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Search results for: mur oporowy
Generating sequences of Lefschetz numbers of iterates
PublicationDu, Huang and Li showed in 2003 that the class of Dold–Fermat sequences coincides with the class of Newton sequences, which are defined in terms of socalled generating sequences. The sequences of Lefschetz numbers of iterates form an important subclass of Dold–Fermat (thus also Newton) sequences. In this paper we characterize generating sequences of Lefschetz numbers of iterates.
Evaluation of mercury content in combustible tobacco products by employing cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy and considering the moisture content: a comprehensive study
PublicationPlants are mainly made up of water, which constitutes between 80 and 90% of their weight. Moisture factor comes across as one of the most important in tobacco products. Rapid determination of moisture content in tobacco products comes at neces- sity in any tobacco management plants (before and after production). Therefore, the concern has been raised in this study to evaluate the moisture content in four kinds of combustible tobacco...
Analytical chemistry in technical approaches: immobilization of biosorbent waste containing heavy metals in cemented materials
PublicationAn ecologically safe and economically justified method of stabilization of the used biosorbents was developed. Sorbent contaminated with heavy metals has been successfully solidified/stabilized using a hydraulic binder. The test results indicated that up to 1% of the biosorbent residue used could be added without compromising the compressive strength of the mortar. The compressive strength of the modified mortars did not change...
Kinematyka jako odpowiedź na współczesną potrzebę tworzenia przestrzeni = KINEMATICS AS AN ANSWER TO THE CURRENT NEED TO CREATE A RE-CONFIGURABLE SPACE
PublicationPrzestrzeń re-konfigurowalna pojawiły się w sztuce i architekturze już w pierwszej połowie XX wieku jako forma odpowiedzi na na pytania, które stawia przed nią świat. Nasze życie i potrzeby zmieniają się niesamowicie dynamicznie. Postfordowski model społeczeństwa sprzyja generowaniu zjawisk, których jeszcze rok temu nie brano pod uwagę. Stąd architektura próbuje stanowić odpowiedź na problemy jeszcze niezaistniałe. Jedną z jej...
ELANORE Improvement of the EU tyre labelling system for noise and rolling resistance
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Machine Design and Vehicles according to NOR/POLNOR/ELANORE/0001/2019-00 agreement from 2020-09-10
Elsa Estevez dr
PeopleElsa Estevez is the chair holder of the UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Societies and Digital Governance at Universidad Nacional del Sur, an Independent Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), and a Full Professor at the National University of La Plata, all in Argentina. She is also a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) on matters of digital government, particularly in...
Weronika Hewelt-Belka dr hab. inż.
PeopleI am specializing in analytical chemistry with a primary focus on lipidomics and metabolomics. My research centers on the development and application of cutting-edge analytical techniques, particularly high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS), to explore complex biological matrices and deepen our understanding of human metabolism and health. A significant part of my work is dedicated to studying...
Distillery Wastes as External Carbon Sources for Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zastosowaniem półproduktów oraz produktów odpadowych z gorzelni i destylarni, jako potencjalne źródło zewnętrznego węgla organicznego w celu poprawy denitryfikacji w systemach z biologicznym usuwaniem związków biogennych. W celu porównania efektywności trzech badanych substancji (oleje fuzlowe, odcieki i syrop) wykonano testy na szybkość redukcji azotanów (z ang. NUR) oraz szybkość zużycia...
Distillery Wastes as External Carbon Sources for Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zastosowaniem półproduktów oraz produktów odpadowych z gorzelni i destylarni, jako potencjalne źródło zewnętrznego węgla organicznego w celu poprawy denitryfikacji w systemach z biologicznym usuwaniem związków biogennych. W celu porównania efektywności trzech badanych substancji (oleje fuzlowe, odcieki i syrop) wykonano testy na szybkość redukcji azotanów (z ang. NUR) oraz szybkość zużycia...
PublicationProblematyka uciążliwości zapachowej, wywołanej emisjami substancji odorotwórczych z różnych źródeł, stanowi ważny problem społeczno – środowiskowy. Związki o charakterze odorowym są emitowane z wielu sektorów działalności człowieka, z zakładów oczyszczania ścieków i składowisk odpadów komunalnych. Związki te mogą być usuwane w procesach fizycznych, chemicznych i biologicznych. Ze względu na niskie koszty eksploatacyjne oraz...
Ways of Harmonising Polish Competition Law with the Competition Law of the EU
PublicationThis article discusses the harmonisation of laws within the EU focusing on the specific ways of achieving an approximation of the Polish legal system with European competition law. It identifies and gives an overview of three specific ways of harmonising national laws with EU antitrust provisions: (1) spontaneous (or bottom-up) harmonisation; (2) judicial harmonisation and; (3) legislative harmonisation by means of EU Directives....
Metoda TrustCritic oceny wiarygodności sklepów internetowych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę oceny wiarygodności sklepów internetowych TrustCritic. Powszechnie występujące nadużycia w handlu elektronicznym sprawiają, że zaufanie do przedsiębiorcy staje się kluczowym czynnikiem decyzji konsumentów. Przedsiębiorca narażony jest na niezgodność z prawem, utratę wizerunku i klientów. Artykuł omawia problematykę nadużyć w sferze e-biznesu oraz proponuje wielokryterialny model oceny sklepu internetowego,...
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters- Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters -Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 90 deg, j = 90 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 100 deg, j = 90 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters- Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – the inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Kompensacja skoków ciśnienia w pompie tłoczkowej o zmiennej wydajności z rozrządem krzywkowym
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozprawy doktorskiej jest opis matematyczny, badania i symulacja mechanizmu kompensacji skoków ciśnienia w pompie tłoczkowej z rozrządem krzywkowym typu PWK. W rozprawie przedstawiono istniejące rozwiązania konstrukcyjne pomp tłokowych, kładąc szczególny nacisk na przedstawienie stosowanych w nich mechanizmów rozrządu i kompensacji skoków ciśnienia. Ponadto szczegółowo opisano budowę i zasadę działania pompy PWK będącej...
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid (sphere) magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = -10 m, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid (sphere) magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = -20 m, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Open Research DataThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.