Katalog Kursów Online
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wszystkich: 1651
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Katalog Kursów Online
WA- A - Matematyka po I sem. 2016/17 (K.Kujawska)
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WA -A-Matematyka II 2021/22 (K.Kujawska)
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WA -A-Matematyka II 2022/23 (K.Kujawska)
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WA- GP - Matematyka po I sem. 2016/17 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A gr.powt.-Matematyka I-2024/25 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A-Matematyka I-2022/23 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A-Matematyka I-2023/24 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A-Matematyka I-2024/25 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A-Matematyka II 2019/2020 (K.Kujawska) KOPIA
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WA-GP-Matematyka I-2021/22 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka I-2022/23 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka I-2023/24 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka I-2024/25 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka II-2021/22 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka II-2022/23 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka II-2023/24 (K.Kujawska)
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Warstwy Sieci Neuronowych w Tensorflow
Kursy OnlinePrzedmiot prowadzony na studiach podyplomowych "Sztuczna inteligencja i automatyzacja procesów biznesowych w ujęciu technicznym" prowadzonych na wydziale ZIE.
Warsztaty Nanoskopia
Kursy OnlineWarsztaty Nanoskopia, zajęcia dla Słuchaczy Studium Doktoranckiego, realizowany w ramach programu "Kapitał Ludzki, Narodowa Strategia Spójności"
Warsztaty SKN CHIP
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Kursy Online -
Kursy OnlineSpecjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne
Kursy OnlineSpecjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne
Kursy OnlineSpecjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne
Waste Management 2024/2025
Kursy OnlineSpecjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne
Waste managment and waste disposal - summer 2022
Kursy OnlineCelem przedmiotu jest przedstawienie różnych aspektów i informacji dotyczących odpadów, takich jak polityka gospodarki odpadami, rodzaje odpadów, ich zbiórka, segregacja i metody utylizacji. Kurs na platformie wykorzystany zostanie do prowadzenia zajęć wykładowych oraz seminarium.
Waste managment and waste disposal 22/23
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Wastewater and water quality control 2022/23
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Wastewater and water quality control 2023/24
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Wastewater Engineering 2020/21 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment. Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox). Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2021/22 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2022/23 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2023/24 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr)
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2024/25 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr)
Kursy OnlineWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to learn the characteristics of different types of wastewater depending on their origin (industrial sector) as well as introduce the commonly used technologies for removing pollutants from wastewater and get to know an alternative methods. Another goal is to understand the problems of management of sewage sludge generated in municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial plants.
Water and Wind Power Stations, PG_00042089, W/S, Energy Technologies, sem. 6, letni, 2022/2023
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Water and Wind Power Stations, PG_00042089, W/S, Energy Technologies, sem. 6, letni, 2023/2024
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Water and Wind power stations, W/S, Energetyka sem. 6, letni, PG_00042089
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Water Resources Management - Winter Semester 2021-2022
Kursy OnlineWater Resources Management as defined for purpose of this course includes both water use and water excess management. The fundamental water resources engineering processes are the hydrologic processes and the hydraulic processes. The common threads that relate to the explanation of these processes are the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The hydrologic processes include rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, rainfall-runoff and routing,...
Water Resources Management 2022/2023
Kursy OnlineWater Resources Management as defined for purpose of this course includes both water use and water excess management. The fundamental water resources engineering processes are the hydrologic processes and the hydraulic processes. The common threads that relate to the explanation of these processes are the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The hydrologic processes include rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, rainfall-runoff and routing,...
Water Resources Management 2023
Kursy Online -
Kursy OnlineWater Resources Management as defined for purpose of this course includes both water use and water excess management. The fundamental water resources engineering processes are the hydrologic processes and the hydraulic processes. The common threads that relate to the explanation of these processes are the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The hydrologic processes include rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, rainfall-runoff and routing,...
Water Reuse
Kursy Onlinew ramach tego kursu przekazywane są informacje związane z projektem prowadzonym przez Alinę Wargin. Kierownikiem przedmiotu jest prof. Krzysztof Czerwionka. This course provides information related to the project led by Alina Wargin. The head of the subject is prof. Krzysztof Czerwionka.
Water Reuse - project 2022/2023
Kursy Onlinew ramach tego kursu przekazywane są informacje związane z projektem prowadzonym przez Alinę Wargin. Kierownikiem przedmiotu jest prof. Krzysztof Czerwionka. This course provides information related to the project led by Alina Wargin. The head of the subject is prof. Krzysztof Czerwionka.
Water Reuse - project 2023/2024
Kursy Onlinew ramach tego kursu przekazywane są informacje związane z projektem prowadzonym przez Alinę Wargin. Kierownikiem przedmiotu jest prof. Krzysztof Czerwionka. This course provides information related to the project led by Alina Wargin. The head of the subject is prof. Krzysztof Czerwionka.
Water Reuse_2022
Kursy OnlineLectures on the subject of Water Reuse
Water Reuse_2023
Kursy OnlineLectures on the subject of Water Reuse
Water Reuse_2024
Kursy OnlineLectures on the subject of Water Reuse
Kursy OnlineThe course on Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and technologies involved in managing water resources effectively. It covers both the supply side, focusing on the provision of clean and safe drinking water, and the disposal side, addressing the treatment and management of wastewater to minimize environmental impact. Key Topics Covered: 1. Introduction to...
Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal - Nowy - Nowy
Kursy OnlineKurs jest przeznaczony dla studentów 1 semestru studiów II stopnia stacjonarnych w języku angielskim - specjalność Environmental Engineering. Kurs ma na celu zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami dotyczącymi zasobów wodnych, ujęć i uzdatniania wody, odbioru, transportu i zagospodarowania ścieków i wód opadowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rozwiązań zdecentralizowanych (m.in. retencja i rozsączanie wód opadowych, rozwiązania kanalizacji...
Water Treatment 2022/2023
Kursy Online