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Search results for: RINGED SEAL
Mercury concentrations in marine biota with special focus on grey and ringed seals
PublicationMarine organisms are exposed and sensitive to effects of environmental contamination by heavy metals including different forms of mercury. Baltic seals as the top predators of the marine ecosystem are even more endangered due to (considerable) longevity as well as a long biological half-time of toxin elimination. The concentrations of mercury in seals from the Baltic is poorly known, thus the aim of this work is to determine and...
Double-ridged horn antenna with sinusoidal ridge profile
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznej oraz pomiarów parametrów anteny tubowej z podwójnym grzbietem. Badania numeryczne dotyczyły zarówno samego układu zasilania falowodu grzbietowego jak i całej anteny z uwzględnieniem sinusoidalnego profilu impedancji grzbietu. Wyniki obliczeń dopasowania oraz charakterystyk promieniowania, wykonanych przy użyciu symulatora QW-3D, porównano z wynikami pomiarów, stwierdzając dobrą zgodność...
Ring thruster - a preliminary optimisation study of ferrofluid seal and propeller
PublicationThe article reports the course of preliminary examination of a ferrofluid seal applied in liquid environment.A newly built research rig is described, and results of pressure tests performed for different shaft rotationsare discussed. Other studies carried out in the past only referred to the gas environment, while the presentexamination aims at finding an answer to the question whether magnetic liquids can be successfully used...
Anisakids of seals found on the southern coast of Baltic Sea
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Investigations On Water Circulation in Animal Sea-Water Basins – On the Example of Seals′ Breeding Pools
PublicationThis paper presents general comments concerning investigations on water circulation in animal breeding pools containing sea water. As an example are given results of computer simulation of water circulation in seals’ breeding pools situated in Marine Station at Hel, belonging to Oceanographic Institute, Gdansk University. A mathematical model of three main pools was prepared with taking into account their inflow and outflow water...
Rotordynamic characteristics of a chamber seal
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal of a modernized type. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The experimental data were compared with theoretical results obtained by means of CFD Fluent Code....
Pipelined division of signed numbers with the use of residue arithmetic for small number range with the programmable gate array
PublicationIn this work an architecture of the pipelined signed residue divider for the small number range is presented. Its operation is based on reciprocal calculation and multiplication by the dividend. The divisor in the signed binary form is used to compute the approximated reciprocal in the residue form by the table look-up. In order to limit the look-up table address an algorithm based on segmentation of the divisor into two segments...
Pressure Pulsations in Turbine Blade Seal
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The performed experimental research proved that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of the nozzle trailing edge thickness as well as the influence of the rotor blades are observed. The exemplary results...
Flexible and Printed Electronics
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TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
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Pressure pulsations in turbine blade seal clearance
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type, while the numerical results were obtained by means of CFD Fluent Code. The performed experimental research and numerical calculations prove that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of...
Ridged horn antenna for ground penetrating radar
PublicationOmówiono modyfikację tuby grzbietowej polegającą na jej wypełnieniu dielektrykiem, w celu wykorzystania do układu pozwalającego na poszukiwanie obiektów znajdujących się pod ziemią. Omówiono badania, które doprowadziły do opracowania konstrukcji anteny z wypełnieniem dielektrycznym. Przedstawiono wyniki testu takiej anteny w układzie do detekcji obiektu metalowego umieszczonego pod ziemią.
Estimating operability of ships in ridged ice fields
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CFD analysis of fluid flow through the labyrinth seal
PublicationSteam and gas turbines are some of the fundamental means of power generation. The energy efficiency of the turbines, however, is not satisfactory. Ever since the start-up of the first turbine in the world, engineers have been striving for their increased efficiency. Multiple solutions to the problem of steam loss in an operating turbine are available. The use of seals is one of them. Empirical methods or numerical calculations...
Stal Metale & Nowe Technologie
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Kid car seat with innovative seat belts system
PublicationZaprezentowano fotelik samochodowy do przewozu dzieci. Omówiono proces projektowania, badania i wdrożenia do produkcji tego fotelika. Przedstawiono innowacyjny system pasów bezpieczństwa zastosowany w tym foteliku. Podano wyniki prób zderzeniowych, którym poddany był ten fotelik.
Real-time simulation in non real-time environment
PublicationSimulation in real-time is a very useful tool because of didactical and practical benefits. Very important benefit of real-time simulation is a fact that operator’s decision can be taken into account in the same time scale as the real system would work. This enables construction of simulators, and opportunity to test control algorithms in Hardware in The Loop scheme using target industrial equipment. Professional real-time environments...
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Characteristics of the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) diet in the Vistula River mouth (Mewia Łacha Nature Reserve, southern Baltic Sea), based on the osteological and molecular studies of scat samples
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Range Management and Agroforestry
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Real Estate Taxation
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Printed Circuit Design and Fab
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Tm3+ Doped Multi-Ring Profile Single-Mode Fiber Laser for Application in the Eye-Safe Spectral Range
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Relationships and bioaccumulation of chemical elements in the Baikal seal (Phoca sibirica)
PublicationOznaczono stężenia w próbkach wątroby foki bajkalskiej, planktonu i zoobentosu ryb stanowiących źródło pokarmu dla fok. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem technik ICP-MS oraz ICP-AES. Zbadano wpływ czynników wewnętrzynch i zewnętrznych (środowiskowych) na proces bioakumulacji z wykorzystaniem technik wielowymiarowych (ANOVA, analiza czynników) oraz analizy korelacyjnej. Stwierdzono istotny wpływ płci oraz wieku na proces akumulacji...
The real alternative? A comparison of German real estate returns with bonds and stocks
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Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results. Part II Results of life tests of multi-stage magnetic - fluid seal operating in water
PublicationThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research were described in previous article [24] and now the tests results are presented. The tests were made with three magnetic fluids using various magnets quantity in magnetic assemblies. If values obtained in the repeated test deviated by more than 10 % from results of the first test an additional control test was made for final characteristics. The characteristics are:...
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Insight into the microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete: Cast versus printed specimens
PublicationThis study presents the comparison of microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete (3DPC) depending on its production method (printing or casting). Printed samples with different numbers of layers, as well as a cast specimen with an identical mix composition, were produced and compared, with their microstructural pore and solid characteristics quantitatively and qualitatively investigated. For this purpose,...
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Life tests of a rotary single-stage magnetic-fluid seal for shipbuilding applications
PublicationUse of the magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much more difficult technological problem in comparisonto gas or vacuum environment. Some seals constructed up to time been are designed as hybrid, two stagesealing structures with shields or mechanical seals used as protection measures to the magnetic fluid seal.Anyway, there is always problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentalliquid. In the...
An innovative light child seat
PublicationPrzedstawiono rozwój konstrukcji i badania symulacyjne fotelika samochodowego do przewozu dziecka.
Diagnostic Model of Crankshaft Seals
PublicationT he paper presents a research stand being a diagnostic model of radial lip seals used, among others, on crankshafts of piston combustion engines in order to identify the correctness of their operation. The possibility of determining the technical condition of lip seals on the basis of the proposed coefficient of correctness of operation has been described. T he basic features of seals influencing their correctness of...
Centrifugal magnetic fluid seals
PublicationSeals perform an important and at times overlooked function in a lubricant system. They prevent or minimize the movement of the lubricant between two surfaces and also minimize the level of contamination in the system. Seals are divided into static and dynamic types. Static seals operate in systems where the mating surfaces do not move relative to each other. In contrast, dynamic seals operate under conditions where the mating surfaces...
Akustyka sal
PublicationKsiążka przeznaczona jest dla architektów i inżynierów budownictwa, projektujących pomieszczenia, zwłaszcza sale w obiektach użytku publicznego.
Journal of Corporate Real Estate
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International Real Estate Review
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Drugs - Real World Outcomes
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Journal of Real Estate Literature
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Journal of Sustainable Real Estate
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Three Seas Economic Journal
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Journal of Real Estate Research
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Dead Sea Discoveries