Planetary roller extruders in the sustainable development of polymer blends and composites – Past, present and future
PublicationScrew extruders as continuous flow reactors allow the synthesis of new polymers, preparation of polymer blends and composites, and modification or functionalization of commercially available polymers. Literature data shows that the twin screw extrusion is the most popular solution used for this purpose. In contrast, the number of scientific papers on alternative methods, such as multi-screw extruders, is somewhat limited. This...
Chapter 9. Sustainable development and heterogeneous photocatalysis
PublicationTlenek tytanu(IV) jest efektywnym fotokatalizatorem w procesach usuwania zanieczyszczeń z fazy wodnej i gazowej, fotokonwersji CO2 oraz generowania H2. TiO2 wykazuje wysoką stabilność i reaktywność pod wpływem promieniowania UV, którego energia jest wyższa od szerokości pasma wzbronionego anatazu (3,3 eV). W artykule omówiono mechanizm reakcji w obecności TiO2, obecne oraz potencjalne możliwości zastosowania.
Planning documents and sustainable development of a commune in Poland
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Sustainable Development and Innovations- How They Work Together?
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The idea of sustainable development in the landscape contemporary cities
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Digital Innovations for Sustainable Development in the Time of Crisis
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Bio-inspired Urban Design: Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Frameworks for a New Urban Unit in Cracow
PublicationIn March 2012, architects João Diniz (Brazil) and Dorota Wiśniewska (Poland) answered a call to competition from the City of Cracow, submitting an entry for the redesign of 5600 ha of the Nowa Huta district in eastern Cracow, focusing on economic revitalization within a framework of smart growth and sustainable development. The scenario included an ArcerolMittal Steelworks and incorporated a strong ecological analysis for the easternmost...
Chemistry for Sustainable Development
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Energy for Sustainable Development
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Groundwater for Sustainable Development
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Agronomy for Sustainable Development
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Heritage and Sustainable Development
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Sustainable development requires risky decisions - problematic 300 ton overweight transport passing a bridge
PublicationOversize load passages over bridges are one of the research issues related to sustainable development that engineering and scientific teams around the world have to deal with . The article presents the scope of activities that enabled the passage of an oversized vehicle with a total weight of over 300 tons over a reinforced concrete slab. The bridge load capacity is 30 tons. In order to assess the capacity of the bridge, detailed...
The Potential of Religion in the Promotion and Implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development
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Sustainable Development in the European Union in the Years 2004–2013
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Machinery Life Cycle Efficiency Models for their Sustainable Development
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Rural Landscape Planning for Sustainable Development. The Case of Poland
PublicationThis text results from theoretical study on the possibilities of rural landscape renovation in Poland. The introduction marks new spatial phenomena and the scope of their influence. It indicates social and cultural reasons of the changes, and states the need of their renewed interpretation. The second part of the article contains a description of the degrading cultural landscape of the country and presents its features. It then...
Editorial: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 11: sustainable cities and communities. A sociological perspective
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Sustainable tourism as a factor in the development of protected areas in the Pomerania Euroregion
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Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Tourism in Selected Cities in Turkey and Poland
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Socio-Economic Transformations in Ukraine towards the Sustainable Development of Agriculture
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Sustainable Development of Socio-cultural Capital in the City Divided by Border
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Innovations in medical tourism against the paradigm of sustainable development background
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Contemporary multifunctional buildings towards a sustainable development of the housing environment
PublicationDevelopment of contemporary urban centers depends on the basis that buildings present more and more complex structures in terms of size and purpose. They are referred to as multifunctional buildings. This aspiration has its origins in the development of urban centers and in the desire to optimize the built-up areas. The article presents the theory of the approach to the design of multifunctional buildings with a focus on the residential...
Economic Crisis, Trust and Socio-Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development
PublicationW artykule podjęto tematykę relacji pomiędzy kryzysem ekonomicznym i kryzysem zaufania. Omówiono elementy kreujące i destruktywne w procesie budowy zaufania w gospodarce. Przedstawiono konsekwencje wynikające z zachowań uczestników procesów ekonomicznych oraz relacje zachodzące pomiędzy statusem materialnym inwestorów, a akceptowaniem przez nich wyższego poziomu ryzyka i spadkiem zaufania do systemu ekonomicznego. Wskazano istotność...
Axiological Dimension of Consumption in the Context of Sustainable Development and Environmental Ethics
PublicationPodjęta próba odpowidzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób krytyka konsumpcjonizmu i modelowanie wzorów eko-konsumpcji odwołują się do koncepcji zrownoważonego rozwoju i etyki środowiskowej.Przedstawiona argumentacja na rzecz tezy, że holistycznie ujęty zrownoważony rozwoj oraz wyzwania na rzecz cywilizacyjnej zmiany w kierunku paradygmatu ekologizmu mogą być zrealizowane poprzez przesunięcie ontologiczne...
Dominik Jasiński dr
PeopleDominik Jasiński is an alumni of International Engineering Doctorate programme completed in the UK at the Warwick Manufacturing Group, faculty of the University of Warwick. He received his Engineering Doctorate degree in 2019 in sustainable materials and sustainable manufacturing. His doctorate project was sponsored by EPSRC and Jaguar Land Rover and the aim of which was to investigate how large manufacturing organisation in the...
Problems of Sustainable Development
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Polish Journal for Sustainable Development
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European Journal of Sustainable Development
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Business Peace and Sustainable Development
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
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International Journal of Sustainable Development
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Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories
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Journal of Law and Sustainable Development
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Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
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Physical Activity of Male and Female University Students as a Manifestation of Sustainable Development
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Introducing the concept of sustainable development into analytical practice: green analytical chemistry
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono innowacyjne techniki analityczne spełniające wymogi zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekscie praktyki analitycznej. Przedstawiono bezrozpuszczalnikowe metody przygotowania próbek oraz przykłady calych procedur analitycznych spełniajacych warunek zielonej chemii analitycznej
How do Clusters Foster Sustainable Development? An Analysis of EU Policies
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The Use of Artificial Intelligence as a Tool Supporting Sustainable Development Local Policy
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Planning for sustainable development of energy infrastructure: fast – fast simulation tool
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Senior Housing Universal Design as a Development Factor of Sustainable-Oriented Economy
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The Sustainable Development and Economic Impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Ethiopia
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Discussion of ''General Educationfor Civil Engineers: Sustainable Development'' by William E. Kelly.
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Sustainable Knowledge Base Waterfront Development for Increasing Coastal City Competitiveness - WOTCOM
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepecję zrównoważonego i opartego na wiedzy rozwóju waterfrontów w kierunku zwiększenia konkurencyjności miast morskich - WOTKOM
Innovation in sustainable development: an investigation of the EU context using 2030 agenda indicators
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development during the Covid-19 pandemic
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Editorial: Towards 2030: sustainable development goal 1: no poverty. A sociological perspective
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Semi-industrial development of nutritious and healthy seafood dishes from sustainable species
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The Intellectual Capital and its Impact on the Sustainable Development of the SML-Sized Enterprises in Poland