Search results for: geoengineering
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
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The use of the electromagnetic field in microbial process bioengineering
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Journal of GeoEngineering
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Artificial Intelligence and Reengineering Educational Content and Resources for Industrial Transformation in a Depressing Economy
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Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
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AIMS Bioengineering
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APL Bioengineering
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AGH Journal of Mining and Geoengineering
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Geomechanics and Geoengineering-An International Journal
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Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
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Journal of Biomedical and Bioengineering
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Biomaterials and Biomechanics in Bioengineering
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Bioengineering & Translational Medicine
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Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics
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The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology
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Geam-Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria-Geam-Geoengineering Environment and Mining
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IEEE Bioinformatics and Bioengineering
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Marcin Cudny dr hab. inż.
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PublicationThe physical modelling of subsoil behaviour and soil-structure interaction is essential for the proper design of offshore structures and port infrastructure. A brief introduction to such modelling of geoengineering problems is presented and some methods and experimental devices are described. The relationships between modelling scales are given. Some examples of penetration testing results in centrifuge and calibration chamber...
European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
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IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
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Artificial i business intelligence w zarządzaniu procesem logistycznym organizacji gospodarczej
PublicationW rozdziale zaprezentowano założenia reengineeringu procesu logistycznego zarządzania rezerwą awaryjną majątku sieciowego. Reengineering procesu polega na określeniu docelowej struktury organizacyjnej, zaprojektowaniu procedur organizacyjnych, określeniu optymalnych wielkości zapasów poszczególnych pozycji majątku sieciowego z uwzględnieniem ich przestrzennego rozmieszczenia na terytorium Spółki oraz zaprojektowaniu założeń systemu...
Rapid eradication of bacterial phytopathogens by atmospheric pressure glow discharge generated in contact with a flowing liquid cathode
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Numerical Analysis of Mice Carotid Arteries’ Response Emphasizing the Importance of Material Law Constants’ Validation
PublicationIn this paper, a detailed validation of the passive material properties of mice carotid arteries and constants of the Fung and Holzapfel hyperelastic material laws is conducted by means of static nonlinear FEM analyses. The response of the carotid arteries in an inflation test is studied here for the following mouse models: wild-type, mdx, sgcd−/−, Eln+/+, Eln+/−, Fbln5+/+, and Fbln5−/−. All FEM computations are conducted on models...
Mussel‐inspired biomaterials: From chemistry to clinic
PublicationAfter several billions of years, nature still makes decisions on its own to identify, develop, and direct the most effective material for phenomena/challenges faced. Likewise, and inspired by the nature, we learned how to take steps in developing new technologies and materials innovations. Wet and strong adhesion by Mytilidae mussels (among which Mytilus edulis—blue mussel and Mytilus californianus—California mussel are the most...
Method for assessing the dynamics and efficiency of diving fins
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The Biotic and Abiotic Carbon Monoxide Formation During Aerobic Co-digestion of Dairy Cattle Manure With Green Waste and Sawdust
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Estimation of hydromechanical parameters of limb lymphedematous tissue with the use of chamber tests
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Comparison of two polymers PDO and PLLA/PCL in application of urological stent for the treatment of male urethral stenosis.
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Influence of geometry and annealing temperature in argon atmosphere of TiO2 nanotubes on their electrochemical properties
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Application of Magnetically Assisted Reactors for Modulation of Growth and Pyocyanin Production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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Hip joint mobility in relation to measurement position, gender and limb dominance
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The influence of three different test positions and thigh asymmetry on measurements of isometric hip flexion strength in men and women
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Anticancer properties of bacterial cellulose membrane containing ethanolic extract of Epilobium angustifolium L
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Modelling and simulation of striated muscle and groups of muscles in arm-forearm system 2D
PublicationModel mięśnia szkieletowego poprzecznie prążkowanego został przedstawiony jako szeregowe połączenie aktywnych i pasywnych odcinków reologicznych. Zasymulowane zostały: skurcze pojedyncze, niecałkowity skurcz tężcowy, całkowity skurcz tężcowy. Model zespołu mięśni w układzie ramię-przedramię opisu-je zmianę kąta obrotu przedramienia względem nieruchomego ramienia. Pobudzając zginacze i prostowniki był zasymulowany obrót przedramienia.
Friction and flow around growing tissue in bioreactor. Proceedings of the Biomechanics 2003. Engineering Biomechanics - Biomechanics of Sport - Medical Biomechanics.
PublicationPrzedstawione zostały problemy teoretyczne związane z wyznaczaniem sił tarcia, współczynników tarcia, rozkładów wartości ciśnienia w warstwie przyściennej wytworzonej wokół hodowanej tkanki w bioreaktorze w trakcie opływu tej tkanki cieczami biologicznymi o właściwościach lepkosprężystych. Model Rivlina Ericksena lepkosprężystej cieczy biologicznej jest tu brany pod uwagę.
Estimation of flow for tissue perfusion of nutrient liquids in bioreactor.
PublicationPrzedstawione zostały problemy związane z wyznaczaniem pola prędkości w warstwie przyściennej opływanej tkanki miękkiej w bioreaktorze. Warunki brzegowe na powierzchni miękkiej tkanki o właściwościach porowatych zostały w niniejszej pracy sformułowane.
Dynamic characteristics of interaperitoneal perfusion.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych perfuzyjnego przepływu przez model jamy brzusznej człowieka. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na techniczne aspekty modelu oraz wyników badań. Omówiono technikę pomiarową oraz przeanalizowano rezultaty pod kątem teorii przepływów przez zbiorniki i reaktory.
Compressive and tensile properties of polyurethane foam mimicking trabecular tissue in artificial femoral head bones
PublicationThe presented study aimed to examine the compressive and tensile behavior of the polyurethane foams mimicking trabecular tissue in the artificial human femurs and assess their potential to replicate osteoporotic type of human bone tissue. Two types of Synbone femur models: one of the normal density (model 2350) and one of the lower density (model LD2350), and three types of Sawbones femur models (model 1130-21-8, 1130-21-3, 1130-192)...
Tensile and flexural moduli for human orbital wall bones – comparative study
PublicationThe main aims of the current research were: (1) to analyze in detail the tensile modulus and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of orbital wall bones separately for the left and right orbit of the same cadaver and (2) to compare the obtained results with a flexural modulus of the left and right orbit reported earlier by A. C. van Leeuwen et al. [14]. A set of 54 specimens of orbital superior and/or medial walls harvested from 16 human...
Electrically Conductive Carbon‐based (Bio)‐nanomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
PublicationA proper self-regenerating capability is lacking in human cardiac tissue which along with the alarming rate of deaths associated with cardiovascular disorders makes tissue engineering critical. Novel approaches are now being investigated in order to speedily overcome the challenges in this path. Tissue engineering has been revolutionized by the advent of nanomaterials, and later by the application of carbon-based nanomaterials...
Application of muscle model to the musculoskeletal modeling
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to investigate new fusiform muscle models. Each of these models treats a muscle as a system composedof parts characterized by different mechanical properties. These models explain the influence of differences in the stiffness of lateral parts and the degree of muscle model discretization. Each muscle model is described by a system of differential equations and a single integro-differential equation....
Analysis of muscles behaviour. Part II. The computational model of muscles group acting on the elbow joint
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to present the computational model of muscles' group describing the movements of flexion/extension at the elbow joint in the sagittal plane of the body when the forearm is being kept in the fixed state of supination/pronation. The method ofevaluating the muscle forces is discussed in detail. This method is the basis for the quantitative and qualitative verification of the proposed computational model...
Mechanical behaviour of the implant used in human hernia repair under physiological loads
PublicationIn laparoscopic operations of abdominal hernias some recurrences still take place, even when applying a surgical mesh. This is usually caused by a failure of the connection between the tissue and the implant. The study deals with the influence of an implant’s orientation on forces in joints, which connect the mesh to human tissues. In the paper, the implant is modelled as a membrane structure within framework of the Finite Element...
Analysis of muscles behaviour : The computational model of muscle. -Part I
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano model obliczeniowy mięśnia szkieletowego, który potraktowano jako strukturę o złożonych i zróżnicowanych właściwościach mechanicznych. Szczegółowo opisano metodę identyfikacji tych właściwości. Ponadto określono sposób przeprowadzenia weryfikacji ilościowej i jakościowej zaproponowanego modelu. Za pomocą takiego obliczeniowego modelu mięśnia można łatwo określać siły w mięśniach, które należą do zespołu...
Mechanical behaviour of knit synthetic mesh used in hernia surgery
PublicationPurpose: There is a discussion in literature concerning mechanical properties and modelling of surgical meshes. An important feature of elastic modulus dependency on load history is taken into account in this paper, as implants are subjected to variable loading during human activity. The example of DynaMesh®-IPOM surgical implant is studied. Methods: The analysis is based on failure tension tests and cyclic loading and unloading...
Deposition of phosphate coatings on titanium within scaffold structure
PublicationPurpose: Existing knowledge about the appearance, thickness, and chemical composition of phosphate coatings on titanium inside porous structures is insufficient. Such knowledge is important for the design and fabrication of porous implants. Methods: Metallic scaffolds were fabricated by selective laser melting of 316L stainless steel powder. Phosphate coatings were deposited on Ti sensors placed either outside the scaffolds or...