dr hab. inż. Dariusz Gąsiorowski
- Profesor uczelni w Katedra Geotechniki i Inżynierii Wodnej
wszystkich: 31
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2022
Impact of the Finite Element Mesh Structure on the Solution Accuracy of a Two-Dimensional Kinematic Wave Equation
PublikacjaThe paper presents the influence of the finite element mesh structure on the accuracy of the numerical solution of a two-dimensional linear kinematic wave equation. This equation was solved using a two-level scheme for time integration and a modified finite element method with triangular elements for space discretization. The accuracy analysis of the applied scheme was performed using a modified equation method for three different...
Inverse Flood Routing Using Simplified Flow Equations
PublikacjaThe paper considers the problem of inverse flood routing in reservoir operation strategy. The aim of the work is to investigate the possibility of determining the hydrograph at the upstream end based on the hydrograph required at the downstream end using simplified open channel flow models. To accomplish this, the linear kinematic wave equation, the diffusive wave equation and the linear Muskingum equation are considered. To achieve...
Rok 2021
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the numerical solution of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) advection-diffusion equations. For the numerical solution of the 1D advection-diffusion equation a method, originally proposed for solution of the 1D pure advection equation, has been developed. A modified equation analysis carried out for the proposed method allowed increasing of the resulting solution accuracy and consequently, to reduce...
Ice Load Characteristics on Floating Photovoltaic Platform
PublikacjaNowadays, based upon human needs and preferring perpetual types of energy, photovoltaic system (PV) is a suitable alternative and more frequently used in northern countries, which are recently more attracted by solar power. The new floating type of the structure is installed in the water bodies instead of land. One of the main elements in floating photovoltaic structures is the forces imposed on the panels. In the northern regions,...
Rok 2020
Identification of Parameters Influencing the Accuracy of the Solution of the Nonlinear Muskingum Equation
PublikacjaTwo nonlinear versions of the Muskingum equation are considered. The difference between both equations relates to the exponent parameter. In the first version, commonly used in hydrology, this parameter is considered as free, while in the second version, it takes a value resulting from the kinematic wave theory. Consequently, the first version of the equation is dimensionally inconsistent, whereas the proposed second one is consistent. It...
Numerical Solution of the Two-Dimensional Richards Equation Using Alternate Splitting Methods for Dimensional Decomposition
PublikacjaResearch on seepage flow in the vadose zone has largely been driven by engineering and environmental problems affecting many fields of geotechnics, hydrology, and agricultural science. Mathematical modeling of the subsurface flow under unsaturated conditions is an essential part of water resource management and planning. In order to determine such subsurface flow, the two-dimensional (2D) Richards equation can be used. However,...
Rok 2019
Computationally Effcient Solution of a 2D Diffusive Wave Equation Used for Flood Inundation Problems
PublikacjaThis paper presents a study dealing with increasing the computational efficiency in modeling floodplain inundation using a two-dimensional diffusive wave equation. To this end, the domain decomposition technique was used. The resulting one-dimensional diffusion equations were approximated in space with the modified finite element scheme, whereas time integration was carried out using the implicit two-level scheme. The proposed...
PublikacjaThe article presents an algorithm for calculating the distribution of flow in a junction of open channel network under steady flow conditions. The article presents a simplified calculation algorithm used to estimate the distribution of flow in a network of channels under steady flow conditions. The presented algorithm is based on the continuity equation and a simplified energy equation. To describe the relationship between the...
Rok 2018
Dimensionally Consistent Nonlinear Muskingum Equation
PublikacjaAlthough the Muskingum equation was proposed nearly 75 years ago, it is still a subject of active research. Despite of its simple form, the real properties of this equation have not been comprehensively explained. This paper proposes a new interpretation of the linear McCarthy’s relation. This relation can be interpreted only together with the storage equation, whereas the Muskingum equation can be derived directly from the system...
Hydraulic potential of the Lower Vistula (Poland)
PublikacjaThe Vistula is the largest river in Poland. Lower Vistula (part of the river discussed in this paper) is almost four hundred kilometers long river section extending from the tributary Narew to the outflow to the Baltic Sea. In the 17th century the Vistula was the most navigable river in Europe. After partitioning of Poland the Vistula lost its significance. Now the Lower Vistula should provide a navigation connection to the Europe...
Numerical Analysis of Steady Gradually Varied Flow in Open Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures
PublikacjaIn this paper, a method for numerical analysis of steady gradually varied fl ow in channel networks with hydraulic structures is considered. For this purpose, a boundary problem for the system of ordinary differential equations consisting of energy equation and mass conservation equations is formulated. The boundary problem is solved using fi nite difference technique which leads to the system of non-linear algebraic equations....
Rok 2016
Coupled Urban Areas Inundation Model with Interaction Between Storm Water System and Surface Flow - Case Study of Sea Level Impact on Seaside Areas Flooding
PublikacjaInundations are becoming more frequent than ever. What is connected with increasing area of impervious surface in cities. This makes predicting urban flooding and its scale especially important. At the seaside we observe additional conditions such as sea level that makes accurate numerical modelling of issue even harder. With complex approach to the matter which is simultaneous calculation of storm water conduit flow and overland...
PublikacjaZjawisko propagacji fali powodziowej na terenie zalewowym można modelować za pomocą równań płytkiej wody. W związku z tym, że w fazie początkowej napływu wód teren zalewowy nie jest pokryty wodą, równania płytkiej wody muszą być rozwiązywane w obszarze o zmiennej w czasie geometrii. W konsekwencji obszar ten jest ograniczony przez linię czoła propagującej fali, która oddziela teren suchy od zajętego przez wodę. W takiej sytuacji...
Rok 2015
Discussion of “Development of an Accurate Time integration Technique for the Assessment of Q-Based versus h-Based Formulations of the Diffusion Wave Equation for Flow Routing” by K. Hasanvand, M.R. Hashemi and M.J. Abedini
PublikacjaThe discusser read the original with great interest. It seems, however, that some aspects of the original paper need additional comments. The authors of the original paper discuss the accuracy of a numerical solution of the diffusion wave equation formulated with respect to different state variables. The analysis focuses on nonlinear equations in the form of a single transport equation with the discharge Q (volumetric flow rate)...
Hydropower potential of the lower Vistula
PublikacjaThis paper presents an estimate analysis of the hydropower potential of the lower Vistula River from Warsaw to Gdańsk Bay. The calculations were made for a hydraulic model of the lower Vistula which takes into account potential development of barrages in a cascade system. Results obtained from the model simulations and from hydrological calculations were used to estimate the power of hydropower plants and the average annual energy...
One-Dimensional Modeling of Flows in Open Channels
PublikacjaIn this chapter, modeling of the unsteady open channel flow using one-dimensional approach is considered. As this question belongs to the well-known and standard problems of open channel hydraulic engineering, comprehensively presented and described in many books and publications, our attention is focused on some selected aspects only. As far as the numerical solution of the governing equations is considered, one can find out that...
Rok 2014
Analiza hydraulicznych skutków kaskadyzacji dolnej Wisły
PublikacjaWstępna ocena wpływu potencjalnej budowy kaskady stopni piętrzących na dolnej Wiśle na warunki przepływu. Numeryczny model hydrauliczny rzeki z uwzględnieniem koncepcji kaskadyzacji dolnej Wisły (KDW). Przedstawienie i interpretacja wstępnych wyników obliczeń hydraulicznych w aspekcie wpływu KDW na bezpieczeństwo publiczne w zakresie ochrony przeciwpowodziowej, a także w odniesieniu do kwestii utworzenia drogi wodnej klasy międzynarodowej...
Hydrodynamiczny model dolnej Wisły z uwzględnieniem koncepcji kaskady stopni piętrzących
PublikacjaPraca została wykonana w ramach usług doradztwa świadczonych przez Politechnikę Gdańską na rzecz ENERGA SA. Jej celem było określenie, na podstawie obliczeń i symulacji numerycznych, hydraulicznych skutków potencjalnej budowy kaskady stopni piętrzących na dolnej Wiśle, to jest na odcinku rzeki od ujścia Narwi do morza. Przedmiotem zlecenia było wykonanie numerycznego modelu hydraulicznego Doliny Dolnej Wisły z uwzględnieniem koncepcji...
Impact of diffusion coefficient averaging on solution accuracy of the 2D nonlinear diffusive wave equation for floodplain inundation
PublikacjaIn the study, the averaging technique of diffusion coefficients in the two-dimensional nonlinear diffusive wave equation applied to the floodplain inundation is presented. As a method of solution, the splitting technique and the modified finite element method with linear shape functions are used. On the stage of spatial integration, it is often assumed that diffusion coefficient is constant over element and equal to its average...
Modelling of FloodWave Propagation with Wet-dry Front by One-dimensional Diffusive Wave Equation
PublikacjaA full dynamic model in the form of the shallow water equations (SWE) is often useful for reproducing the unsteady flow in open channels, as well as over a floodplain. However, most of the numerical algorithms applied to the solution of the SWE fail when flood wave propagation over an initially dry area is simulated. The main problems are related to the very small or negative values of water depths occurring in the vicinity of...
Rok 2013
Analysis of Floodplain Inundation Using 2D Nonlinear Diffusive Wave Equation Solved with Splitting Technique
PublikacjaIn the paper a solution of two-dimensional (2D) nonlinear diffusive wave equation in a partially dry and wet domain is considered. The splitting technique which allows to reduce 2D problem into the sequence of one-dimensional (1D) problems is applied. The obtained 1D equations with regard to x and y are spatially discretized using the modified finite element method with the linear shape functions. The applied modification referring...
Balance errors generated by numerical diffusion in the solution of non-linear open channel flow equations
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the untypical aspect of application of the dissipative numerical methods to solve nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations used in open channel hydraulics. It is shown that in some cases the numerical diffusion generated by the applied method of solution produces not only inaccurate solution but as well as a balance error. This error may occur even for an equation written in the conservative form not...
Ekspertyza techniczna dotycząca wpływu przepustu na warunki przepływu wody rowem R-1 na działce nr 462 i budynek mieszkalny na działce nr 461 przy ul. Złoczewskiej w miejscowości Lututów
PublikacjaW pracy określono wpływ przepływu wody w przepuście na sytuację hydrologiczną w rowie R-1 i terenach do niego przylegających, zlokalizowanym w miejscowości Lututów, powiat wieruszowski, woj. łódzkie. Określono również wpływ płynącej wody rowem R-1 na budynek mieszkalny zlokalizowany na działce o nr 461 oraz dokonano identyfikacji niezbędnych prac w obrębie rowu R-1 oraz w rejonie budynku przylegającego do rowu R-1 zlokazlizowanego...
Impact of maintenance of floodplains of the Vistula River on high water levels on the section from Włocławek to Toruń
PublikacjaThis article describes the methodology of hydraulic calculations to estimate the water levels in open channels for steady gradually varied flow. The presented method has been used to analyse the water level on the Vistula River from Włocławek cross-section to Toruń cross-section. The HEC-RAS modelling system has been used for parameterization of the river channel and floodplains, as well as for flow simulation. The results obtained...
Rok 2012
Simulation of unsteady flow over floodplain using the diffusive wave equation and the modified finite element method
PublikacjaWe consider solution of 2D nonlinear diffusive wave equation in a domain temporarily covered by a layer of water. A modified finite element method with triangular elements and linear shape functions is used for spatial discretization. The proposed modification refers to the procedure of spatial integration and leads to a more general algorithm involving a weighting parameter. The standard finite element method and the finite difference...
Rok 2011
Solution of the dike-break problem using finite volume method and splitting technique
PublikacjaIn the paper the finite volume method (FVM) is presented for the solution of two-dimensional shallow water equations. These equations are frequently used to simulate the dam-break and dike-break induced flows. The applied numerical algorithm of FVM is based on the wave-propagation algorithm which ensures a stable solution and simultaneously minimizes the numerical errors. The dimensional decomposition according to the coordinate...
Rok 2009
Balance error generated by numerical diffusion in the solution of Muskingum equation
PublikacjaIn the paper the conservative properties of the lumped hydrological models with variable parameters are discussed. It is shown that in the case of the non-linear Muskingum equation the mass balance is not satisfied. The study indicates that the mass balance errors are caused by the improper form of equation and by the numerical diffusion which is generated in the solution. It has been shown that the classical way of derivation...
Flood Routing by the Non-Linear Muskingum Model: Conservation of Mass and Momentum
PublikacjaIn this paper, the conservative properties of the Muskingum equation, commonly applied to solve river flood routing, are analysed. The aim of this analysis is to explain the causes ofthe mass balance error, which is observed in the numerical solutions of its non-linear form. The linear Muskingum model has been considered as a semi-discrete form of the kinematic wave equation and therefore it was possible to derive its two non-linear...
Rok 2007
Balance errors in numerical solutions of shallow water equations
PublikacjaThe analysis of the conservative properties of the shallow water equations is presented in the paper. The work focuses on the consistency of numerical solution of these equations with the conservation laws of mass and momentum. The investigations involve two different conservative forms which are solved by an implicit box scheme. The theoretical analysis supported by numerical experiments is carried out for rectangular channel...
Mass and momentum conservation in the simplified flood routing models
PublikacjaW pracy wykazano, że uproszczone modele fal wezbraniowych w postaci fali kinematycznej reprezentują w przypadku liniowych zarówno zasadę zachowania masy jaki i pędu, natomiast w przypadku nieliniowym, reprezentują albo zasadę zachowania masy albo pędu, zależnie od postaci zachowawczej równania. Ponadto wykazano, iż nieliniowa fala dyfuzyjna nie spełnia ani całkowowej zasady zachowania masy ani pędu.
Własności zachowawcze uproszczonych nieliniowych modeli transformacji fali wezbraniowej w kanałach otwartych
Publikacjaw pracy dokonano analizy właściwości zachowawczych nieliniowych uproszczonych modeli propagacji fal wezbraniowych takich jak model fali kinematycznej, dyfuzyjnej oraz modelu muskingum. wykazano zasadniczy wpływ postaci równania adwekcji i adwekcji- dyfuzji na spełnienie całkowych zasad zachowania masy i pędu.
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