of materials with intriguing properties resulted from the presence of the cavity-like structure of the macrocycle and metallic nodes. In this work, four novel luminescent materials based on calix[4]arene-carboxylate and lanthanides (Eu3þ and Tb3þ) were prepared by two synthetic approaches, solvothermal (CDA-Eu-ST) and slow diffusion (CDA-Eu-RT, CDA-Tb-RT, CTA-Tb-complex)...
Hai la fanciulla grande? Tu non hai maggiore tesoro di quello a guardare”. I doveri della madre nelle omelie di Bernardino da Siena
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ECOS-Estudos Contemporaneos da Subjetividade
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Cadernos de Letras da UFF
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Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao
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Climatologia e Estudos da Paisagem
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Revista de Estudos da Linguagem
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Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao
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Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira
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Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
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A proposal for knowledge sharing in the e-Decisional community using Decisional DNA
PublicationZaproponowano model platformy wspomagającej wymianę wiedzy w społeczeństwie decyzyjnym opartym na decyzyjnym DNA.
Using human behavior to develop knowledge-based virtual organisations
PublicationPropozycja modelu opartego na zachowaniach ludzkich dla potrzeb budowy wirtuanych organizacji opartych na wiedzy.Virtual organizations promote dynamic interaction between individuals, groups, and organizations, who share their capabilities and resources to pursue a common goal and maximize their benefits. Among these resources, knowledge is a critical one that requires special attention in order to support problem-solving activities...
Quality assessment of experimental knowledge
PublicationPrzedstawiono model wieloagentowy oceny jakosci wiedzy zdobytej na podstawie doswiadczenia. Poddano analizie wyniki eksperymentow modelowych oraz sformulowano dalszy plan badan w tym zakresie.
Interspecific and intraspecific variation in organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls using non-destructive samples from Pygoscelis penguins
PublicationAs humans are present in Antarctica only for scientific and tourism-related purposes, it is often described as a pristine region. However, studies have identified measurable levels of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), such as organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), in the Antarctic region. These are highly toxic anthropogenic compounds with tendency to travel long distances and reach remote environments, where...
Revista da faculdade de letras da Universidade de Porto. Línguas e literaturas
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A proposal for a knowledge market based on quantity and quality of knowledge
PublicationThe paper proposes an autonomous market environment in which it is possible to trade knowledge based on its quantity and quality.
Advancing Knowledge Quality and Quantity in Knowledge Markets
PublicationZaproponowano modelowe podejscie do oceny jakosci i ilosci wiedzy na powstajacych rynkach wiedzy. Przedstawiony model oparty jest na systemach wieloagentowych.
Implementing knowledge-based virtual organisations for the e-Decisional community
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcyjne zasady funkcjonowania formy spolecznej zwanej e-Decisional Community oraz omowiono mozliwosci zastosowania w takiej formie zasad opartych na wiedzy organizacji wirtualnych.
Knowledge based virtual organisations for the e-decisional community
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono propozycje modelowania wirtualnych organiozacji opartych na wiedzy w zastosowaniu do budowy elektronicznej spolecznosci decyzyjnej.
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Redox property switching in MOFs with open metal sites for improved catalytic hydrogenation performance
PublicationIn this study, a decompression-thermalization strategy was utilized for a Cu-containing metal-organic framework (MOF) to tune its redox and catalytic hydrogenation properties. Remarkably, at just 120 °C, open metal sites (OMSs) were successfully constructed by removing coordinated solvent molecules to generate the daughter MOF-120. The tailored redox property of MOF-120 is correlated with the presence of OMSs. Compared with the...
Revista da universidade de Aveiro. Letras
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Contemporanea-Revista de Sociologia da UFSCar
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REVER-Revista de Estudos da Religiao
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Revista de Direito da Faculdade Guanambi
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Decisional DNA: the concept and its implementation platforms
PublicationOmowiono kopncepcje zarzadzania wiedza oparta na decyzyjnym DNA gdzie wiedza jest reprezentowana poprzez zbiory doswiadczen. Przedstawiono obecne oraz przyszle zastosowania omawianej koncepcji.
M-BDC (M = Co and/ or Fe) MOFs as effective catalysts for hydrogen generation via hydrolysis of sodium borohydride
PublicationMono- (Co-BDC, Fe-BDC) and bimetallic FeCo-BDC Metal-Organic Frameworks are successfully synthesized by the solvothermal method in DMF at 150 °C within 15 h and tested as catalysts for sodium borohydride hydrolysis. The materials are characterized by FTIR, PXRD, TGA, ICP-OES, H2-TPR, BET model, and SEM-EDS. The catalytic activity of these materials is studied for dehydrogenation of sodium borohydride in water at various temperatures...
An analytical approach to determine the health benefits and health risks of consuming berry juices
PublicationFood products composition analysis is a prerequisite for verification of product quality, fulfillment of regulatory enforcements, checking compliance with national and international food standards, contracting specifications, and nutrient labeling requirements and providing quality assurance for use of the product for the supplemen- tation of other foods. These aspects also apply to the berry fruit and berry juice. It also must...
Phenolic compounds from Nerium oleander leaves: microwave assisted extraction, characterization, antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities
PublicationA microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method was used for the extraction of phenolic compounds from Nerium oleander leaves. The influence of variables such as ethanol concentration, microwave power, irradiation time and liquid/solid ratio on polyphenol extraction was modelled using a second-order regression equation based on response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions for MAE were: extraction solvent 35% ethanol...
La vera vedova die vivare a Dio, e morire al mondo”. Le aspettative di Bernardino da Siena e Gilberto di Tournai riguardo al comportamento e ai doveri delle vedove,
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Towards a software platform for experience administration: Decisional DNA Manager
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcje dochodzenia do konstrukcji platformy wspomagajacej procesy zarzadzania dosswiadczeniem decyzyjnym.
Revista de História da Arte e Arqueologia
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Clareira-Revista de Filosofia da Regiao Amazonica
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Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra
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Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem-ReVEL
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REVELL-Revista de Estudos Literarios da UEMS
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Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciencia da Informacao
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Veredas-Revista da Associacao Internacional de Lusitanistas